An Easter Throwback That Changed My Life Forever
Throwback pictures not only capture people and places in moments of time. But they also stir our emotions. And they retrieve memories.
Throwback Traditions
The image to the left uncovers an Easter throwback from my childhood. I’m pictured with my twin sister and mother. Besides Easter baskets, we celebrated with new dresses, gloves, and quite-the-fancy hairdos.
So, to achieve the look, my mom pin-curled our hair just before we went to bed. The process involves twisting groups of hair in a circular motion all the way to the scalp then held in place with bobby-pins. When my head hit the pillow, I remember the not-so-comfortable feeling. Oh, what a girl has to do.
Years later, I pin-curled my daughter’s hair on Saturday nights for church and for special occasions. A throwback tradition.
Yet I imagine my mom’s hairdo professionally styled. And the decorated netting showcasing her up-do screams “in-style.”
Posting content pertaining to the past, usually photographs, depicts a popular social media trend. A wistful look back. A blast from the past. Pictures of yesterday, yesteryear, or many moons ago.
Taking ourselves, friends, and family back to a nostalgic time worth documenting:
- How we looked.
- What was happening.
- When it happened.
There’s one look back that changed my life forever.
A Look Back
Throwback to many moons ago. A man is arrested. Though innocent of the accusations against Him.
How He looked. A picture of kindness, gentleness, compassion, and justice. Justice for the weak, abused, and those led astray. But He doesn’t belong to the “in-crowd” and He’s certainly not “in-style” with the religious leaders of the day.
Taken into custody, they mock and beat Him while blindfolded. His face displaying the marks.
What was happening. Days and months before the arrest, He mentors a small group of men, giving them godly leadership as they followed Him. In-person and zero likeness to following someone on social media. They travel together and visit people in nearby towns. He leads by example and shows His followers how to do life with others—you love unconditionally. Still further, He speaks with authority.
The supernatural happens in His presence. And He offers himself in a selfless way, ministering to people. He helps others, serves the communities, reaches out to wanderers, outcasts, and the wayward lost without hope.
When it happened. This game-changer-man is about thirty-three years old. While historical scholars and theologians differ, approximate dates of these events range between 29-33 A.D.
Right before His arrest, He’s involved in an activity of interest—talking to His Father. Praying to God. Then soldiers come for Him. Betrayed by one of His own. After His arrest, a close companion denies knowing Him.
A Throwback Picture
A throwback picture of betrayal, denial, and false accusations. He appears before men in powerful positions with His fate gripped in their hands.
Nothing deserving prison or a criminal’s death is justified. Still, many desired His execution.
Only days before the crowds honored this man with a triumphal parade. They shouted, “Hosanna in the Highest!”
Now, another shout ensues, “Crucify him!” What drastically changed their sentiments? Perhaps influenced by peer pressure? Did they believe false witnesses? Isn’t this the man who spoke great words to their hearts and healed a family member? Didn’t they remember?
The scene begs a look deep inside each of us.
Does my life cry out 'Hosanna in the Highest!' or 'Crucify him!'? #Easter Share on XWith an overwhelming majority vote, they release a known criminal to freedom. Jesus took his place. Therefore, they lead Christ away for crucifixion among sentenced criminals.
It’s a grim picture for the Lord’s family and friends. Once again mocked, beaten and flogged virtually beyond recognition, and crucified on Calvary’s cross.
Easter Throwback
Flashback to that day. The darkest day in the history of the world. When Jesus Christ, Son of God, breathed His last breath.
But on the third day the light dispelled the darkness. Jesus conquered death and rose from the grave. He’s alive! The redemption of mankind brought through Jesus Christ.
The Messiah took our place and released us to freedom. His innocent blood cancels the spiritual accusations against us.
“And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen, as he said. Come see the place where he lay'” Matthew 28: 2, 5, 6 ESV.
Whatever life throws at me, I remember the tomb is empty. #Easter Share on XA throwback picture that changed my life forever.
He is risen!
© 2015 by Karen Friday, All Rights Reserved
Giveaway winner: Wendy McDonald is the winner of Jen Weaver’s book, A Wife’s Secret to Happiness. Congratulations, Wendy!
Images and image design by Adobe Spark.

I enjoyed seeing this picture! So fun to look back at memories like these. I also love how you craftily wove your Easter story to HIS. Now, nothing will ever be the same. We can have eternal life because Jesus gave up His. The choice is ours. Too much to take in!
Happy Easter, dear sister. Hope you make some more beautiful memories. I plan to 🙂
Beckie, thank you for your encouragement and for commenting. Yes, His resurrection story is the Easter throwback that changed my life forever. Whatever life throws at me, I remember the tomb is empty! Praise Jesus! Happy Easter!
Karen, I’m sharing your second tweet on Twitter, it’s exactly what I needed to read today: “Whatever life throws at me, I remember the tomb is empty.” God is good. And I’m thrilled to win the book too. I love marriage books as much as I love chocolate. 🙂 Thank you.
Blessings ~ Wendy
Hey, Wendy. Yay! So glad you won! Yes, may our lives continually cry out, Hosanna in the Highest! For we are crucified with Christ and no longer live to ourselves, but He lives in us. (Galatians 2:20). He is risen! Just as He said! Happy Easter.
Great post, Karen! I love your throwback photo and your way of telling the Good Friday story. Blessed Easter to you!
Sarah, thank you. It’s a throwback memory I can never share enough. Jesus took our place. His blood and resurrection power change our lives forever! Blessings and Happy Easter!
Karen, thank you for this beautifully written account of His death and resurrection. And I love the throwback analogy, especially since He is alive and active always. He is my hope. Blessings, Julie
Julie, thank you so much for reading and your comment. Yes, He’s our hope forever. The first Easter brought us real hope when Jesus conquered death and the grave. It’s a throwback image that changed my life forever. Whatever my circumstances may be, I remember the tomb is indeed empty! Blessings!