Goodness and Mercy Follow Me

I’m being followed. These two beings will not stop following me. They know the schedule I keep and the path I travel. This is an intentional pursuit from daybreak to nightfall and around the clock. After an investigation, I’ve identified them:
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever” Psalm 23:6, ESV.
Goodness described by, “the best part of anything.” Wow! God is the best part of any-thing…the best part of life…the best part of me.
Goodness is following me.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever” Psalm 23:6, ESV. Share on XGod’s Goodness
I don’t have to be good enough for God to love me. Out of His goodness, He loves. Since the beginning of time, God weaved goodness throughout the chapters of history—His-story.
The goodness story started with creation. Countless times in Scripture, God’s goodness rescues His people. Bethlehem’s stable revealed God’s goodness with the birth of a Savior. Goodness narrated Jesus’ ministry. Goodness showed up at the foot of a bloody cross. And goodness becomes victor in an empty tomb.
Throughout the ages the storyline echoes God’s heart. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16, ESV.
God’s Mercy
Mercy translated in other versions of Psalm 23:6 include “love” or “steadfast love.” Mercy’s the compassion, love, and kindness of God bringing His forgiveness to mankind.
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November 21, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized
Keeping God in Thanksgiving

Is keeping God in Thanksgiving possible?
And what if thanksgiving is a vital part of the Christian life all year long?
The holiday stirs up thoughts of pilgrims, turkey, and pumpkin pie.
Look at this fourth grader’s report on the first Thanksgiving when the classroom teacher requested students make no reference to God.
The pilgrims came here seeking freedom of you know what. When they landed, they gave thanks to you know who. Because of them, we can worship each Sunday you know where. (Source unknown.)
How about us? Do we make reference to God in Thanksgiving and our thankfulness? And no matter how we have to say it, like in the fourth grader’s report, we do say it, and we carry thankfulness in our heart.
Often, a sigh of relief is spoken with “Thank God!” Maybe we received good news from a medical report or found out our loved one wasn’t hurt in an accident. Wonderful things to be thankful for.
It’s not just a relief that something turned out good in the end. But thanking God, that in the end, we understand all good things come from Him.
Real Thanksgiving
Yet, thanksgiving—real thanksgiving in our heart—overflows in gratitude more than one day a year. Instead, continual thankfulness defines our lives and our character.
Thanksgiving—real thanksgiving in our heart—overflows in gratitude more than one day a year. Instead, continual thankfulness defines our lives and our character. Share on XSo we remind ourselves to give thanks for and to our great God. Because He’s a good, good Father who’s given us many blessings and gifts.
God Almighty is reason enough to give thanks and live thankful.
But what does living thankful look like? How do we go about it?
Perhaps in part like this acrostic.
Keeping God in T-H-A-N-K-S-G-I-V-I-N-G:
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November 14, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized
God’s Still in Control: 22 Undeniable Truths

No matter what goes on around us, God is still in control and on His throne. Because the chaos surrounding the world or our world often stems from the absence of truth. God is Truth and His Word is Truth. Undeniable truths about our God define our Christian journey.
When it comes to what the world says versus God’s Word, I’m going with God every time.
Why? Because truth is not up for debate. God’s holy Word wins hands down.
Embracing what we know is true about God strengthens our heart, gives understanding and peace to our minds, and keeps us focused on spiritual things.
Embracing what we know is true about God strengthens our heart, gives understanding and peace to our minds, and keeps us focused on spiritual things. Share on XSo let’s look 22 of these truths.
God’s Still in Control: Undeniable Truths
(1.) The One true God. Oh, there are other gods. But there’s no other god like our God. “For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.” (Isaiah 46:9b)
(2.) Living. Jeremiah compares man-made idols to the living God. “But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God.” (Jeremiah 10:10) How sad and foolish when we bow to idols without breath. Or, believe in gods who are dead.
(3.) Creator. Genesis 1:1 tells us in the beginning God created…. God existed first. Then He created everything else, all of creation, and humans in His image.
(4.) Holy. The Blue Letter Bible shares, “God is holy means there is no trace of evil in his character. Only God is holy.” Further, “There is no one holy like the LORD.” (1 Samuel 2:2a)
(5.) Sovereign. God rules as the supreme authority, doing what pleases Him (Psalm 115:3), His kingdom rules over all (Psalm 103:19).
(6.) In control. “For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?” (Isaiah 14:27)
(7.) Majestic. “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! (Psalm 8:9)
(8.) Almighty. “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’” (Revelation 1:8)
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November 7, 2024 at 8:41 am | Uncategorized