6 Things We Learn From the Christmas Story

The birth of Jesus lies at the center of the Christmas story.
But have you ever wondered how Jesus’ earthly parents would describe the events? Or what we can learn from His parents and His story to apply to our lives today?
In looking at the overall story, we learn valuable lessons from both Joseph and Mary.
Like how Joseph teaches us three ways to always trust God.
(1.) Always Trust God’s Promises: Christmas Story
The gospel of Matthew paints the scene of a man engaged to a young woman. Yet Mary’s with child before they marry. This situation was completely unacceptable in this time period.
In fact, the engagement period was a commitment similar to marriage today—a vow to remain true to your betrothed and sexually pure.
Matthew 1:19 describes Joseph as a “just man” who did not want to put Mary to shame in public, so planned to divorce her privately. But in a dream, an angel proclaimed to Joseph the child was conceived through the Holy Spirit. Joseph took Mary for his wife.
God promises if we move forward in His timing, His ultimate will and purpose is completed, not only in the present, but also in the future.
God promises if we move forward in His timing, His ultimate will and purpose is completed, not only in the present, but also in the future. #Christmas #story Share on X(2.) Always Trust God’s Protection
After the birth of Christ, an angel warns Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt because Herod wanted to destroy Jesus (Matthew 2:13-15). Once again, Joseph is completely obedient to the Lord.
When we are completely obedient to the Lord, He is working behind the scenes on our behalf.
(3.) Always Trust God’s Plan: Christmas Story
In another dream, an angel tells Joseph that Herod’s dead, to take the child and Mary and go to the land of Israel. There they dwelled in Nazareth.
Prophecy regarding Jesus is fulfilled in each part of the story.
Will you trust God’s promises, protection and plan?

Now let’s glean powerful truths and insights from Mary and her words recorded in scripture.
Because Mary responded to God’s plan in the way He desires from each of us—she believed Him.
(4.) Believe Who God Is
In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel tells Mary she has found favor with God, she will conceive and bear a son. Luke 1:32-33 confirms the baby is God’s Son. God Himself.
A virgin, with child?
Yes. “For nothing will be impossible with God” (verse 37).
God’s the God of everything’s possible. He’s the God who takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things.
God's the God of everything’s possible. He’s the God who takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things. #Christmas #story Share on XMary’s beautiful words of praise magnifies who God is. She calls Him her Savior, mighty, holy, merciful, with a strong arm and a God who faithfully spoke to His people. (See Luke 1:46-55.)
(5.) Believe What God Says: Christmas Story
The story gives the end of Mary’s response to the angel.
“I am the servant of the Lord, let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 (ESV)
Do we believe what God says in His Word? Do we believe God fully, no matter what culture says?
Even later in Jesus’ ministry, we find Mary believing at the wedding in Cana. When the host ran out of wine, Mary said to the servants in John 2:5 (ESV), “Do whatever he tells you.”
Wow! What if we believed in who God is and in what God says to the point that we do whatever He tells us?
(6.) Believe How God Works
Prophecy foretold a virgin would conceive and bear a son. And the messiah would come from the lineage of King David.
In Matthew 1, the genealogy of Jesus, we see Joseph comes from David’s family line.
Nothing is coincidence in the Christmas story or in our story. Instead, it’s God’s mighty work being carried out for our good and His glory.
Nothing is coincidence in the Christmas story or in our story. Instead, it’s God’s mighty work being carried out for our good and His glory. #Christmas #story Share on XGod always confirms His word by His works.

Next Step: Journal about the 3 ways to trust God and the 3 ways to believe God and ask the Lord to help you grow in the areas most needed.
Featured images from our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.
Also see, The Christmas Story From Jesus’ Mother.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).
© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Amen. Trust God. Find peace in trusting Him.
I believe peace naturally comes from trusting God. Thanks for your comment, Melissa.
The story of Christmas, especially the faith and trust demonstrated by both Mary and Joseph, never ceases to astound me. It reminds me, too, that God’s mores and expectations are never limited by human culture and perception. We should all learn to trust God with that all our hearts.
Blessings, Karen!
Martha, you make such a good point, God is not limited by humans or even their perception of Him. Hallelujah! God bless.
You bring such substance to the table, Karen. Christmas reminds us of who God truly is. God bless and merry Christmas!
Nancy, I like how you note “Christmas reminds us of who God truly is.” Such a good reminder for our heart. God’s the God of everything’s possible. He’s the God who takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things.
Amen! Your post reminds us of all the miraculous events circling around Jesus’ birth, carried out in such a way that could only occur by the work of God’s hand. The Joseph narrative makes it very clear that the infant Jesus was the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and not by Joseph. The Lord makes certain to inform Joseph, so he need not fear taking Mary as his wife. Joseph shines through as the strong man who carried the responsibility of keeping his small family safe in Egypt and then as they returned to Nazareth. Joseph would have had the largest part of raising the Messiah to manhood, another miraculous reality.
Melinda, this is something to reflect on, “Joseph would have had the largest part of raising the Messiah to manhood, another miraculous reality.” Amazing! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thank you for this beautiful message Karen. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, Yvonne. God promises if we move forward in His timing, His ultimate will and purpose is completed, not only in the present, but also in the future.
Amen … I do marvel at the faith of Jesus’s earthly parents. They trusted God’s plan and were obedient even though they had no real idea what it meant! Praise God for this model to us all.
It’s a great picture of faith for us, trusting and obeying, even in those things unseen. Merry Christmas.
Always trust God’s promises. Yes and amen, Karen! He has proven so faithful and true, wise and loving. Where would we be without Jesus.
Linda, I often wonder how unbelievers make it in times of great loss or when things seem hopeless–for He embodies hope,
Mary and Joseph’s faith inspire me. I hope I grow in following their examples and the lessons you’ve brought out. Merry Christmas, Karen!
Jesus earthly parents are such a vital part of His-story. We glean so much truth here, and yes, faith. Merry Christmas.
Every point is so powerful, Karen. Always trust God’s promises. Yes! He is always faithful, always keeps His Word, never changes. How we need God and His Word!
Joanne, I pray to trust and believe. Merry Christmas!
Thank you Karen for sharing the story that is beautiful to my heart! As this day approaches us may it lift up hearts all around the world. Have a Christ filled Christmas.
Hi Sheila, may it be so! Merry CHRISTmas to you!
What wonderful nuggets of truth from the Christmas story! God is SO trustworthy—always. 🤗 Stopping by from #inspirememonday
Appreciate you stopping by Laura. Grateful the Lord is trustworthy, pray to trust Him more.
Powerful truths here Ms. Karen. His will WILL be done, regardless of our participation, I’ve found. Yet His blessings don’t flow unless we are in His will. God is a rewarder of obedience, desire, and growth. Loved this post ma’am. God’s blessings to you and Pastor Mike and Merry CHRISTmas young lady.
Thank you, J.D. I’ve learned obedience is for my good and God’s glory. So I often pray to lay down my agenda and pick up the Lord’s will.