25 Focus Areas for Believers in 2025

Embarking on a brand new year often brings mixed thoughts and emotions. Because “brand-new” conjures up all kinds of hopes and dreams.
But how do God’s people steer our focus? What focus areas would please the Lord?
So here are 25 focus areas I want to share with you.
Brand-new Focus Areas
(1.) Beginnings. “The point in time or space at which something starts.”(Google) The world, life, time and space all started with God. Give Him the new year and your new beginnings.
(2.) Forge new paths. Whether careers, direction, vision, mission, or ministry, remember who makes new paths. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)
(3.) Dreams. Dream big ole’ ginormous things only God can pull off. He’s the biggest dreamer of all. Dream with God, you and Him dream best together.
Dream big ole’ ginormous things only God can pull off. He’s the biggest dreamer of all. Dream with God, you and Him dream best together. Share on X(4.) Do-overs. Sometimes we get to do something over, other times it’s impossible. But every new year, month, week, and day presents opportunities to change our actions, reactions, perspective, words, and outlook.
(5.) Second chances. Everyone hopes for a second chance after forgetting something, messing up, or hurting someone. Not only expecting them from others, but also giving them to others. Because we serve a God of second chances and countless chances.
(6.) Wholeness. We were made for wholeness, but we learned brokenness. Jesus makes us whole. “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10 (ESV)
Living Life Focused
(7.) Abundant life. Do you realize abundant life started the moment you received Christ as Lord? “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10b (ESV)
(8.) Joy. Jesus told us to abide in His love and keep God’s commandments so that “my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:11b (ESV)
(9.) Peace. Peace from the Prince of Peace. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)
(10.) Love God and others. “There’s no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31b (ESV)
(11.) Stay in the Word. Nothing anchors us more than a God who is trustworthy and true to His Word.
Stay in the Word. Nothing anchors us more than a God who is trustworthy and true to His Word. Share on X
Hope in the Lord: Focus Areas
(12.) Hope in the Hope-giver. Hope has a name. Jesus.
(13.) Depend on God. Culture says we are weak if we need help and we can’t pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. God says, “Look to the hills, where does your help come from? From Me the God of heaven and earth.” (See Psalm 121:1)
(14.) Stand on holy ground. Are we shifting ground from this world’s opinions to holy ground?
(15.) Walk by faith. Our faith is unstoppable when we trust in an unstoppable God who does bigger and better things than anyone or any god.
(16.) Trust a God who’s faithful. Great is His faithfulness!
Stand on holy ground. Are we shifting ground from this world’s opinions to holy ground? Share on XSpiritual Things as Focus Areas
(17.) Fruit of the Spirit. Are we growing every year in spiritual fruit? “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 (ESV)
(18.) Prayer. Prayer releases our burdens to God. The Lord has a strong shoulder for the burdens heaped upon us from people, the world and hardships.
(19.) Build up the body. “We are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” Ephesians 4:15b-16 (ESV)
(20.) Invest in the Kingdom. Reach the lost, make disciples, pour into others and help the needy.
(21.) Hold onto Jesus. No matter what the future holds, cling to Christ with all our might as He holds onto us!
Confirmations: Focus Areas
(22.) Know who we are. God always meant for us to connect who we are with whose we are. Our identity lies in the Father and we belong to Him. Remember you are a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed, forgiven, and free.
(23.) Relationship over religion. When God created us, He intended an imtimate relationship with His people. Christianity focuses on relationship, knowing the Creator in a personal way. Religious rites and ceremonies leave us empty.
(24.) Recognize spiritual gifts and callings. Think about how God’s gifted you with spiritual gifts and callings on your life. Then ask Him to provide opportunities and direction to fulfill them for His glory.
(25.) Let God be God. Sometimes we take on God’s job, desiring control over our lives and running ahead of Him. What will the new year hold if we simply let God do His job as God. If He manages the universe, He certainly can manage my life and much better than me.

Featured images courtesy of Friday’s Forever on Youtube.
Last week’s post, Personalize and Pray Scriptures for the New Year.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups: Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).
© 2025 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Thank you for this inspirational message that reminds us of the importance of staying close to God. Read His Word, pray, share conversations with God, and remember He loves His creations. Be ready to share the gospel. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Amen to how you summarized this, Melissa. God bless!
Such wise and God-inspired goals as we begin the year anew. Blessings always, Karen!
Great is God’s faithfulness!
Thanks for the inspiring message Karen. May God bless you. Have a blessed weekend.
God bless you! Great is God’s faithfulness!
Karen, these insights are wise, compassionate, and Christ-centered. Well done! Thank you for always helping me refocus on Jesus. God bless you and your family in the year ahead!
So grateful Hope has a name. Jesus.
Thank you!
This has great inspirational key message’s as we journey into the new year, God has given.
I love,
Hope in the Hope-giver. Hope has a name. Jesus.
Thank you!
This has great inspirational key message’s as we journey into the new year, God has given.
I love, Hope has a name. Jesus.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Audre. I find it so comforting that Hope’s name is Jesus. God bless.
Thank you!
This has great inspirational key message’s as we journey into the new year, God has given.
I love, our Hope has a name. Jesus.
Amen! For the one about dreaming big dreams, I love referring to it as “God-sized dreams” (not my term)… dreams only God can fulfill! Let us not hope too small. Let us step out in faith knowing God can do immeasurably more than we imagine.
Yes, Jessica. God dreams so much bigger than our human minds and hearts can even fathom. God bless.
Great message Karen. Thank you for the amazing encouragement.
Appreciate you reading and commenting, Yvonne. God bless.
[…] Last week’s post, 25 Focus Areas for Believers in 2025. […]
Karen, I so agree with the others and appreciate this inspiring message. Every new year can usher in high hopes and new beginnings. Now in mid-January, I most appreciate the reminder to stay in the Word. It is Scripture which will anchor us for God is faithful and trustworthy. I am grateful He never changes!
Joanne, I pray to stay in the Word and stand on Holy ground. God bless.
By the grace of God (through Christ) Truth. So Essentially and Adeptly Real…Yes and Amen.
God bless!