A Promise: God Crowns the Year With Goodness

I imagine the three kings of Orient in a Christmas play. My mind’s eye pictures inauguration ceremonies of royal monarchs.
Perhaps we envision crowning moments of beauty pageants. Or, iconic Disney princesses displayed in crowns that dazzle.
I even think of paper crowns from Burger King. And plastic versions adorned with jewels…the finishing touch to a little girl’s costume.
God’s Promise of Goodness
But tucked inside God’s Word we find a unique meaning for crown. The action verb used to describe a calendar year.
“You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance” (Psalm 65:11 NKJV).
'You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance.' Psalm 65:11 NKJV #NewYear2020 #goodness #crown Share on XSparks from New Year’s fireworks spark our intentions to make this year, the new year, better than ever. Still, what if we went into 2020 trusting in God’s promise of goodness?
Then, regardless of plans or goals or dreams, our ultimate hope lies in God’s goodness. Because we don’t always know what tomorrow holds, even after we’ve planned. None of us knew what last year would bring. So there’s not a sure-fire way to know what will transpire this year.
The Real Crowned King
But we can know this: God doesn’t change. He’s the real crowned King, the only promise-keeper who always keeps His promises.
And we’re confident the Lord of lords and the King of kings will walk with us every step of the way in the new year. Every step.

Above all, I want my year crowned with God’s goodness. Not just any goodness. Our version of goodness—the human kind—often fails. People aren’t good all the time. Even crowned people.
Therefore, my heart longs for, hopes in, and believes God’s promise to crown January through December with goodness.
Although dark moments and hard circumstances may come my way. Somehow and someway, the Lord will bring good from whatever happens.
Like Psalm 103:4b reminds us that it’s God “who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy” (ESV). A firm love and unwavering mercy shows off God’s divine goodness. Because goodness is not only something God does, but who He is.
Crowning Moments
The goodness of God tops inauguration ceremonies of presidents and kings. It trumps titles this world offers.
Iconic symbols of earthly crowning moments? Each wanes in comparison to the only One worthy to wear a royal crown. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Iconic symbols of earthly crowning moments? Each wanes in comparison to the only One worthy to wear a royal crown. Jesus Christ, the Son of God. #NewYear2020 #goodness #crown Share on XYes, a new calendar year is here. Yet, a day is coming when I will wear a crown of gold (Psalm 21:3). The crown of life will be placed on my head (James 1:12), because Jesus wore a crown of thorns for me. And for you.
A New Year’s Prayer:
Lord, I worship You seated on the throne, high and lifted up. I magnify Your majesty and splendor. You are worthy to be praised and exalted above all earthly kings, authority and crowns. Help make my plans, my goals, and my dreams as You would have them in this year. Thank you that no matter what tomorrow holds, You are good all the time and Your goodness never changes. Never. I cling to the promise that You will crown my year with goodness for in You alone is spiritual abundance. Lord, I crown You with many crowns and lay my earthly crowns at Your feet. Amen.

*Last week’s blog post, “What If I Let God Be God This Year?”
*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Kingdom Bloggers/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Abounding Grace/Welcome Heart/Recharge Wednesday/Porch Stories/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Sitting Among Friends/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Fresh Market Friday/Faith On Fire/Dance With Jesus and Faith and Friends.
© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Thank you, dear Karen, for beautifully reminding us where our true hope is.
Blessings to you & your family ~ Wendy Mac
Wendy, regardless of plans or goals or dreams, our ultimate hope lies in God’s goodness. Because we don’t always know what tomorrow holds, even after we’ve planned. None of us knew what last year would bring. So there’s not a sure-fire way to know what will transpire this year. So thankful the Lord never changes and we can cling to His promise of goodness. God bless!
It sure would bring rest to our souls if we trusted in God‘s promises of goodness. Sometimes we get tested in our trust level and devotion to God when we have to wait or things don’t go our way. I really think it delights God’s heart when he sees us steadfast and immovable despite obstacles. I love this: “A firm love and unwavering mercy shows off God’s divine goodness. Because goodness is not only something God does, but who He is. “
Good word to carry through in the new year!
So true, Valerie. Things, and life itself, often turn out every way but my way. So thankful Jesus is the way. And how God’s way is the path to holiness, mercy, love, grace, forgiveness, kindness, goodness, and the path to Him.
We can all hold onto this idea: “Although dark moments and hard circumstances may come my way. Somehow and someway, the Lord will bring good from whatever happens.”
God bless!
Yes, Nancy. It’s the only truth to hold on to and holds us together when life seems to fall apart! Blessings!
God crowns the world with goodness . . . such stunning, hopeful imagery here, Karen. I love it!
Yes, no matter what happens in the days, weeks, months to come, God is walking with us every step of the way.
Martha, we’re confident the Lord of lords and the King of kings will walk with us every step of the way in the new year. Every step. God bless!
May we always remember who our true hope is!!
Yes, Julie. Jesus is the only sure hope when life’s not good.
We are called to worship God, not people. Your messages inspire me.
Thank you, Melissa. When we worship things or people, any idol, we are sure to be let down. Because the only goodness that lasts…the only goodness that trumps all other attempts to be good…is God’s goodness.
What a beautiful perspective to maintain as we move into the new year!
Thank you, Karen!
Lord, You crown Ava’s year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance. (Psalm 65:11 NKJV)
God is always good. Even when we go through trials. We found out this week we must move by March 31. We were not expecting this at all. Scrambling to find a home. But we know God has a perfect place just for us.
Sorry to hear about your sudden need to move and change in address. It’s a sure reminder that God never changes. And He never changes addresses. He’s always there and present for any second we call out His name. Praying for you and your family for the new home.
Oh Karen, this post brought me to tears! Our beautiful King, stooped to wear a crown of thorns that we may be with Him forever! This line: “Yes, a new calendar year is here. Yet, a day is coming when I will wear a crown of gold (Psalm 21:3). The crown of life will be placed on my head (James 1:12), because Jesus wore a crown of thorns for me. And for you.” Jesus, may you be exalted through our lives here and now! May your beauty shine forth from our love and devotion for you, for you are worthy! God bless you, dear sister, for your heart for Jesus is a bright beacon in a dark world!
In total agreement with your prayer, Melissa. In constant prayer Jesus is exalted through and in and by us. Iconic symbols of earthly crowning moments? Each wanes in comparison to the only One worthy to wear a royal crown. Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Hallelujah!
It’s so comforting to know that no matter what happens, God never changes.
Stephanie, like Psalm 103:4b reminds us that it’s God “who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy” (ESV). A firm love and unwavering mercy shows off God’s divine goodness. Because goodness is not only something God does, but who He is.
Amen Ms. Karen! I try to lay myself at His throne each day; asking Him to lift me up and send me in His service, for His glory. I pray also that if I fail, it is in the attempt and not the lack thereof. I praise Him for His understanding that I am not perfect in this life, but believe on His promise that I shall one day be. What beautiful thoughts your words emote my friend. God’s blessings for your steadfast faith.
J.D., thanks for your insight. The promise to be perfect one day is something to hold on to. When the Lord makes all things new, the earth and His children will return to the perfection meant to be ours in the beginning. (Revelation 21) “Lord, we worship You seated on the throne, high and lifted up. We magnify Your majesty and splendor. You are worthy to be praised and exalted above all earthly kings, authority and crowns.”
Love the reference of the crown in the Scripture as well as how you discussed it. Beautiful post.
Earthly crowning moments certainly wane in comparison to biblical crowning moments. Thank you! Lord, crown our year with YOUR goodness.
Karen, thank you for this reminder. No matter what happens, no matter the losses or tragedies, the blessings or the abundance, either way, God is good, and his plans for us are good, to give us a future and a hope. Lord Jesus, may we keep our eyes on your goodness and your love, no matter what this year holds through the kind sovereignty of your good purpose and plan for our lives. You are good!
Love your powerful words, Melinda. And thanks for your prayer. He’s a good, good Father and we are confident goodness and mercy follow us ALL the days of our lives. Psalm 23:6
We are neighbors at Lyli’s today. He alone is worthy. King of my heart.
Amen! Me too, Susan! So thankful the Lord promises to crown our year with His goodness.
Karen, I read this beautiful prayer aloud. Thank you!
So glad, Beckie. I contine to pray this prayer and ask the Lord to let it sink deep into my soul and heart where real belief takes place.
A beautiful article, Karen. So full of faith and trust. Our hope is in the Lord always. Love this line from the prayer:
“You are good all the time and Your goodness never changes. Never.”
That thought brings me so much comfort and peace, Pam.
“God doesn’t change. He’s the real crowned King, the only promise-keeper who always keeps His promises.”
Karen, what an encouraging post. Great reminders that God is the King above all kings, he is always good and if we remain faithful we will be rewarded with eternal life.
Thanks, Anne. Yes, a day is coming when I will wear a crown of gold (Psalm 21:3). The crown of life will be placed on my head (James 1:12), because Jesus wore a crown of thorns for me. And for you.
Thank you, Karen, for reminding us of promises like this that give us hope. May our Father’s good care rest upon us all in 2020.
It is hope in God’s goodness like no one or nothing else this world offers. “You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance.” (Psalm 65:11 NKJV)
Beautiful imagery… I love how this shifts the focus from us to God.
Candice, the focus really is on God…His job is goodness, not our job. Our job is to trust in this promise. “Our version of goodness—the human kind—often fails. People aren’t good all the time. Even crowned people.”
Amen, amen. It can be so hard, especially when we are hit with a deep blow, but it is critical to cling to God in all circumstances. Bless you, friend!
Thanks, Jessica. Although dark moments and hard circumstances may come our way. Somehow and someway, the Lord will bring good from whatever happens.
Loved this post, Karen! It goes along with one of my benchmark scriptures: Romans 8:28. Keep trusting, He will bring good out of every. Single. Thing.
Yes, any time we think about God’s goodness, it reminds us of Romans 8:28, it does me. Goodness is not only something God does, but who He is. Thanks for your kind comment.
Oh Karen, another wonderful post. I really loved the prayer at the end. I printed it so I can say it again. Praying for you and your family.
Thank you, Yvonne. I continue to pray that prayer myself. “Lord, You are good all the time and Your goodness never changes. Never. We cling to the promise that You will crown our year with goodness for in You alone is spiritual abundance. Lord, we crown You with many crowns and lay our earthly crowns at Your feet. Amen.”
I wholeheartedly agree, Karen. We see the changeableness of humans even with Prince Harry’s recent decision. But no matter who is in charge or wearing a crown, Christ is ultimately the King of kings. That’s my focus as well and love all that you’ve inspired us to think about today, my friend!
Hey Beth, yes, that’s a good example I hadn’t thought of before. Agree, no matter who wears earthly crowns or occupyies earthly thrones, Jesus is above all! He’s high and lifted up and the train of his robe fills the temple. (Isaiah 6:1)
Amen – God’s goodness is here. Thank you. Maree
Lord, crown our year with goodness, because we trust Your paths drip with abundance!
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