Claim These 21 Promises as God’s Child

Claim These 21 Promises as God's Child

Sometimes we struggle with who we are and where we belong in this life. And we separate who we are with whose we are.

But the two were always meant to be one and the same.

The Bible promises wonderful truths to claim when we belong to the Heavenly Father as His child.

I hope these 21 Promises encourage you as a child of God.

Let’s claim each as our own.

Promises: God Knows My Name

(1.) My heavenly Father never goes missing from my life. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b (ESV)

(2.) God knows my name. (Isaiah 43:1)

(3.) My heavenly Father is intimately acquainted with everything about me. “You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.” Psalm 139:3 (ESV)

(4.) God, the Father, adopted me into His family. No longer a spiritual orphan, I now belong. (Galatians 4:5-7)

(5.) The Lord loves and cares for me. (Ephesians 3:18-19, Psalm 23)

The Lord Fights For Me

(6.) My heavenly Father calls me beloved, child, saint, blessed, and His. (Romans 1:7, John 1:12)

(7.) God, the Father, delights in me. “He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.” Psalm 18:19 (ESV)

(8.) The Lord fights for me. (Exodus 14:14)

(9.) My heavenly Father watches over me. (Psalm 121:5-8)

(10.) God has desires and plans for me. (Ephesians 2:10, Proverbs 3:5-6)

God knows my name. The Lord fights for me. My heavenly Father delights in me. Share on X
Claim These 21 Promises as God's Child

Promises: The Father Counsels Me

(11.) My heavenly Father guides me. (Psalm 37:23)

(12.) God, the Father, counsels me. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8 (ESV)

(13.) The Lord shows mercy to me. (Psalm 51:11)

(14.) My heavenly Father disciplines me for my good and His glory. (Hebrews 12:6)

(15.) The Lord has my best interest at heart. (Psalm 84:11) 

The Lord Rejoices and Sings Over Me

(16.) My heavenly Father rejoices and sings over me. (Zephaniah 3:17)

(17.) My heavenly Father extends unending grace to me. “And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” John 1:16 (ESV)

(18.) The Lord continually pursues a relationship with me. (Ezekiel 34:11, Luke 15:4-7)

(19.) God, the Father, thinks about me. (Psalm 139:17)

(20.) The Lord listens to me. “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 20:12-13 (NIV)

(21.)  My heavenly Father heals me emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. (1 Peter 2:24, Psalm 147:3. Psalm 30:2)

Sometimes we struggle with identity and belonging. But the Bible promises wonderful truths for us to claim as God's child. He thinks about us, listens to us, and rejoices and sings over us. Share on X
Claim These 21 Promises as God's Child

Which of these promises speak to your heart the most? Will you claim these promises as God’s child? And will you remember who you are and whose you are? A child of the Almighty.

Featured images courtesy of Friday’s Forever on YouTube.

Last week’s article, 5 Beneficial Areas to Grow in Christ.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups: Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2024 by Karen Friday, All rights reserve


October 10, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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I love all the promises you’ve listed here, Karen, so choosing one isn’t easy for me. It’s amazing to even think that the Creator of the Universe cares for each and every one of us as His beloved children. We belong to Him. Blessings!

Karen says:

That is mind-blowing, Martha. But so glad it’s true. God does love and care for us and knows our name. God bless.

I rest in His comfort and know that I am His. Hallelujah! Have a blessed day! 🙂

Karen says:

My heavenly Father calls us beloved, child, saint, blessed, and His. (Romans 1:7, John 1:12) Blessings!

Jessica Brodie says:

Love this. Today, the one that resonates is “The Lord fights for me.” It’s a comfort know that in spite of dark forces, He claims me and helps me.

Karen says:

Yes, I love that one too, Jessica. When we’re in a battle, the enemy holds no power over us. Satan is not God’s equal, he is powerless before the Almighty who fights for us.

Karen, this message moved my heart. Your Scripture-based words went to the core of our being and our identity in Christ. This is soul-anchoring good news! He knows my name! So simple, but so beautiful.

Karen says:

Thank you, Melissa. It is soul-anchoring. With everything going on around us, we all need reminding of God’s wonderful promises. God, the Father, delights in Melissa. “He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.” Psalm 18:19 (ESV)

Yvonne Morgan says:

Loved it Karen. I’m standing on these promises. They give me so much hope especially with all that is happening around us. Thank you.

Karen says:

I’m standing on them too. These and the many promises in God’s Word encourage us and remind us of how God sees us. God bless.

His beautiful promises. Thanks, Karen. God bless!

Karen says:

So grateful the heavenly Father never goes missing from our life. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b (ESV)

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