Do You Believe in God and Miracles?

Do You Believe in God and Miracles?

I believe in God and I believe in miracles. Maybe so do you.

But when we or our loved ones don’t get our miracle, do we still believe?

For instance, when a friend asked me to pray for her family during a difficult time, I petitioned my Lord to do the impossible. I let my friend know: “I’m praying for nothing short of a miracle. No one is higher than the God we serve.”

Lord, we believe You hold the power and we believe in Your sovereignty. God, You are the God of the impossible. So I pray for a miracle in this situation. I pray You move in a mighty way in the circumstances and with the people involved. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Because only a great and mighty God can make all things a possibility. He can do anything.

Do You Believe?

But my friend’s situation did not turn out as she’d hoped. Yet, our God met her in her darkest hour. Do we still believe in God and in miracles? Yes. Do we still believe in God’s power and plans and ways? Yes.

I have friends who are a walking miracle who were given a death sentence. On the flipside, I lost family members and friends way too early, even though I prayed and had others praying for a divine healing. Their healing and wholeness happened in heaven instead of on earth.

You see, miracles take place in different forms and may not be visible to our natural eyes. It doesn’t mean our miracle didn’t come. But sometimes it didn’t happen the way we wanted.

There are daily miracles of breath and grace. Such as the breath you just took reading this. And the grace upon grace we have every day in Christ (see John 1:16). Let’s not forget moments of miracles in life. Like every time a baby is born. Also, moments of spiritual birth.

Many times, God is working the miracle on the inside of us, transforming us into the image of Christ.

Here are more truths to believe. We believe God is sovereign and good. So we believe the Lord holds the power to do anything, even if He chooses not to.

Believe In God

The Bible is filled with stories of miracles.

In the Old Testament, God’s Word recounts miracles for God’s people. Remember when God moved mountains, parted seas, sent provision, and defeated enemies? He still moves in these same ways for us.

Do You Believe in God and Miracles?

Think about the times the Lord made a way when there seemed to be no possible way through a circumstance. God moved mountains and parted seas to clear a path. My family has experienced miracles of provision over the years.

Finally, the Lord helps us defeat things in our lives, including addictions, sin, and our main adversary, the devil.

We pray to a God who is able and who performs miracles. So let’s thank Him for His power and His sovereignty and His peace in the midst of any storm.

In the gospel of Mark, chapter 9, we read the story of a boy possessed with a spirit. The boy’s father brought him to Jesus. The spirit made the boy mute and deaf.

And it tried to harm him by throwing him into water or fire.

Jesus spoke to the boy’s father. “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23 (ESV)

The disciples had not been able to cast out the spirit. Still, this father knew if he found Jesus, the hope of all hopes, his boy would be made well and whole. He needed a miracle.

Mark 9:24 notes his response to Jesus. “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, ‘I believe; help my unbelief!’” (ESV) The Father believed and wanted to grow in his belief. We can grow in our belief, too.

The story ends with a miracle of healing. Jesus rebukes the spirit and it leaves the boy, restoring him as before—to how the boy should be.

Miracles of Restoration

That’s what Jesus does for me and for you. He restores us to how we should be.

Miracles of:

  • Physical healing.
  • Emotional healing.
  • Spiritual restoration.

Spiritual miracles make us how we should be in Christ: adopted into God’s family, joint heirs with Christ, forgiven, loved, redeemed, free, saved, and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Do you believe in: God, miracles, God’s goodness, His sovereignty, His plans, and the Lord’s ability?

The song, Miracle Power, by We The Kingdom, contains amazing lyrics.

Also see, Do You Know These 32 Facts About God?

Featured images from filming for our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


February 2, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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An encouraging inspirational post, Karen! The Lord can and does work on our behalf, answering prayers uttered in the darkness, responding to requests given throughout the day. What a gracious God we serve!

Karen says:

Melinda, I really like to think about how miracles take place in different forms and may not be visible to our natural eyes. It doesn’t mean our miracle didn’t come. But sometimes it didn’t happen the way we wanted.

With God, all things are possible. Of that, I have no doubt! He will perform miracles, if not in this life, certainly in the next.
Blessings, Karen!

Karen says:

Yes, Martha, it’s just a matter of whether they happen here or in heaven. In the meantime, He is working on our behalf to bring about our good and His glory.

Yvonne Morgan says:

I believe in His miracles because I have seen them in my life. Thank you for a beautiful message.

Karen says:

I have too, Yvonne. We believe God is sovereign and good. So we believe the Lord holds the power to do anything, even if He chooses not to.

Amen. God’s mercies and miracles continue every moment.

Karen says:

Thankful our great and mighty God can make all things a possibility. He can do anything.

Jessica Brodie says:

So inspiring, Karen! God can and does perform miracles. He is always good … even when those miracles don’t happen!

Karen says:

Thanks, Jessica. I’m fervently praying for your niece. I even thought of her when singing in church this morning and prayed.

His ways are not our ways. His ways are often hard to understand. But we can trust. Wonderful message, Karen. God bless!

Karen says:

I like how you worded that, Nancy. His ways are above us and not grasped by us, but we still trust His heart.

J.D. Wininger says:

For me, true miracles only point to God. The rest are mere “parlor tricks” and deception. Do yes, I believe in God and I believe He is the God of miracles. Like you, I’ve seen God bring the miraculous to life. I’ve also see Him choose not to save a loved one, a child, or other prayer request. A great many of these, I’ve struggled to understand why He sometimes chooses not to. I’ve asked, “Lord, why have You taken this precious child so soon?” I’ve cried myself to sleep asking, “Why did this end in divorce, Lord?” I’ve begged His intervention in the lives of many and have yet to see their conversion. Does any of that dissuade me from believing in God and all that He is capable of? Not a chance. Because I can’t understand it is only proof that He is so far beyond me (His creation by the way), and this is another reason for me to continue believing. I know what His Word promises and I stand in the belief that He will complete the work He planned for my life. So enjoyed this encouraging word today precious friend. God’s blessings.

Karen says:

Amen to this, J.D., “Because I can’t understand it is only proof that He is so far beyond me (His creation by the way), and this is another reason for me to continue believing.” Yes! We believe God is all powerful, able to perform anything including miracles, and we believe He is in control trusing His plans, ways, and goodness. God bless.

Karen, your words here are so powerful. God’s sovereignty is often beyond our understanding. Can He do miracles…in the way we hope for? YES. Does He do miracles in the way we want? Not always.

What you said here, “You see, miracles take place in different forms and may not be visible to our natural eyes. It doesn’t mean our miracle didn’t come. But sometimes it didn’t happen the way we wanted.” So much truth and comfort in these words!

Karen says:

Thanks for your comment, Jeanne. I want to always believe in miracle power from the miracle worker and way-maker, God Almighty. When we don’t understand something now, we trust His goodness no matter what.

Karen, I do believe. I’ve seen miracles–and I’m waiting. Thank you for the encouragement!
What a fabulous song, too.


Karen says:

Tammy, believing with you in the waiting. And praying the Lord’s miracle AND Holy Spirit power works out His goodness in your life and circumstances. God bless.

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