6 Ways We Stand in God’s Love

“I love you.” My father’s voice reassured as he tenderly kissed my forehead.
Hopeful imagination in a little girl’s heart—my heart.
As a young girl, my father was absent from my life for a few years.
And his absence caused me to wonder, Am I lovable?
To further confuse my young heart, my dad came back into my life as a self-proclaimed atheist.
Then I questioned, Is there a God? And, does God love me?
At 16, I heard the gospel.
Jesus Christ, sent by His Father, died on a cross for me and loved me completely. The love I craved. I became a daughter of the Most High God.
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” 1 John 3:1a (ESV)
Stay tuned until the end of this article for the rest of my father-daughter love story. So let’s talk about the love of our Heavenly Father and how we stand in God’s love.
Stand in God’s Love
(1.) God IS love.
Love is not only something God does, but also who He is. In fact, God cannot not love. God loved us so much, He gave His only Son to give us eternal life.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (ESV)
May we never get over how much God loved the world—you and me—and the great sacrifice He made to show His love.
Love is an action and a WHO—God. We stand in God’s love when we stand in Him.
Love is not only something God does, but also who He is. In fact, God cannot not love. God loved us so much, He gave His only Son to give us eternal life. Share on X(2.) God’s love gives all.
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January 30, 2025 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized