6 Greatest Blessings and Joys of Being a Pastor’s Wife
Last week I shared 6 Confessions and Lessons Learned From a Pastor’s Wife. Part 2 covers blessings and joys.
“Bless your heart!”
I identify myself as a pastor’s wife at speaking events, in my writing bio, and introductions. We are blessed to have three in my family. My twin sister, Sharon and younger sister, Wendi are also pastor’s wives. A spiritual triple threat. Not one person with three skills, but three women who are a threat to spiritual darkness. When God confirms a calling, it punches the devil in the face. It’s when God throws punches!
Discovering I’m a pastor’s wife, sometimes the response is “bless your heart.” In the south, “bless your heart” carries the connotation of empathy for the person’s situation. But it’s also admiration for courage or honor in taking on certain roles—“bless your heart for doing that.”
As a pastor’s wife, I have a blessed heart—for “doing that.” When my heart is in sync with my creator and calling in life, it’s a place of honor and courage that comes from Christ.
Bragging rights
An athlete or musician successfully achieves an ambition or wins a competition meriting bragging rights. Something they can boast about.
I haven’t achieved greatness in an area or won a competition. But I know The One who has achieved greatness and is victorious over this world, the enemy, and spiritual death. I boast in and about my Lord.
As a pastor’s wife, I have bragging rights. The privilege in talking about the things God has done. Great things.
6 greatest blessings and the joy in each:
- Blessing: knowing Jesus and making Him known. I came to Christ at 16. In college, I felt a call on my life to make Him known. As a pastor’s wife, I’m given opportunities to serve a local body of believers and community in making Jesus known. We have served in 3 states and ministered in many states and overseas. Joy: spiritual influence. To know him and the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10). We do not boast in our wisdom, riches, or strength, but in knowing the Lord (Jeremiah 9:23-24).
- Blessing: spreading the gospel and people coming to Christ. I have heard it termed spiritual offspring, not by physical descent, children of the promise (Romans 9:8). We are God’s offspring and play a vital role in lives brought into the kingdom, in the Holy Spirit’s power, boldly proclaiming that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). Kingdom work. Joy: spiritual offspring. Blessed are those who worship the Lord and delight in His commands…his spiritual offspring shall be mighty upon earth and his generations blessed (Psalm 112:1-2).
- Blessing: following Jesus and making disciples. Our culture thrives on “me-
isms.” Ministry is not about me. It’s about The One who said “follow me.” We enjoy doing life with other believers and pouring our lives into men and women. I think of Jonathan, a passionate follower of Christ in the church when Mike was his Youth Pastor. Now Jonathan is the Youth Pastor at the same church. Pastors and church leaders are God-given for our spiritual maturity. Follow Jesus first, then follow the leadership of those who have counted the costs and bear a cross (Luke 14:27). Joy: spiritual growth. Grow in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and men (Luke 2:52).
- Blessing: teaching God’s truth and equipping people for service. Truth is being questioned daily in our world. We are not to “tickle ears” with what they want to hear—culture is doing the tickling. As ministers and wives, we are proclaiming God’s Word, building up the body of Christ, encouraging others with good teaching, and fighting the good fight (Ephesians 4:11-13,1 Timothy 4). Joy: spiritual fruit. God’s truth bears fruit (John 15:7-8).
- Blessing: serving God and ministering to the least. Pastors are appointed as servants of God for our good. Godly leaders are also servants, serving in love and humility. Not only talking about grace, giving grace because great grace has been extended to us. Ministering to the widows, orphans, homeless, and those suffering and in need (the least of these, Matthew 25). Joy: spiritual service. Serving others is faithful stewardship of God’s grace and a faithful servant for the master to say, “well done” (1 Peter 4:10, Matthew 25:23).
- Blessing: standing firm in the faith and against the enemy. As believers, we stand firm in our position in Christ. Victors because He was victorious. Over-comers in the blood of The Lamb. Strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Therefore, spiritual leaders gladly take our place on the frontline of the spiritual battle, always clothed in the Lord’s armor. The battle belongs to God (2 Chronicles 20:15). Joy: spiritual victory. More than conquerors (Romans 8:37).
Appreciate your pastor. Be thankful for him and his wife. Bless their hearts for “doing that” ministry.
Bragging rights. Blessings. Joys. God has done great things!
© 2015 by Karen Friday

Well said!
Thanks, Sharon. And bless your heart for “doing that ministry.” God has done great things! 🙂
‘Bless your heart’ — lol— sometimes I’m late reading your post but I always look forward to the blessing and insight when I do. 🙂
God’s great kindness and mercy grant us all so many blessings! In awe at His love and the privilege to brag about His works! God bless you, Tammy! 🙂
[…] I’ve written about pastors and wives if you’ve missed it. Confessions and Lessons Learned from a Pastor’s Wife. Part 2, 6 Greatest Joys and Blessings of Being a Pastor’s Wife. […]