5 Simple Ways to Meditate on God’s Word

I’m excited to introduce a writer friend to this community. Rebecca and I connected online several years ago since we move in the same writing and blogging circles. Her writings resonate with me. And particularly this one with her practical tips for how to meditate on God’s Word.
Because, if we’re honest, we often complicate parts of the Christian journey.
By Rebecca Hastings
For a long time I thought I needed to wake up with the sun when the rest of my family was comfortably asleep, sit in a special chair (probably facing a window so I could see the sunrise) and hold my worn Bible in my lap as I met with God each day.
The problem: I really like sleep.
I couldn’t seem to do the early mornings with God so I figured I was just getting an “F” on my report card for Morning Meditation with Him. The good news is, there is no report card. Also, there’s no wrong time to be with God.
I couldn’t seem to do the early mornings with God so I figured I was just getting an “F” on my report card for Morning Meditation with Him. The good news is, there is no report card. #Godsword @myinkdance Share on XHere are 5 simple ways to meditate on and incorporate more of God’s Word in your day.
(1.) Verse of the Day
This is one of my favorite ways to incorporate scripture in my day. With a simple app like YouVersion, you can read a verse each day right from your phone. (Bonus tip: writing the verse out in a notebook or journal is a great way to spend a few more minutes letting God’s Word penetrate your soul! Check out how I’ve done it here.)
(2.) Bible reading plan

There are great reading plans that guide you through a book of the Bible, a topic, or even the whole Bible. I am currently using The Bible Recap which I love. Other favorites include IF and She Reads Truth.
(3.) Devotionals
Often focused on a specific topic, devotionals go a bit deeper to offer insight on the topic and how to apply God’s Word. Worthy: Believe Who God Says You Are is a 21-day devotional helping you walk in confidence with God.
(4.) Worship
Playing worship music that declares God’s truth and promises is always a great way for me to connect with Him, especially when I’m busy or struggling. Find music that speaks truth and hit play. It’s so simple!
Playing worship music that declares God’s truth and promises is always a great way for me to connect with Him, especially when I’m busy or struggling. Find music that speaks truth and hit play. #Godsword @myinkdance Share on X(5.) Social Media
There are so many great ways to be encouraged on social media! Be intentional about following accounts that highlight God’s Word. It’s a great blessing when we are scrolling online to be encountering truth along the way.
God’s Word is living and active, just like us. Finding ways to spend time in His Word as we go about our day helps us stay connected to God in all we do.
I would love to send you three short meditations to help you connect to God’s Word this week. My latest book, Daily Meditations for Christians offers you a full year of quotes, reflections and scriptures just like these. Sign up here for your free mediations now!

About Rebecca
Rebecca Hastings believes in finding extraordinary grace in ordinary life. As a writer and speaker, Rebecca encourages people to look beyond Sunday morning to discover faith every day. She has been featured in publications such as The Washington Post, (in)courage, and Relevant Magazine, and her books are available on Amazon. Connect with her at RebeccaHastings.net!
Connect on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest.
Rebecca’s giving away a copy of her upcoming book, Daily Meditations for Christians.
Enter by leaving a comment about which of these ways to meditate on God’s Word resonates with you. Or, share your own tip.
We’ll have a drawing and announce the winner next week.

Read my blog post, 4 Reasons to Take God at His Word.
*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Faith On Fire and Faith and Friends.
© 2020 Karen Friday, All rights reserved

I love listening to worship music. Whether in the car, in the house or at a live concert, worship music inspires and uplifts me.
So do I, Melissa. I keep a worship playlist going in my car and at my desk. It’s so important to pay attention to what we’re taking into our minds and spirits. If it’s based on God’s Word, there’s nothing better to meditate on and remember God’s promises.
Rebecca, so good to hear from you and see your words again! Looking forward to reading your book on daily meditations!
Hey Laurie, isn’t is great to see Rebecca around?! Thanks for commenting. I particularly love what she said here. “God’s Word is living and active, just like us. Finding ways to spend time in His Word as we go about our day helps us stay connected to God in all we do.”
Love these practical tips!
Thanks for introducing us to Rebecca’s writing, Karen.
I love them too, Beckie. We so often try complicate everything like spending time in God’s Word, then beat ourselves up when we aren’t doing it like others or keep messing up.
Rebecca, these are wonderful reminders. I do love to pray/worship/read the Bible first thing in the morning. God fills me more than anything else for the day ahead. But there are days when I can’t seem to get going, or life gets ahead of me or I just plain sleep in. Thankfully, our Father is always waiting, arms open to receive us and connect with us. May that spur us on to seek Him more!
Thanks for your comment, Melissa. I like to spend time with the Lord in the morning as well. But like you said, some days life happens or something comes our way that interrupts our plans. Yet, He is patient and waiting. And I’m learning more and more how to worship and mediate on God’s promises throughout the entire day. I’d be lost without both speaking into my very soul.
Such great tips!
Thank you, Julie. I hope you’ll check out Rebecca’s books.
I do not have a lot of time in the morning to focus as I prepare for the work day. I find listening to worship in the morning or YouTube videos from event speakers begins my day with a freshness of God’s love and lifts me with His Spirit. Listening in the morning allows my day to bring in a pure form without worldly distractions. I study once I return home, after the day has slowed down.
Brandi, I like your routine. And what’s most important is how it’s right for you. Those things really do lift our spirit and help us throughout the day. Then studying in the evenings ties the entire day together. Awesome!
These are great, practical tips. I really needed them as I am also in a period of not being faithful in my morning time with God. These will help me. Thanks
Yvonne, glad this encouraged you. And I love how Rebecca says, “The good news is, there is no report card. Also, there’s no wrong time to be with God.”
It was nice to find you in the Grace and Truth Link UP! It is always great to meditate on God’s Word. There are times I feel bored with it, but switching things up with a verse of the Day is a great idea 😉
Tiffany, glad you visited today and commented on Rebecca’s post. I’m with you, it’s great to have options and mixe things up if we feel like our routine is just that…only a routine. Thanks for commenting!
Starting my devotional time off with worship music is my way of connecting to God, too. There is something about worshipping Him that just sets our spirits on the correct trajectory to hear from God through His word and to sense His presence.
I agree, Lisa. Worship music connects my spirit with the Holy Spirit and sets the tone for my intimacy with God.
Thanks for sharing these short but sweet ways we can interact with God each day. Busy mommas, women who must run out the door to work bright and early, and women who are trudging home exhausted from the night shift are particularly blessed when someone takes the time to spell out ways they can meet with the Lord without rising before the crack of dawn to sit in that chair by the window, or spending hours a day bent over a concordance. Your words are undoubtedly a sweet relief and a great blessing. May your tribe increase! God bless you!
Appreciate your kind words for Rebecca’s post, Melinda. I think it’s revolutionary in it’s simple and practical approach for women who are beating themselves up over some unrealistic standard. That’s why I like the way you described worn out moms and working women who have jobs outside the home and inside the home. Not everyone can spend hours over the concordance. Just so the connection with the Lord is authentic and intimate, that’s all that matters. Because on the flip side, we can gain tons of knowledge with no application or wisdom.
I enjoyed this post. I had not thought about the verse a day idea, and can’t wait to incorporate it in my days from now on. Thank you for sharing this! God bless you 🙂
Juanita, I like the verse a day idea as well. It helps me remember more of God’s Word that way.
I love this so much! We don’t need a special time of day to be close with God. ALL times are good.
Jessica, I so related to Rebecca’s sentiments on that too. There’s no wrong time to be with God. How could there be? He’s God.