A Christmas Series: The Gift of Encouragement

Welcome to our second week on gifts. For this series, I imagined someone asked me to make a list of the top presents money cannot buy, but that I enjoy receiving from others. These gifts are intangible, yet they often gift us with the most important parts of life. Such as the gift of forgiveness we discussed last week. We continue with another valuable gift to both receive and give, encouragement.
Google defines it as, “the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.” And dictionary.com explains it as “to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence.”
So on the flip side, discouragement means “a loss of confidence or enthusiasm; dispiritedness” (Google).
Recently, this hit close to home. Discouragement knocked on my heart’s door and attempted to enter as a house guest through unkind words.
Encouragement to the rescue! My sweet husband spoke encouraging words, cheering me on with the truth and lifting my spirits. Then my stepfather came to town relaying words of life and hope, redirecting my heart and kicking discouragement to the curb.
Encouragement gifts us with the support, inspiration, confidence, hope, and courage we need. And when we need it the most.
Encouragement gifts us with the support, inspiration, confidence, hope, and courage we need. And when we need it the most. #giftidea #encourage Share on XPowerful Quotes on Encouragement
Look at how this gift really makes a difference in our lives.
~ When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you’re making a commitment and difference in that person’s life. Encouragement really does make a difference. —Zig Ziglar
~ A word of encouragement from a teacher to a child can change a life. A word of encouragement from a spouse can save a marriage. And a word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach her potential. —John C. Maxwell
~ If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. And everyone who receives it – young or old, successful or less-than-successful, unknown or famous – is changed by it. —John C. Maxwell
Hooray! for Encouragement

Maybe the gift comes to us in the form of encouraging words:
- I believe in you.
- I’m so proud of you.
- I’m cheering you on!
- Don’t lose heart.
- You have my support.
- You’re the best.
- Never give up!
Perhaps it’s actions to encourage us:
- A friend meets us for coffee/tea during a discouraging time.
- We receive a text with encouraging Scripture.
- Someone is there for us during an illness or tragedy or hardship.
- An email brightens our day.
- A card or letter in the mail lifts our spirits.
- A family member listens to what we have to say—present in the present.
The Bible On Encouragement
Now let’s cover some ways the Bible instructs us to encourage each other as believers.
(1.) Encouraged in our faith. “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” Romans 1:11-12.
The Apostle Paul shows us the importance of gathering with other Christians and doing life together. Why? Because our spiritual gifts not only strengthens others, but we “mutually” encourage each other’s faith (support, confidence, and hope).
Encourage each other in the faith. 'I long to see you…to impart some spiritual gift to strengthen you…that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.' Romans 1:11-12. #giftidea #encourage Share on X(2.) Encouraged in building each other up. “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” 1 Thessalonians 5:11.
In context, this passage describes the day of the Lord (His return). “Therefore” to encourage our brothers and sisters to live in Christ because of the hope we have in our salvation (verses 8-10). Again, we give support, confidence, and hope.
God's family, let's build each other up and encourage one another to live in Christ with the hope we have in our salvation as we wait on the Lord's return. 1 Thess. 5 #giftidea #encourage Share on X(3.) Encouraged in our hearts. Paul writes about his desire to see believers face to face “that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” Colossians 2:2-3.
Through love and full assurance of our spiritual riches and treasures in Christ, our hearts are encouraged (support, confidence, and hope).
The Gift of Encouragement
When we reflect on all we know about encouragement, we conclude it’s a great gift to receive and give. While it may not be under our tree, we choose to wrap it in love and humbly offer it this Christmas and year-round.
What encourages you? Or, how do you encourage others?

*All Scripture ESV.
*Do you need a speaker for an event in 2020? More info on my speaking ministry here.
*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Kingdom Bloggers/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Abounding Grace/Welcome Heart/Recharge Wednesday/Porch Stories/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Sitting Among Friends/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Fresh Market Friday/Faith On Fire/Dance With Jesus and Faith and Friends.
© 2019 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

My top Spiritual gift is encouragement. But interestingly, I have a hard time receiving it. Yet, I know how important it is. My husband encourages me all the time and before I can say anything, he says, “Just say thank you!”
Barb, like that it’s already in your wheelhouse. But, yes, you need to learn how to receive it since it’s biblical. Listen to your husband. 🙂
I love that quote from Zig Ziglar! It is so true that you receive such encouragement and joy when you are giving and serving someone else, even if just through your words. That was a great reminder today!
Emily, it is such a great quote. Encouragement changes us, the other person, and makes a difference all the way around!
Encouragement is a gift to someone else and a gift for yourself as well. laurensparks.net
Sure is, Lauren! Encouragement gifts us with the support, inspiration, confidence, hope, and courage we need. And when we need it the most.
Thanks for the reminder, Karen. May you be encouraged in all God has given you to do!
Appreciate your encouraging comment, Mary. Thanks so much!
Have long believed “You get what you give”, and I’ve never seen a better example of that then this year. As I began reaching out through social media, writer’s conferences, etc., God has brought so many inspiring, kind, helpful, and encouraging new friends into my life. Know that you are very much a part of that Ms. Karen. The most wonderful thing about all my new writing friends is that we are so different from the rest of the world. We put our faith first, which means we remember and act as the body of Christ is supposed to. Yes, we may compete for the same audience to purchase our books, but whenever one of us needs support, guidance, or encouragement, we each (to the person) offer whatever we can to help the other. I think the greatest blessing I’ve received this year has been the prayers of so many. Among the greatest gifts I’ve received is the encouragement of others. I pray each day I am able to somehow repay that blessing by helping someone else shoulder their burden, find their way, and reach their goal. God’s blessings; and Merry CHRISTmas Ms. Karen and family.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, J.D. I agree, there’s so many other writers and believers in my circles where we mutually encourage each other in our callings and in our faith…including you! Love your prayer and hope it becomes mine, “I pray each day I am able to somehow repay that blessing by helping someone else shoulder their burden, find their way, and reach their goal.” Amen!
My husband and I often send each other texts throughout the day. Sometimes a simple “I love you” brings me a lot of encouragement!
Robin, I agree! My husband and I do the texting thing too. Simple, yet powerful words make all the difference! Thanks for sharing!
Encouragement is such a powerful gift, Karen. What a brilliant idea to include in your gifts for Christmas! The power of an unkind word can cut deep and linger long. But I also find that a word of encouragement can carry me a long way. Oh Lord, give a heart to encourage others and be one who lifts and supports. May we spread the sweet aroma of Christ through our words!
Thanks, Melissa. Yes, words of encouragement trump the discouraging and unkind words that attempt to attach themselves to our heart. I pray we in God’s family take the words in 1 Thessalonians 5 to heart build each other up and encourage one another to live in Christ with the hope we have in our salvation as we wait on the Lord’s return.
I’m an avid believer in the power of encouragement, Karen. When I was teaching, I was never happier than when I could encourage my students to be and do their best, and always found opportunities to cheer them on. I did the same for my children, and now with my grand-girls. I’d rather hear/speak an encouraging word than have any gifts under the tree!
Martha, I don’t think I knew you use to teach. But love your sentiments in encouraging and cheering on students. And know your grand-girls. It really makes all the difference in the world! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! I have a handful of encouragers in my life; tagged one on Facebook; as I shared this article, her face came to mind. Thank you for always encouraging me by engaging with my blog.
Thank you, Candice. Your comment encouraged me that I have encouraged you. See, it is a mutal and beautiful thing we do for each other. Appreciate you sharing. God bless! And “I believe in you!”
We never know what a difference that little word of encouragement can make. Great post, Karen. God bless!
Right, Nancy, possibly change the trajectory of someone’s life!
I pray I will be an encouragement to someone today. I am thankful for all the people who encourage me and that includes you, Karen. 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Melissa! You encourage me as well. When we reflect on all we know about encouragement, we conclude it’s a great gift to receive and give. While it may not be under our tree, we choose to wrap it in love and humbly offer it this Christmas and year-round.
Thank you so much, Karen, for these wonderful articles about gifts of the heart. Nothing equals the things that you are sharing about, forgiveness and encouragement. How a kind word can totally alter the atmosphere of the day. Bless you so much!
I like this Pam, “gifts of the heart.” Becaused forgiveness and encouragement speak life to our hearts and help our souls blossom. Thanks for your encouragement to me and I continue to cheer you on in your ministry and writings, sister!
I love this Karen! Such value are received when encouraged by others in a timely manner. It really makes me wanna encourage others all the more knowing how much it makes a difference. The quote from Zig Zigler you shared really has been true for me. By lifting others up it is one of the greatest experiences. God seems to have built that in us. When I was a teacher it was so rewarding when students passed statewide tests because they have learning disabilities. It seemed to have been worth it all. Now that I am in the marketplace there are different unique opportunities almost daily that I can speak a word of encouragement. Thank you for sharing this essential word.
Hey Valerie, I love that Zig Zigler quote, too. As with you, lifting the spirits of others and giving them kindness and hope and courage in the form of encouraging words or acts, encourages me…changes me. I like how you said, “God seems to have built that in us.” I think He saw the need for mutual encouragement for His creations and for His people. Didn’t know you were a teacher. But, yes, you’re in a new place and position now. Wherever we are, God calls us be encouragers to those around us. Thanks for sharing your great insight. And thanks for the gift of encouragement you so often give to me!
As a “words of affirmation” person, I find genuine, heartfelt words of encouragement so helpful and such a reminder of the light of Christ. I try to say my own authentic encouraging words whenever I feel the nudge.
Jessica, that love language naturally lends itself to thriving in encouragement from others. And I like how you said, “…heartfelt words of encouragement so helpful and such a reminder of the light of Christ.” I agree. They help us grow in our faith and in relationships with each others while helping us march forward in our passions and goals.
I’m enjoying this series, Karen. Regarding encouragement, I like how you highlighted it as “the truth” from your husband. Seems like discouragement is often a mash-up of lies that attach our self-confidence, our reputations, our attitudes, etc. Sometimes our encouragement comes not from the pat on the back or the cheering on the sidelines, but simply from a statement of truth. The truth can be very powerful.
Thank you, Stephen. You make such a good point. Discouragement often comes in the form of lies from the enemy. After all, he is a liar and the father of lies and the truth is not in him. Truth, on the other hand, encourages us in who we are in Christ. It is powerful to redirect our hearts back to our faith and God’s Word.
You are such a natural encourager, Karen. I am going to save your list of encouraging phrases. Love them! The verse from 1 Thessalonians is one of my favorites. I repeat that sometimes when I have trouble sleeping.
Karen, this is beautiful. One of my top love languages is “words of affirmation” (go figure!). So, encouraging words are something I thrive on. This is what makes Scripture so vital to me.
And let me tell you this, dear friend, you have the gift of encouragement! I appreciate your beautiful posts week after week.
Awe, thank you sweet friend for your words of kindness, you encourage and bless me. Yes, that love language thrives in encouragement. Simple, but powerful and heartfelt words affirm us in our callings. So I want you to know, I believe in you, Beckie! And I’m always cheering you on!
Great gift 12 months a year! I love my encouragers! I am not sure how well I encourage others – maybe it’s time to check with the people closest to me!
It is such a wonderful gift, Beth. I pray the gift becomes such a natural part of us, people closest to us thank us for our encouragement!
These are wonderfully practical posts you’ve been sharing this Christmas, Karen! Thank you! What encourages me the most are reminders of truth from God’s Word and affirmation of who I am in Christ and as a human being who tries to live for him. When someone pauses to utter those kind of words to me, it changes everything, uplifting my heart and giving me the courage and hope to press on in spite of pain or loss or suffering. The gift of encouragement is a gift that then keeps on giving as I meditate on the truth shared. When someone encourages us, we can give that gift to others by then turning to offer encouragement and comfort to them as we have been comforted. Let’s pass on the gift of encouragement. A good reminder, Karen! Thank you!
God’s Word encourages me like that also, Melinda. I think the Lord’s presence, Scripture, and Spirit fill me with hope and encouragement first, then when others gitt me with this wonderful present, it’s the overflow in my life…my cup truly overflows. The Lord wired us to need it and to gift it to others. So It makes sense to meditate on God’s truth as you said, and let it bring us comfort, then pass it on! “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4, ESV
Oh yes, encouragement is the best gift. We all need it. You have reminded me to go throughout my day doing a little more encouraging and little less teaching. Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth Link-Up. I will be sharing this post.
Thanks for sharing, Maree Dee. We all need to be reminded to give this gift to others all year long.
Thanks so much for featuring this artile on the link-up, Maree Dee. I’m honored. Merry Christmas!
Karen, encouragement is SUCH a gift! This is probably my top spiritual gift. When people encourage me the heart transformation can be so powerful! I try to see/I ask God to show me what a person needs to hear, and then share as He leads. Often, the words come out in response to something another person shares.
Thank you for being such an amazing encourager, Karen. You are one of my gifts in this year. May your Christmas be filled with sweet laughter, precious memories with your family, and most of all. many glimpses of God’s love for you.
It really is a wonderful and amazing gift, Jeanne. That’s why I like to use adjectives to describe it. 🙂 And I love it when the Lord leads us in what words are needed for a specific person. When someome responds, “I really needed that!” then I know the Lord used me to touch someone else, all for His glory. You and your posts are encouraging to me, Jeanne. Thanks for the warm holiday wishes. Merriest and blessed Christmas to you and your family.
When I ran my first marathon, I discovered the power of encouragement from strangers :). Ever since then, I’ve tried to encourage everyone—both people I know and complete strangers!
Anita, that’s a great point. Encouragement isn’t limited to family and friends, although that is a great ministry for this gift. But giving complete strangers encouragement in some way is also the way of Christ.
I will be featuring your post tomorrow on Grace & Truth Link-Up. It went so well with my theme for the month, plus you got me sending out a little more encouragement this week. Thank you!
I love how you covered this from every angle! And the words encourage/encouraged jumped out at me from the verses you shared.
What encourages me most is God’s Word. But humanly, I think I am most encouraged when someone quietly, without a big fuss, notices and shares a word or cheers me on. My pastor’s wife is excellent at this.
Barbara, love how you mention your pastor’s wife illustrating the gift of encouragement so well. That’s wonderful. God’s Word also brings me much encouragement to live the crucified life in Christ and hope for this world.
[…] As Barbara Harper wisely notes—“Godly love is about giving without expecting reciprocation, emphasizing the importance of reaching out even to those who may not remember our efforts.” Karen Friday lets us in on a gift we can give, which is not bought with money. This present can be one of the most significant contributions you can give someone. Find out how to give the gift of encouragement. […]