
Pictured with Brandi Napier, Coordinator for event, Admant Baptist Church.
“From the moment I met Karen, I knew I was in the presence of an authentic Christian Lady living her life to share the love of Jesus. I had the privilege of getting to know Karen by organizing Women’s Worship & Fellowship Day at Admant Baptist Church where Karen was the featured speaker. Karen speaks words straight from God to encourage and inspire those around her to live a life rooted in Christ. Karen has a heart for Christ and bringing others to know Him through a personal relationship is her desire. She is truly an inspirational lady who will encourage you to be a reflection of Christ daily.
I highly recommend Karen for your ladies event. She will deliver God’s message beautifully, speaking from her heart as she carries out her life purpose of sharing the love of Christ with others.” — Brandi Napier

Pictured with Ninkey McCarty, Right, and Judy Knight, Left, Coordinators for Women’s Events, East Stone Gap United Methodist Church.
“I’ve known Karen since she was a youth, having connections through her visits to our church and through her family. She grew into a steadfast, mature woman whose love for God and His precepts are evident. She spoke at our women’s event last fall, sharing about being authentic women of Christ and her message was well taught and received by our ladies. She used humor and personal examples to punctuate her teaching, and was definitely sensitive to the Spirit. Her sweet, genuine desire for women to know Jesus is such a blessing!” — Ninkey McCarty, Coordinator for Women’s Events
“Karen recently spoke at our women’s conference this past September. She is a real authentic woman of God who lets her faith and love of our Savior shine through her words and presence. Her love for women and her desire for them to come more fully into the knowledge of God’s authentic love and grace was a blessing to our fellowship.” — Judy Knight, Coordinator for Women’s Events

Pictured with the ladies of Community Church.
“We were blessed by the wonderful messages of Karen Friday at our Fall Retreat in 2017. Karen is a lovely messenger of God’s truths as she shared the message of our God who Follows us with all goodness and mercy.” — Pam Brown, Community Church, Hendersonville
Pictured with Sharon Boreing, center, and Kathy Little, right, Ladies Ministry Leaders
“Karen Friday is a blessing! She speaks much truth of the Word of God with application! This day and time we need Bible teachers like Karen to speak from the Scripture! During our program time I noticed it was really quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. After the program I had one of our regular ladies come up to me and say, ‘Wow, I could have listened all night!’ If you are needing a quality teacher I would contact Karen!” — Sharon Boreing, Five L’s Ladies Ministry Co-ordinator, Boone Trail Baptist church
“In our world where truth is often thrown to the ground, we so need the refreshing voice of the holy ones! Karen ‘Girl’ Friday is just such a voice! She speaks truth to a world that desperately needs to hear it! She shines light into places of darkness! She speaks hope to yearning hearts! And she does it with joy, humor, and passion! Hers is a contagious excitement for Jesus; and ladies everywhere will identify with her journey, as she presents Him and shares His Truth from the Word!” — Kathy Little, Five L’s Ladies Ministry Program Chairman, Boone Trail Baptist Church
Pictured with Dianne Barker, Author and Writing Mentor
“Karen Friday has an amazing gift of communication, both through the spoken and written word. Since I first met Karen during her college days, I have admired her commitment to Christ and passion to influence others to pursue His truth and live wholeheartedly for Him. She is a radiant example of a totally surrendered woman whose sole purpose is to glorify the Savior.” — Dianne Barker: Author, Speaker, and Radio Host
Pictured with Author, Jo Ann Fore
“As a women’s ministry leader, Karen Friday wraps the timeless truths of Scripture with a relevance that can’t help but reach you.” — Jo Ann Fore, Author of When A Woman Finds Her Voice
Pictured with Janet Range, Women’s Ministry Leader
“What a joy it is to know Karen Friday. She is a remarkable speaker who loves God and loves to share Him with anyone she comes in contact with. She is a woman of sound faith and truly enjoys sharing God, especially with women who face the same struggles she faces daily. She brings her words of encouragement, inspiration, and hope from the Bible. She speaks boldly about her faith and wishes for everyone to know about eternal life.” — Janet Range, 4G’s Women’s Ministry Leader, Gray United Methodist Church
Pictured with Karen Fortner, Ladies Ministry Director and retreat leadership team
“Our ladies have had the privilege of hearing Karen Friday speak on several occasions, most recently being our ladies retreat in Greeneville, Tennessee, where Karen was our keynote speaker for the weekend. If you are looking for an authentic woman of God, I would highly recommend having Karen speak at your event. She loves the Lord and wants everyone to have that same relationship with Him, and it shows! She is a beautiful person, inside and out, whose greatest desire is to draw all people to Him!” — Karen Fortner, Ladies Ministry Director, Temple Baptist Church

March 14, 2015 at 8:17 pm |
Our ladies have had the privilege of hearing Karen Friday speak on several occasions, most recently being our ladies retreat in Greeneville, TN. where Karen was our keynote speaker for the weekend. If you are looking for an authentic woman of God, I would highly recommend having Karen speak at your event. She loves the Lord and wants everyone to have that same relationship with Him, and it shows! She is a beautiful person, inside and out, whose greatest desire is to draw all people to Him!
Karen, thank you for these kind words. It’s my passion to use words and God’s Word to bring others to the cross, into intimate relationship with the Creator, and to spark a deeper walk with the Lord of the universe. 🙂
Karen recently spoke at our women’s conference this past September. She is a real authentic woman of God who lets her faith and love of our Savior shine through her words and presence. Her love for women and her desire for them to come more fully into the knowledge of God’s authentic love and grace was a blessing to our fellowship.
Thank you sweet, Judy. Coming from a great woman of God like yourself and a kindred pastor’s wife, your words mean so much! Love and hugs!
I’ve known Karen since she was a youth, having connections through her visits to our church and through her family. She grew into a steadfast, mature woman whose love for God and His precepts are evident. She spoke at our women’s event last fall, sharing about being authentic women of Christ and her message was well taught and received by our ladies. She used humor and personal examples to punctuate her teaching, and was definitely sensitive to the Spirit. Her sweet, genuine desire for women to know Jesus is such a blessing!
Thank you sweet friend. Ninkey, I just loved being with you and all the ladies. What a blessed time of fellowship with my sisters in Christ.