25 Focus Areas for Believers in 2025

25 Focus Areas for Believers in 2025

Embarking on a brand new year often brings mixed thoughts and emotions. Because “brand-new” conjures up all kinds of hopes and dreams. 

But how do God’s people steer our focus? What focus areas would please the Lord?

So here are 25 focus areas I want to share with you.

Brand-new Focus Areas

(1.) Beginnings. “The point in time or space at which something starts.”(Google) The world, life, time and space all started with God. Give Him the new year and your new beginnings.

(2.) Forge new paths. Whether careers, direction, vision, mission, or ministry, remember who makes new paths. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

(3.) Dreams. Dream big ole’ ginormous things only God can pull off. He’s the biggest dreamer of all. Dream with God, you and Him dream best together. 

Dream big ole’ ginormous things only God can pull off. He’s the biggest dreamer of all. Dream with God, you and Him dream best together.  Share on X

(4.) Do-overs. Sometimes we get to do something over, other times it’s impossible. But every new year, month, week, and day presents opportunities to change our actions, reactions, perspective, words, and outlook.

(5.) Second chances. Everyone hopes for a second chance after forgetting something, messing up, or hurting someone. Not only expecting them from others, but also giving them to others. Because we serve a God of second chances and countless chances. 

(6.) Wholeness. We were made for wholeness, but we learned brokenness. Jesus makes us whole. “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10 (ESV)

Living Life Focused

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January 9, 2025 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized