The Goodness Story

Karen and Sharon
There’s power in story.
“Two babies?” The surprise birth of twin girls. My parents didn’t know. The doctor didn’t know.
But God knew my sister and me from the beginning. As He knit us together in the womb, He began writing our story.
Double bottles, double diapers, double everything, including double trouble.
But one day there would be a double blessing.
My Story
Events shape our stories. Words frame our perspective. Yet our hearts reflect.
- Event: Our parents part ways and we stay with our mother. For a few years, my father is absent from my story. Heart Reflection: Am I lovable?
- Words (from a teacher): “That’s not good enough.” Heart Reflection: Am I good enough?
- Event and Words: My father, an atheist, comes back into my life proclaiming, “There’s not a God.” Heart Reflection: Is there a God? Am I good enough for God to love me?
- Words (promising rewards): “If you’re good, then you can….” Heart Reflection: I disappoint her. I let him down.
At sixteen, my sister and I met the one true God—this was the double blessing. God’s real and He loves me. I became acquainted with God as my heavenly Father. In knowing God, I discovered attributes of His character.
God is hope. God is just. God is holy. God is love. God is good.
God’s Goodness
I don’t have to be good enough for God to love me. Out of His goodness, He loves. Since the beginning of time, goodness is weaved throughout the chapters of history—His-story.
The goodness story started with creation. It’s shared countless times in Scripture when God rescues His people. It’s revealed in Bethlehem’s stable with the birth of a Savior. It’s narrated in Jesus’ ministry. It’s told at the foot of a bloody cross. It’s reported as a victor in an empty tomb.
Throughout the ages the storyline echoes God’s heart. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 ESV).
The Story Continues
His wonderful goodness is written on the pages of my life. It started in my beginning—in the womb where He formed me. Stamped by amazing grace, I became a living testimony to His goodness.
When God knit you together in the womb, He began writing your story. He continues to write the chapters of your story as part of His bigger story. But don’t worry about the beginning, middle, or ending because His love and goodness is written on every page.
History—like marquee lights—displays The God Story. The greatest love story ever told points to God’s goodness. We’re His storytellers. When we find our voice to tell our story, we’ll discover God’s goodness played the leading role.
Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;
they will sing with joy about your righteousness.
Psalm 145:7 NKJV
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You created me. My story begins with Your love and inherent goodness. It’s who You are and continue to be. Your Word proclaims who I am in You. Cause me to recognize the presence of goodness today and to share the story.
© 2016 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved
*Writer’s note: Thankful my father met God before he passed away. For more about my story and God’s goodness, watch my storyline video.
*Cross image courtesy of Pixabay.

Good post Karen! The section labeled “God’s Goodness” is gold! Keep up the good work. (-:
Thank you, Jamie. Stamped by amazing grace, I became a living testimony to God’s goodness. Blessings!
Beautiful story, Karen! Thank you for sharing it.
Thanks, Becky. Stamped by amazing grace, I became a living testimony to His goodness. Blessings. Thanks for commenting. 🙂