4 Ways to Click the Refresh Button in Your Marriage

Refresh, courtesy of Adobe SparkRefresh. It’s a click away.

Refreshing takes place everyday in my home. Because the button’s been clicked countless times on my computer. In fact, every time I make edits to this blog site, the changes only become visible after I refresh my internet browser.

And the same holds true with social media. I refresh to see the updates made to my profile. But if I don’t hit refresh, my computer sees the former version of a page in its memory.

So, the same holds true in marriage. Changes we’d like to see are visible after we refresh. Re-energizing our marriage takes intentional effort.

Most of all, refreshing is biblical. For instance, Sabbath rest (Exodus 23:12 ESV). There’s also soul refreshing (Psalm 23:2 NIV). Refreshed by another Christian’s presence—company (Romans 15:32; 1 Corinthians 16:18 ESV).

Finally, the love relationship (Song of Solomon 2:5 ESV). While the pages in our memory may contain fun-loving moments.

Sometimes we hold too tight to yesterday's marriage memories instead of making new ones. #marriage Share on X

Yet, God intends we revitalize our relationships. First and foremost, a daily interaction and intimacy with Him. Secondly, letting the Lord give new energy to our marriage as we set our sights on the refresh button.

Whether we desire to rekindle the romance or deepen the friendship or both. To create today versions of our marriage, it means we refresh the relationship. Because if everything we hold true and lovely about our marriage is in the former category, it’s time to hit the button.

Here’s 4 ways to click the refresh button: 

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February 23, 2017 at 9:53 am | Uncategorized


2 Kinds of Christians: Church Steeple People or Jesus People

Church, courtesy of Adobe SparkChurch, we come worshiping and leave serving. Pastor Mike Friday

Several years ago, my husband preached a message on how serving God follows worshiping God—in that order. Worship aligns our heart with the Lord. But it also acts as the catalyst to serve Him.

Originally a church plant, Believers Church has moved locations several times in our history. Now, we meet in a former warehouse. The building offers a contemporary feel with renovations to our worship center, meeting areas, offices, and children’s department.

But, there’s no steeple. No ornate widows or tapestry. No pews. And no religious traditions of men.

Still, I’ve seen breath-taking sanctuaries and marveled in architectural designs of churches. The pure beauty of historical cathedrals and the modern design of present day buildings often dazzle our eyes and prompt a visual stir.

The Early Church

Yet, the early church met and worshiped in homes. And house churches exist today. A diversity of worship venues plot our world’s map; modest, huts, underground-secret-rooms, homes, modern, traditional, grand, and ornate.

On a college mission in Zimbabwe, Africa with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), we showed The Jesus Film by generator in small church buildings.

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February 16, 2017 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


Beat the Valentine’s Day Blues: Here’s How

Valentine's Day, courtesy of Adobe Spark“I’m skipping Valentine’s Day this year!”

When February 14 comes near, I hear and see the sting of broken hearts disenchanted with the whole “will you be my valentine?” charm or its absence.

As a young and vulnerable heart, Valentine’s Day without a boyfriend seemed ghastly to me. The Valentine’s Day blues at its peak. A girl in love with love.

Does Valentine’s Day define us?

Why do we think being someone’s valentine defines us? At least thinking it’s the tell-tale sign of who we are in regards to having and owning love. Like the cliche’. “I’m lucky in love.”

For the security of celebrating the day-of-love holiday, I often see girls and women date someone other than their “first pick” until after the holiday. Guys do this, too. Settle. To fill the spot for grandiose images of candlelight, romance, flowers, and chocolate.

Yet, I’ve always wanted close relationships with people who really get me. To know my heart as much as a person can know another human heart. Do they know what makes me smile, moves me to tears, causes me to laugh out loud, brings me to sadness, or throws me into a tizzy?

To understand me and love me. For. Me. As. Me.

3 valentines I always wanted to be:

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February 9, 2017 at 10:46 am | Uncategorized


Bless My Heart: 6 Greatest Joys in Being a Pastor’s Wife

Pastor's Wife, text courtesy of Adobe Spark“Honey, bless your heart!” The response when announcing I’m a pastor’s wife. At least sometimes here in the southern part of America.

And to be fair, not only does bless your heart carry the connotation of empathy for the person’s situation. But it’s also admiration for courage or honor in taking on certain roles—bless your heart for doing that.

Last week I shared, My Top 6 Confessions About Being a Pastor’s Wife.

Part 2: Joys of a Pastor’s Wife

So, I identify myself as a pastor’s wife in every venue and at every corner of life. Further still, my family’s blessed with three of us. Yes, three. My twin sister, Sharon, is a pastor’s wife. And my younger sister, Wendi, is married to a pastor.

Also, we’re all different denominational churches. Yet, “in Christ.” And you can count on this, three Christian women who function as a triple threat to spiritual darkness.

In addition, the position comes with bragging rights. When an athlete or musician successfully achieves an ambition or wins a competition, it merits bragging rights. Great things they can boast about.

I haven’t achieved greatness or won a competition in these areas. But I know the One who’s great and victorious over this world, the enemy, and spiritual death. Rather, I boast about my Lord.

Christians have bragging rights. Boasting in a Mighty God who's done great things. #Christianity Share on X

6 Greatest Joys and Their Blessings:

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February 2, 2017 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized