3 Ways Not to Forget God and His Works

3 Ways Not to Forget God and His Works

Do you ever forget?

Like forget to call a friend, about an important meeting, to pay a bill, where you put the car keys or even details of what happened last week or last year?

My hand is raised.

On the flipside, have you ever wondered if a friend forgot about you? This friend seems to do things with others but hasn’t reached out to you in ages. Sometimes people forget about us and we forget about others.

And here’s a big question to consider.

Have you ever felt like God has forgotten you? If you’re nodding, me too. Maybe you think, God has forgotten me. He seems to work on behalf of others. Me? I continue waiting for Him to move in my life. 

Yet, regardless of how we feel, thinking God forgets us is a lie from the enemy. Even people in the Bible contemplated this very thing. “I say to God, my rock: ‘Why have you forgotten me?'” Psalm 42:9b (ESV)

The One Thing God Forgets

God never forgets us. When it comes to His children, God only forgets one thing. We find it in Isaiah 43:25:

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” (NIV)

This girl remains forever grateful about the whole I-forget-your-sins grace from God. What redeeming and relentless love!

The one thing God forgets about His children. He remembers our sins no more. Share on X

Do We Forget God?

So, what’s the worst forget-me-not blunder? Forgetting God and His mighty works. God’s people fell prey to the disease multiple times in the Bible.

If we recap the Exodus story out of Egypt, the script reads like this.

  • God divided the seas. They soon forgot.
  • The Lord split rocks, gushing with drinking water. They didn’t remember.
  • He led them with a cloud at day and a fiery light at night. They forgot His works.
  • Manna rained down from heaven at His command. They grumbled.
  • The Lord God defeated their enemies. They worshipped other gods.
  • God redeemed them. Still, His abundant and steadfast love slipped from their minds.

In present day, God’s people are also guilty of a forgetting-God tragedy. Even after His many wonders and works in our lives. “For you have forgotten the God of your salvation and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge.” Isaiah 17:10a (ESV)

3 Ways Not to Forget God and His Works

When we chase after idols, worry about what-ifs, put people and things above God, look to the world for wisdom, or find shelter and comfort in anything besides the Lord, we forget God.

Do Not Forget God’s Works

Look at these translations of Deuteronomy 4:9:

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” (NIV, emphasis added)

“You must be very careful not to forget the things you have seen God do for you. Keep reminding yourselves, and tell your children and grandchildren as well.” (CEV, emphasis added)

Do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart. Deuteronomy 4:9 Share on X

3 Ways to Not Forget

1) Do not forget the things we have seen.

2) And do not let God’s works slip from our heart.

3) Do not fail to remind ourselves and tell the next generations.

Never forget all the Lord our God has done on our behalf.

God has moved mountains, parted seas, sent daily bread, defeated our enemies, provided living water, led us in the darkness with light and redeemed us by His blood.

God has moved mountains, parted seas, sent daily bread, defeated our enemies, provided living water, led us in the darkness with light and redeemed us by His blood. Share on X
3 Ways Not to Forget God and His Works

Which safeguard speaks to you the most?

Last week’s post, The Better Things God Wants for our Blank Spaces.

And He continues to lead us through the wilderness until the Promised Land is in eyesight and ours again.

Featured images from filming for our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

We discuss this topc further on our podcast.

© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


August 4, 2022 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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B J Woods says:


Karen says:

Let’s not forget what our eyes have seen or let them slip from our heart!

Lord, let me always remember your amazing blessings and the wonders You have done in my life! Great admonition here, Karen, to be mindful of God in all that we do or encounter. It can be all too easy to forget . . .

Karen says:

Love your prayer, Martha. I desire not to be guilty of a forgetting-God tragedy. Even after His many wonders and works in my life!

Father forgive me for forgetting all the blessings You have lavished on me.

Karen says:

Agree! Countless blessings from a good, good Father!

An excellent post, Karen! It’s so easy to forget the kindnesses of God, the prayers He answered, and the times He protected. We need to rehearse those in our minds, not letting go of them, not forgetting what He has done. Lord, help us to remember You, the One who never forgets us.

Karen says:

Thanks, Melinda. And I pray we remember to tell the next generations while we are reminding our own heart of God’s goodness in our lives-past, present and future tense.

Lord, keep my heart sensitive to your work and your presence in my life!

Karen says:

A powerful prayer, Michele! Lord, let it be!

Yvonne Morgan says:


Karen says:

Thank you, Yvonne. I’m so glad the one thing God forgets about His children is He remembers our sins no more.

Thankful that although we may forget God, He never forgets us!

Karen says:

So am I, Ava. Such a comfort!

We wonder why it’s so easy for us to forget His goodness in the past and not trust His provision for now. Great message, Karen. God bless!

Karen says:

Beautifully said, Nancy. I used to point my fingers at the Israelites. Then I realized how soon we have a tendency to do the same thing.

I love both points: that we should never forget what God has done for us, yet he voluntarily forgets our sins against him once we ask for forgiveness. Our God is so very good!

Karen says:

He is a good Father who dispenses goodness on us even when we don’t deserve it. What amazing grace!

J.D. Wininger says:

Another reason to love your blog posts Ms. Karen. You remind us of that which should always be at the forefront of our minds and the tip of our tongues. P-R-A-I-S-E! Praise Him because He does not hold our many transgressions against us when we remember to apply His balm of grace to our lives through confession and repentance. Praise Him because of Who He is and all He has done, is doing, and will do for those who love Him. It’s so important that even in the midst of a trial, when it seems He has forgotten us, He is still right there with us, going through the crucible with us. It is in these times that we MUST seek to acknowledge His presence, His sovereignty, His power, and His glory. God is bigger than the current problem we might be facing. I truly believe that He often waits for us to acknowledge that even in the midst of our trial, He is still Lord. It’s when we do that, that we realize He’s hasn’t moved closer to us, we’ve moved closer to Him. That’s when His comfort flows. God’s blessings precious sister.

Karen says:

Thanks for your praise-full comment, J.D. The Lord is worthy of our praise during seasons of calm in our lives and those trials that grow our faith. I desire to acknowledge His Lordship and glory for He is above all and deserves our daily praise no matter our circumstances.

Jessica Brodie says:

Excellent reminders, Karen! It can be easy to take God’s mercies for granted. What a good, perfect God we serve.

Karen says:

Thank you, Jessica. I want to remember the God of my salvation!

Jan says:

Thx for reminding us that our Father never forgets even when we do…

Karen says:

Absolutely, Jan. He never forgets us!

Karen, thank you for reminding us of the one thing God chooses to forget!

Karen says:

Hi Jerralea, it’s so comforting to know God remembers our sins no more! Thanks for stopping by!

What a fantastic post, Karen. I’ve often thought in this loop: What if God performed the kind of miracles He did in Old Testament times—or even the early church? And then I remember the response of the people present at the time. They forgot. They yearned for miracles and overlooked the Miracle Worker. Thank you so much for the reminder to remember God’s work in our lives.

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Ashley. Glad this resonated with you. It’s sad when we read even some Psalms about the Exodus of Israel and how God did miracles and then the next line says, “but they soon forgot.” I used to point my finger at God’s people in the Old Testament. Then I realized we too can forget all the things God does in our lives, even when we don’t see the mountains He moved, the seas He parted and so on. Many times the Lord allowed something that I thought was a loss of some kind that was protecting me. Even the miracle of breath and grace each day should make us remember.

I pray that I will always remember His love and mercy. Thank you for this inspirational message.

Karen says:

I pray that for myself, Melissa. God has moved mountains, parted seas, sent daily bread, defeated our enemies, provided living water, led us in the darkness with light and redeemed us by His blood.

Beautiful Karen, I am so grateful that God forgets my sin but not me.❤

Karen says:

Isn’t that such a comforting thought, Deborah?! Thank you, Lord for remembering our sins no more.

Lisa notes says:

May I never forget God’s goodness to me. It helps me to write things down so I will always remember how wonderful God has been to me!

Karen says:

Yes, Lisa, when I journal about God’s goodness, I can look back on how God worked.

I was just writing about how easy it is to forget God in the midst of trials. I love your three reminders. Oh, that I would remember His goodness!

Sharing tomorrow at the Grace and Truth Linkup. 🙂


Karen says:

Thanks so much for sharing this a few weeks ago, Tammy. It is easy to forget God in the midst of trials. And even when things are going well, we may think we don’t need the Lord and forget about Him then as well. May we never forget what our eyes have seen.

Barb S. Hayslett says:

Amen! What precious loving hearts! I will remember all of you dearly ❤️🙏🏻Amen

Karen says:

Barb, I pray we do not forget what our hearts have seen and the works God has done in our lives…and will continue to do!

[…] week, Karen Girl Friday encouraged my heart with her article, Three Ways Not to Forget God and His Works. Be sure to drop by and mention you’re visiting from Grace and […]

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