Jesus Restores What the Enemy Stole

Jesus Restores What the Enemy Stole

Jesus restores everything the enemy took from me.

Every saint and follower of Christ has this same promise of spiritual restoration.

Before I met Jesus, this enemy stripped my identity bare.

Also, he exploited my good name, with my resources at stake.

Robbed. Bamboozled. Deceived.

Jesus Restores Stolen Identity

You see, information security failed, leaving me open to attack. So a crafty thief stole from me.

Taking what belonged to me, he drained me of my inheritance.

And he left me utterly bankrupt and exposed to the most common scam on the planet.

I became a victim of identity theft. Not the kind you hear about in the media. My identity in association with bank accounts and financial credit remained undamaged.

Also, no one robbed me of “who I am” by posing as me online, running up a money debt at my expense. These areas remain secure and not breached.

But a vile enemy sabotaged my identity. The thief who intends to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). And he robbed me of “who I am” by strategic lies in my mind and labels imposed on me by others.

Who is this enemy? Satan. The chief of thieves. And the evil one.

Jesus restores everything the enemy took from me. Every saint and follower of Christ has this same promise of spiritual restoration. Share on X

The Enemy Versus God

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July 25, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


What Summer Teaches Us About Soul Care

What Summer Teaches Us About Soul Care

Summer teaches us to care for our soul.

Summer invites us to linger longer on the front porch or back deck. A glass of iced tea or lemonade and we’re all set.

Summertime welcomes us to pause from the hectic pace. It beckons us to relax by the pool or in a cozy hammock.

Because we are often intentional to care for our bodies in summer. 

And we participate in outdoor activities, gather with friends and family, foster recreation, and plan time off work to travel and go on vacation.

Yet, sometimes caring for our soul falls off the radar. 

Still, in this slower rhythm of summer, the Lord also desires to teach us how to care for our soul. 

So here are 6 tips for S.U.M.M.E.R soul care. And they teach us how to care for our soul all year long.

S – Satisfy our soul with what only God provides: Summer Teaches Us

“For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things” (Psalm 107:9, ESV).

“For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish” (Jeremiah 31:25, ESV).

Like we long to vacation at the beach, hope to relax at a tropical resort, or desire to fill our summer with joyful activities, our soul longs for good things as well. The Lord wants us to slow down long enough to spend time in His presence. And let Him satisfy, fill, and replenish our soul with His goodness.

The Lord wants us to slow down long enough to spend time in His presence. And let Him satisfy, fill, and replenish our soul with His goodness. Share on X

U – Understand the role Scripture plays in our soul’s wellness.

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July 18, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


How We Love Others as Jesus With Skin

How We Love Others as Jesus With Skin

How did Jesus love others? How can we love others like Jesus with skin?

God calls us to imitate His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ set the example of how to love others in the most godly and practical ways. This is how we love others as Jesus with skin.

We are called to love. Because the Bible never commands us to like others. But God’s Word commands us to love people.

So we look to the Scriptures to see how Jesus loved well in the midst of His biggest critics, the religious leaders. 

These religious men falsely believed a holy life meant keeping every letter of the law and adding to the law their own interpretations and rules, instead of showing compassion to others.

Even today, ministry may focus on programs over people, rules over compassion and love. 

Since Jesus led the way of loving unconditionally and practically, He is our example.

Christ set the example of how to love others in the most godly and practical ways. This is how we love others as Jesus with skin. Share on X

(1.) Love with kindness: Jesus with skin

I like the adage, “Kindness goes a long way.” And this definition for a person who’s kind: Sympathetic, friendly, gentle, tenderhearted, generous. (YourDictionary)

When others see a kind smile, kindness in word or action, or they notice generosity and compassion in us, they see kindness in us. They see Jesus in us.

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July 11, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


20 Scriptures to Celebrate Freedom

20 Scriptures to Celebrate Freedom

In America, we celebrate freedom this week. A day of freedom dating back to 1776.  

But freedom isn’t free. Instead, blood, sweat, and tears worked together in order for freedom to ring loud and clear across this great land of ours.

Further, not only is freedom not free, but it also must be maintained. 

You see, any country and people are at risk to lose the freedoms meant for our welfare. The freedoms we enjoy and hold dear. This can happen when government’s corrupt—no longer “for” the people and “by” the people. 

Another danger lurks nearby when our personal choices enslave us either physically (jail, addictions, etc.) or spiritually (sin, idols, etc.). Still, the physical and spiritual realms often intersect when it comes to freedom.

But Jesus’ blood on Calvary’s cross set me free.

At sixteen-years-old, the Lord set me free from sin and spiritual death, giving me eternal life—freedom worth celebrating.

Therefore, here’s a list of 20 Scriptures to help us celebrate freedom.

At sixteen-years-old, the Lord set me free from sin and spiritual death, giving me eternal life—freedom worth celebrating. Share on X

Celebrate Freedom in Jesus Christ

(1.)  “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” (Isaiah 61:1, ESV)

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July 3, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized