26 Ways to Strengthen Our Marriage A-Z

We all desire to strengthen our marriage.
Good marriages are made.
And strong marriages birth from intentional work.
So in the busy everyday grind, how can we prioritize and invest in our marriage?
What practical things strengthen our marriage?
Because I need this as much as anyone.
Here are 26 suggested and practical ways (ABC’s) to strengthen our marriage.
Strengthen Our Marriage: Apply, Build, Cast, Deposit
A-Apply God’s Word to issues you face. Find Scriptures that address those areas first, instead of turning to a friend or family member for insight. (James 1:5)
B-Build up your spouse through words. Use affirming words that speak life over your marriage and spouse. (Proverbs 18:21)
C-Cast your cares on God first, then your spouse. Going to God first positions your spouse to be what God intended—your partner in marriage, not your Savior. (Psalm 55:22)
D-Deposit into your relationship more than you withdraw. Imagine a bank account where you withdraw more than you deposit. Soon, a spouse feels empty or overdrawn.
Cast your cares on God first, then your spouse. Going to God first positions your spouse to be what God intended—your partner in marriage, not your Savior. (Psalm 55:22) Share on XStrengthen: Expose, Fan, Grow, Hold
E-Expose your marriage weak spots, not ignore them. Exposing and working through areas or topics that need attention keeps the enemy from gaining ground.
F-Fan the flame of intimacy to keep it fresh and frequent.
G-Grow together in the season you’re in, taking steps to navigate family, parenting, and spirituality. Don’t be satisfied with not knowing how to navigate new seasons. Dig in and grow together.
H-Hold onto your dreams as individuals and as a couple. Set aside time to discuss your dreams and find ways to work toward them.
Strong Marriage: Intercede, Join, Know, Laugh

I-Intercede through prayer for your marriage. Ask your spouse how you can pray for them and set reminders on your phone or calendar each day to really pray.
J-Join together with the Lord to fight the enemy as a cord of three strands (Ecclesiastes 4:12). As uncomfortable as it might feel to pray together, begin today. The enemy will do anything to get you to not pray together because he knows how intimate and powerful it is. Don’t let him stop you.
K-Know who completes you. It’s not your spouse. Jesus completes you and makes you whole. Your spouse is simply the overflow of His blessings. (Psalm 23:5)
L-Laugh as a couple by scheduling play time. Besides work, kids, and other commitments, planning time to have fun together is one of the best investments you can make.
Know who completes you. It’s not your spouse. Jesus completes you and makes you whole. Your spouse is simply the overflow of His blessings. (Psalm 23:5) Share on XStrengthen Our Marriage: Minister, Need, Overcome, Pardon
M-Minister to your spouse. Often, we ask the Lord for ministry opportunities to others, but forget our soulmate. Really consider how you minister best to your spouse.
N-Need your spouse. Let your spouse know their value.
O-Overcome past mistakes and regrets through the mercy of God. Then, ask the Lord to give you a grace-filled heart, especially when you don’t want to show grace.
P-Pardon your spouse’s missteps against you so that restoration and unconditional love can bloom. Unforgiveness keeps the ground dry and rocky, where forgiveness creates a fertile ground for growth. (Mark 11:25)
Strengthen: Quiet, Renew, Start, Trust
Q-Quiet your soul. Be still and let the Holy Spirit pour life into you through time spent with the Lord daily in the Word, worship, and prayer. Practicing this soul-care will enhance your relationship.
R-Renew your love by pursuing your spouse more today than yesterday. Read, Why We Never Stop Pursuing Our Spouse.
S-Start fresh. Regardless of what has marked your marriage up to this point, today you can create the marriage you desire by forming new patterns.
T-Trust each other by practicing authenticity and honesty. No secrets.
Strong Marriage: Understand, Vow, Welcome, X-ray, Yearn, Zone
U-Understand what makes each other “tick” in personal passions and aspirations.
V-Vow to remember the covenant you spoke to each other on your wedding day. (Ephesians 5:22-33)
W-Welcome your spouse home from work or a trip. It’s a reminder, There’s no place like home.
X-X-ray any fractures so you can seek proper treatment. Consider meeting with a pastor, another godly couple, or a professional counselor. Treatment is key.
Y-Yearn for a strong and vibrant marriage by guarding against complacency and distractions.
Z-Zone your marriage by encircling it with the Lord. Sometimes things are messy in a construction zone. But remember, your marriage is always under construction by the Lord. Take the hard hat off and let God do His job.
Zone your marriage by encircling it with the Lord. Sometimes things are messy in a construction zone. But remember, your marriage is always under construction by the Lord. Take the hard hat off and let God do His job. Share on X
Strengthen Our Marriage: Next Step
Ask the Lord to use these 26 tips to strengthen your marriage.
Share any or all with your spouse as you both commit to the ones that need the most work. Or choose one a week to concentrate on over the next 26 weeks.
Which ways speak the most to you? Anything you would add?
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Candidly Christian and Faith On Fire.
Featured photos from filming our latest YouTube Video/Friday’s Forever:
© 2021 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Such a thorough, practical list with comprehensive biblical support!
Ava, just the thing we need for marriage and all areas of the Christian journey, wisdom from the Lord himself.
This post is chock full of wisdom! Having experienced divorce in the past, I’m thankful for such wisdom. Blessings, friend!
Thank you, Cathy. Glad this encouraged you. Marriage is never easy, and there aren’t any fast and hard rules for what makes it work. So, I’m thankful we have the Lord and His Holy Word to help us and direct us when we need it most. Blessings to you!
Lots of wisdom in these words Ms. Karen. I’ve learned too many of these “after the fact”, but will be sending up prayers that others can learn beforehand that a true marriage has three persons.
J.D. appreciate your thought-through comments on my articles. Many of the lessons we all learn the hard way, when things are failing or falling apart. That’s why I love the Lord’s “grace upon grace” when we need it most.
Great strategies! After 44 years of marriage and many types of trials and hardships over the years, I can see wisdom in each one of these points and in the way you’ve shared these in clusters. Lots of wise advice here for us to apply, Karen!
Melinda, you’ve reached a milestone in marriage not many make it to these days. And your honesty about hardships rings true in our marriage. It speaks to the fact that good marriages (and the ones that last) are indeed made and brought about by intentional ways.
Absolutely awesome advice, Karen, no matter if you’ve been married six months or sixty years. Loved the video, too!
Martha, appreciate your kind words and thanks for watching the video. 🙂
These are great tips for any stage of marriage.
Barbara, I think the key is not to become complacent and let our marriage grow stale.
What a fun, memorable way to list out the ways to strengthen a marriage. I will certainly try out some of your ideas. Thanks Karen. I appreciate your encouragement.
Thanks so much for commenting, Yvonne! I pray we cast our cares on God first, deposit more into our marriage than we withdraw, remember our marriage is always under construction by the Lord…take the hard hat off and let God do His job, and more! God bless!
Amen and Hallelujah Karen!! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ-Messiah!!
Love Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann
Thank you, Kristi Ann! Thanks for your ministry and kingdom work, sister.
Love this! My husband and I have been married for over 42 years and we still find ways to strengthen our marriage and show love to each other.
Wonderful, Melissa. The strengthening and showing love continues through the years. The problem happens when we stop nuturing our relationship and forget to be intentional.
Great article! So often we count on our spouse to be our everything, but only Jesus can be our savior When we look to Him first, then our marriage is far healthier and happier.
So true, Jessica. We do mistakenly look to our spouse to be our “all in all.” But the Lord never intended them to take His place.
Thanks for these! My husband and I are growing more now together than ever. These are godly advice that I will share with my husband. Thanks.
Appreciate you commenting and sharing your personal experience, Carla! We are growing more now as well. May we zone our marriage by encircling it with the Lord. Sometimes things are messy in a construction zone. But our marriage is always under construction by the Lord. Let’s take the hard hat off and let God do His job.
Karen, these marriage tips are so powerful. Based on God’s Word, endued with His love and wisdom, based on real life! One of the most important is to seek the Lord first and not to put our spouses in God’s place as Savior. Only God is God. May cast our cares on Him, for He takes care of us and our spouses!
I agree, Melissa. Letting God be in the center of our relationship makes for a powerful union of 3 cords, not easily broken. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, God bless!
So many great reminders here based on God’s ideal for us! Thanks for the prompts, I will be praying over some of these.
Hey Sharon, I think the best thing for us to remember is how the Lord and His Word gives us the direction we need for marriage.
Cast your cares on the Lord — not on your spouse…Ouch! As always a great post and worth keeping for future reference. I need to read through this and pray for strength to apply this biblical principles. Great post! So glad you enjoyed the Blue Ridge Parkway — one of the treasures of our state!
Bev xx
Hey Bev, it is hard to get this right, casting our cares on God instead of our spouse. Because it seems easier to go to someone close to us, with flesh and bone to hear us out. Yet, the Lord tells us in Scripture to cast our cares on Him. Love the Blue Ridge Parkway.
yes, good truths! After 22 years of marriage, this is all still needed advice. it is definitely work that we are to keep persevering in as we lean on the Lord and seek to glorify Him.
Yes, Mariel, “…lean on the Lord and seek to glorify Him.” The Lord wants our marriage to be a picture of His love.
Great advice here, Karen. And I love the picture of you two by the Blue Ridge Parkway. Wonderful! God bless!
Thank you, Nancy. It was a stunning view of the mountains.
Thank you for scriptural and practical tips of wisdom, Karen. Excellent
Appreciate your comment, Jeannie. It’s my prayer to practice these tips in my own marriage.
Thank you for the good work you invested in this post!
And how did I miss that you have a podcast???
We all want to strengthen our marriage, hopefully, Michele. I pray to not become complacent and forget to be intentional. My husband and I have had this podcast for a while in connection with our YouTube channel. But we just started about 4-5 weeks adding a 2nd segment called, a journey to hope, where we discuss my current blog article.
And, our satisfaction must come from Christ Alone!
Agree, Susan. No one satisfies the longing in our soul like Jesus.
Karen, these are all so wise, no matter how many years we’ve been married. We constantly keep working on our marriage, and the reward is a man who truly has become my best friend.
That’s wonderful, Joanne. I’ve told my husband for years, we need to be each others besties! And we are!
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