Expectant Hope—Guest Post by Nan Jones
Today I welcome a guest author and my sweet friend, Nan Jones. A kindred spirit, Nan often writes with a message of hope. Not just any kind of hope, expectant hope. Let her words reach deep into your heart.
By Nan Jones
Three years ago, life as I knew it fell apart.
Jeremiah understood the feeling. Most of Jerusalem lay in ruins, the temple set ablaze, the people carried captive into exile. God’s chosen people lost everything and found themselves in a hopeless situation. Life as they knew it fell apart.
Even the prophet Jeremiah struggled to hang onto hope.
But then he remembered something.
Expectant Hope in Mercy
Jeremiah remembered that “through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning.” *
Mercies. Chesed. Covenant love that never fails.
Three years ago, life as I knew it fell apart too. Everything lay in ruin—my dreams, my plans, my family. And then, like Jeremiah, I remembered that I am in covenant with God—I am His child, kept by His steadfast love. Nothing could change that and therefore I could have hope for a better tomorrow.
The Lord called to me and I answered. I learned to bask in His presence where I found safety from the enemy and peace from the travail of a broken heart. And I learned to rest in Him and wait for Him to restore the ruins of my life.
I learned to rest in the #Lord and wait for Him to restore the ruins of my life. ~ Nan Jones #hope Share on XExpectant Hope in Waiting on God 
Hope began a rebirth. Yes, expectant hope rooted in the foundations of the Lord’s mercies to me, His child, began to stir. With His mercy came His provision, His protection, His multiple blessings. The beautiful thing? I realized I could expect His mercy every day because He promised His mercies are new every morning. And in those expectations, peace became mine and hope sprang from the fertile soil of my heart.
Dear one, His promises are true, He is faithful to His Word. I encourage you to ask the Lord to teach you how to wait on Him with expectation in your heart—expectation of growing in your devotion to Him, expectation of being satisfied fully in Him, and expectation that healing comes to those who place their hope in Him—the Giver of hope.
God’s love will never fail you, I promise, for great is His faithfulness.
God's love will never fail you, I promise, for great is His faithfulness. ~ Nan Jones #God #love Share on X*Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV
About Nan and Giveaway!
Nan Jones is an author/speaker who uses the words of her heart to assist fellow Christians in discovering the Presence of God in their darkest hour. Her book, The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife was a 2016 Selah finalist and her blog, Beyond the Veil, won first place in the Foundation Awards at the 2017 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. Nan is also a monthly contributor to Inspire a Fire, a far-reaching inspirational blog. When Nan isn’t writing, she enjoys leading prayer retreats, teaching bible studies or sharing God’s faithfulness as keynote speaker for special events. You may visit Nan at her website: NanJones.com or her facebook ministry page, Seeing Beyond The Veil. For personal communication you may email Nan at nan@nanjones.com
The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and LPC Bookstore
Have you been hurt by the church? Have you felt abandoned by God in the lonely fires of ministry? The Perils of A Pastor’s Wife will speak to your deepest wounds and help you find God’s Presence through it all. Sweet Sister—somewhere, somehow, somebody knows. You are not alone.
Giveaway! Subscribe to Nan’s blog to receive her inspirational articles and for a chance to win her book! NanJones.com
Read Nan’s first guest post and an excerpt from the book. The Secret Place Beneath His Wing.
© 2017 by Nan Jones, All Rights Reserved
Featured images by Adobe Spark.
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Karen, thank you so much for having me as your guest today. You are such a blessing to me. I pray the words of my heart will encourage your readers, for our God is a faithful God who pursues us with His love.
Oh, sweet Nan, we are so blessed by your words. Thank you for the powerful reminder that waiting on God brings hope into our lives…even when we’re surround by ruins. Hugs!
Hugs back’atcha 🙂
Karen and Nan,
I’m always encouraged when I read your blog and Nan’s post didn’t disappoint. Her testimony shows how faith our God is to all that call upon His name.
Thanks, Beckie. And Amen! As Nan’s words so beautifully state, “I am in covenant with God—I am His child, kept by His steadfast love. Nothing could change that and therefore I could have hope for a better tomorrow.”
Beckie, Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you stopped by.
[…] guest blogging on Karen Friday’s blog this week and talking about hope. I would love for you to visit. Expectant […]