Drag Along Regret or Run Free to God

Such a small word that packs a big punch. Often, a supersized punch to the gut. And it leaves us gasping for air and reeling in supercharged pain in our soul.
Regret is displayed in these ways: sorrow/sadness, repentance, disappointment or remorse for a missed opportunity.*
In order to unpack the specifics about regret, let’s look at examples and Scriptures.
Sorrow & Regret
Sorrow over a great loss. Maybe a loved one’s death or a broken relationship.
The regret runs much deeper when both are involved. A loved one dies before restoration takes place in the relationship. I’ve seen this fleshed out at funerals. Sons and daughters or fathers and mothers or brothers and sisters who skipped the services because of a hurt or grievance.
But this hits a little too close to home in my current situation. Someone in my extended family refuses to live at peace with me. Reconciliation, at least for now, is not the desired outcome for her.
I pray and ask the Lord to humble my heart and help me continue to reach out. So regret is not my companion now or later.
Repentance & Regret
Past mistakes and sin keeps us chained to regret.
But a godly repentance helps us let go and ask forgiveness from God and others. Then, those chains no longer hold us captive.
Past mistakes and sin keeps us chained to regret. But a godly #repentance helps us let go and ask #forgiveness from God and others. Then, those chains no longer hold us captive. Share on X“For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death” 2 Corinthians 7:10.
A true repentant heart moves on and leaves regret behind. Never let the enemy convince you otherwise. God’s forgiveness and grace means it’s over. Done.
And ask the Lord for godly grief over any new occurrences of sin. A clean slate with God equals no more regret.
Ask the Lord for godly grief over any new occurrences of sin. A clean slate with God = No. More. Regret. #noregrets Share on XDisappointment & Regret
Perhaps hardships brought disappointment into our life too many times to even count. Because it seems to know no boundaries or play favorites.

Yet, disappointments never have to affect the trajectory of our lives. God not only replaces disappointments we grieve with His good and perfect will, but He also redeems everything they cost us. And the Lord guides us to the other side of disappointment where He waits to gift us with His treasures.
“I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King…. Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:15, 18-19.
Missed Opportunity & Regret
We missed it. We missed our chance.
Sometimes our remorse stems from missed opportunities. Those occasions and moments in life that disappeared because of avoidance or no follow through. Like pursuing a dream, meeting a goal, searching for a long lost family member, and so on.
While those opportunities are rare to present themselves to us again, we choose to not let this regret stay on repeat.
“…one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14.
Listen, my brothers and sisters in Christ, either we drag along regret like a ball and chain or we run to the God of new beginnings.
Either we drag along regret like a ball and chain or we run to the God of new beginnings. #regret #noregrets Share on XI’m running to God, free, with open arms, dropping any baggage from the past. I hope you join me.
Which of the above regrets try to keep you in chains?
*Summarized definition and synonyms from Google.
Scripture ESV.
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Top photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash/Middle photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash/Bottom photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash.
*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Ronja Oksanen/ #AboundingGrace, Rachel Lee #DestinationInspiration, Debbie Kitterman/#Dare2Hear, Lori Schumaker/#momentsofhope, Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.
© 2019 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

We certainly cannot cling to the past that holds regrets and disappointments. We must, as Paul admonishes, press on toward the goal of new and unending life in the Lord. He will hear and heal us if we approach Him with repenting hearts.
Great post as always, Karen!
Thank you, Martha! The enemy loves nothing more than to keep us chained to regret. But, yes, if we will release it to the Lord, what a difference it makes!
“…one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14. (ESV)
As usual, this is a great post, Karen! We can all relate to this situation of regret over lost opportunities and damaged relationships. As you mentioned, sometimes even when we’ve done everything to restore a relationship, the other person may reject the idea of living at peace with us. So many things we have to release into the hands of God. We can do what he has instructed and walk in his ways, but the hearts and souls of others are outside our control. We pray over those broken situations and relationships, and it’s a time for rejoicing and praise when hearts are softened and mending occurs. When it’s outside our control, we must give it over to God, letting loose of any regret and giving the outcomes into the hand of Jesus.
Hey Melinda, the resistance from others to mend and move on is often the hardest part. Yet, as you said, we can never control the actions or responses of others. So we do our job and let God do His. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. Always insightful.
So much truth in these verses. Sometimes difficult to take it to heart, but the freedom is there. laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren. Oh that the Lord would help us leave behind regret and walk in forgiveness and grace.
Run free to God knowing He forgives and He loves us. Amen
Melissa, I’m running to God, free, with open arms, dropping any baggage from the past. Glad you’re joining me. 🙂
This is so true Karen. I learned a huge lesson in forgiveness moments before my mom’s death…God spoke to my heart…”What are you going to do? Will you choose forgiveness or hold onto the hurt!” I chose to forgive…and I thank God I did because the blessing that followed changed my life! I experienced a peace I would have never known…and restoration for my family has endured since 2015…all I can is choosing forgiveness brings the blessings of God!
What a powerful story and testimony, Marla. It certainly points to how dropping the chains of regret brings restoration and freedom from the past. Hallelujah! Appreciate you sharing in such a vulnerable way!
I love those verses from Philippians and their encouragement to leave behind the past and keep moving forward with God!
Aren’t those verses so powerful giving us the victory over remorse and regret and disappointments, Lesley. I’m moving toward God and not looking back. 🙂
I think everyone can relate to this post. Thanks for the reminder that when we repent, God forgives—every single time. We don’t deserve it, but it’s the beauty of grace.
And what beautiful grace it is, Beckie! A true repentant heart moves on and leaves regret behind. Never let the enemy convince you otherwise. God’s forgiveness and grace means it’s over. Done.
Dear Karen, I absolutely love this post! You anchor the truth of our lives with the Truth of God’s Word and balance those two beautiful bookends of our faith so perfectly – grace and truth. We must repent, with full recognition of how we have rebelled against the Lord, in order to be truly set free from those sins. However, then we must let the forgiveness God has offered through Jesus cleanse us. Period. When we hold on to it, it is as if Jesus’ sacrifice wasn’t enough for us. Satan uses even this against us. Oh Lord, help us repent, completely, fully, wholly, and then accept the cleansing Jesus won for us with joy! Bless you!
Yes, Melissa! I so agree! The enemy wants us chained to past mistakes, sins, remorse over something, but the victory only comes in releasing it, in letting go. Because of God’s grace and true repentance. It’s done. Finished. Over. Thank you for your wonderful thoughts!
Karen, I am grateful I honored my mom in my adult life rather than pull away because of the demeaning things said and disappointment she always had because I did not fit her desires of what she wanted as a girl. Her mouth squashed the entire family dynamics and as brothers and sisters we survived rather than thrived. Today unfortunately, because no bonding really took place, we find ourselves many miles apart and casual at best in relationships. It is more a dull ache of the soul than anger or resentment. As siblings we know nothing is impossible with God and know your comment on God’s Redeeming Power is hopeful.
I’m so sorry, Valerie. Your experience is certainly similar to me and my siblings. And, yes, there’s a hurt and pain at first, then that dull ache you mention…almost numb emotionally to the person. God can redeem anything and restore any relationship IF the other person is willing. I’m so glad we can live loved by the Savior and walk in freedom. Praying for you! And thanks so much for commenting.
Hi Karen, I am sorry about the person who does not wish for reconciliation. As I have grown in my faith, there are two women who dropped out of my life without reconciliation. Thank you for this post. It confirms I have done my work with Him and free from burden. May God bless you and your beautiful family today. In Christ, Julie
Hey Julie, appreciate you sharing your story as well. It’s sad when others refuse to reconcile with us. Yet, we can live and walk in freedom from regret when we’ve done everything that’s humanly possible to make amends. So we pray and leave it in all at the feet of Jesus. 🙂
If God can forgive us and forget our sins, we should learn to do the same. Life is to short to hold on to regrets. Forgive often and love everyone.
Amen, Yvonne. I say that often…”Life is too short to live that way.” Thanks!
Hi Karen this is a great message of encouragement to lean on God always.I can relate to your story.I also have two family members that I had missed opportunities with and they have held this against me and I have tried to make amends but its like I do not exist to them.Its a hard road to go down but I know Im not alone.Even though they dont give grace and forgiveness,I know God’s forgiveness and grace means it’s over. Done. And He is enough! You and your family member are in my prayers.Im sorry.Thank you Karen for shinning Gods truth and reminding me Im not alone.Blessings to you sweet friend. Sisters in Christ. Sydell
Thank you, Sydell. And I’m so sorry for you that it’s been your experience with two family members distancing themselves from you. Your words, “it’s like I do not exist to them” is how I feel too. So sad. The Lord never intended family relationships to ever go that awry. I’m praying over you and those people for the Lord to soften their hearts and want to be restored. Yet, it they never change in heart attitude, you are held by God’s grace and freedom. It is over! Love and hugs!
“God not only replaces disappointments we grieve with His good and perfect will, but He also redeems everything they cost us.” Oh, I love that truth!! It amazes me again and again how God does not have to redeem our disappointments, especially ones we’ve brought upon ourselves. But He loves us so much that in the midst of teaching us about Him and pruning us, He redeems us too!
Emily, that’s a great point, some disappointments we brought on ourselves. Yet, the Lord still guides us to the other side of disappointment where He waits to gift us with His treasures. Hallelujah!
Great post, we have to try to live at peace will all people, if they don’t want it though, we have to move own for own sakes, or that creates more regrets.
Exactly, Rebecca. We’ve done our part at that point and we let it go.
Hi Karen. I don’t have many regrets but there are times when I speak out of turn or overstep or point fingers away from me, so I do have sorrow. I’m thankful that God is faithful to resolve things at least internally when we follow His lead in making amends. Thank you for this encouragement.
Hey Stephen, I like how you said God resolves things internally so we are at peace when we make things right with others. Thanks!
God is so good to forgive us, but we tend to hang on to our regrets a little longer than we should. I loved your wisdom here. Maree
Thank you, Maree. Yes, I think we hang on or we had set it at the feet of Jesus, then returned to retrieve it again. May we release it and not go back for that burden.
Disappointment regret, that’s what used to really try to take hold. My unforgiveness to myself and resentment toward a few others held me captive for a long time. Wounded so much with a mind, heart and soul that needed to heal. It was absolutely God that brought the radical healing and beautiful restoration. It’s so true as you said that turning it over to God, letting it go, that’s where you break free from regret!!
Oh April, I know all too well what it’s like to be held captive with resentment over injuries and even repeat offenders in my life. Thankful we can walk in freedom…but we must choose it! Appreciate your thoughts!