Fully Trusting God Without Hesitation

Is trusting God difficult for you? Or, would you prefer to place your trust in yourself or others? And have you ever wondered:
How will I get through this?
Where do I turn?
What are we going to do?
Several times in my life, it felt as if I were free-falling. Like an amusement park ride, the bottom fell out from under me.
Such as the times my husband or I lost a job, our livelihood. And when I miscarried our second baby and hoped to have another child. Also, when my father passed away. In all those cases, insecurity locked arms with me as my unwelcome companion.
Because I not only panicked about our financial situation with a job loss, but I also wondered: what do we do now?
And honestly, I struggled to believe and trust God would get us through this and bring about our good in some way. Even though my trust waned in the past, we had indeed made it through the same hardship before.
After the miscarriage, the Lord blessed us with another child. But, if I never carried another baby to full term, would trusting God seem futile? When a loved one passes away instead of receiving a healing, is trusting God still possible?
While we may desire to place our full trust in God’s care, power, control, purpose, plan, and believe He has our best interest at heart, it’s not an easy thing. In fact, it’s super hard.
So is it possible to fully trust our heavenly Father, without hesitation, no matter our circumstances?
Oh, sure, I trust God when life is going along without a hitch. But what about when life isn’t good?
I’m realizing the Lord grows my faith and trust in Him more when life seems unknown than when things are going as planned. He’s growing in me a trust without hesitation.
I’m realizing the Lord grows my faith and trust in Him more when life seems unknown than when things are going as planned. He’s growing in me a trust without hesitation. Share on XHere’s what I’m learning.
Our Job is Trusting Instead of Worrying

Our job as a Christ-follower is to trust God’s power, ways and purposes.
And God’s job is everything else. He does the heavy-lifting.
Letting God be God and do His job changes our spiritual position from hustling to resting, from working to trusting, and from worrying to worshipping the Almighty.
Our trust is without hesitation when we look back and see God’s faithfulness in the past.
Then trust transfers over to our present and positions us for our future.
“I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’.” Psalm 91:2 (NIV)
Our trust is without hesitation when we look back and see God’s faithfulness in the past. Then trust transfers over to our present and positions us for our future. Share on XWe Trust God’s Impeccable Timing
We believe God is in control, on our side, and trust His impeccable timing.
God continues to remind me that His timing really is perfect. When I impatiently run ahead of Him, it never turns out well. And I often forfeit the best He has for me.
We trust God without hesitation when we give up control and hand the reins to Him. Then He reigns supreme in our hearts and lives.
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” Jeremiah 17:7 (NIV)
We Trust the Lord’s Plans and Ways
We know the Lord’s plans for us are always for our good and His glory.
Even hardships that test our faith lead to a greater trust in the Lord. Walking through these trials is what God uses to pull us closer to himself and grow our trust that He’s working behind the scenes on our behalf even when we can’t see it.
Our loving and caring heavenly Father knows best and is directing the details from His throne room of glory.
We trust without hesitation when we lay down our agenda for God’s agenda; we pray for His kingdom in our lives instead of our own kingdom.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not trust in your own understanding. Agree with Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLV)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not trust in your own understanding. Agree with Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLV) Share on XNext Step in Trusting

To combat anxiety, insecurity, panic or trouble letting go of control, it’s helpful to insert your name in the following scripture and the other verses in this article:
You keep ________ in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because she trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)
Read, Trusting God to Fill Our Blank Spaces
Featured photos by my husband filming for our YouTube channel: Friday’s Forever.
And our current podcast discusses several of our recent adventures on our channel, as well as, more about this article on trusting God in real life.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Candidly Christian and Faith On Fire.
© 2021 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Thank you for this, Karen. It’s hard to trust God when we don’t know what’s next. I really like the verse at the end where we insert our own names. “You keep Steve in perfect peace…”
It really is hard to trust in the unknown parts of our lives. But it’s the core of faith in the Lord, trusting in who He is and what He can do and that He knows best.
Thoughtful post Karen, and I realize that the pause of doubt reveals my truest heart.
Michele, I’ve hesitated in trusting the Lord more times than I care to admit. I pray to continue to change my heart.
I thought I was trusting God . . . until I lost my husband to cancer several years ago. The past several years have taught me that I had only been scratching the surface in my trusting and have been teaching me to go so much deeper in my trust!
Thanks for sharing your story of trust, Ava. I dare say most of us only scratch the surface of fully trusting until we must go deeper.
Trust is my word for the year. Thank you for adding to my learning and meditation.
Great, Lauren. What a wonderful word to focus on throughout this year. I’m realizing the Lord grows my faith and trust in Him more when life seems unknown than when things are going as planned. He’s growing in me a trust without hesitation.
Yes and amen!
An old hymn came to mind as I read this post, Karen.
“Trust and obey for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” 🎶
I remember this hymn well. I’m so thankful our loving and caring heavenly Father is directing the details of the world and my life from His throne room of glory. And no doubt you’ve learned about trust in your cancer journey. It’s a real testimony to God’s faithful love and care.
You keep Beckie in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because she trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)
Resting equals trusting. It’s hard to wrap my mind around that sometimes.
I do think one of the best things is looking back at how God helped before. It helps me believe He will do it again.
In this flesh suit and our limited minds and understanding, rest and trust don’t seem to pair well together. 🙂 But my trust in God really grows when I look back and remember His faithfulness and it helps me trust and rest in Him in my present.
Karen, I found these words to be so timely for me right now as I recently lost my mother. In all of it, I have continued to trust God, and He has yet to let me down, nor will He. We do need to lean into His understanding and His peace, especially when times are hard.
Martha, I’ve read your posts and prayed for you through this journey with your mom and her passing. I pray you continue in these thoughts: “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’.” Psalm 91:2 (NIV)
Amen. When I fully trust God, I am at peace.
True, Melissa, peace is the result of trusting God.
You keep Melissa in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because she trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)
What a great question to ask ourselves, “Do we only trust God when things are good?” If I answer that honestly, “It’s easier to, but no. Trusting Him in the difficult times these days shows me how I’ve grown in Him.” Do I have more growing to do? LOTS! Just grateful He is a patient and understanding God. Also grateful that when He looks upon me, He doesn’t see the mess I am still in this life, but His righteous and perfect Son. Because of that truth, I find that the more I work to become like His Son, my Savior, the easier it is to trust Him. Loved this post Ms. Karen. Thank you ma’am.
J.D., you captured the heart of this post. Far too many find it’s easy to talk about how God is good until life isn’t. But the two have nothing to do with each other. God is still good, no matter our circumstances. And hard times fell on those inspired to write God’s Word through the Spirit, or else we woulnd’t see the verses in the post and many others about God being our refuge and fortress or to place our trust in Him and Him alone. I desire to trust the Lord in the unknown as much as when things are going along just fine.
Amen. I think we are seeing the truth of this in today’s environment. Are people trusting God in light of the challenges of this last year? In my darkest days, I found God my constant companion so I know I can trust Him no matter what happens. Thanks for the encouragement Karen.
Yvonne, I like how you said, “I found God my constant companion so I know I can trust Him no matter what happens.” Yes, me too!
The need to trust God is constant… but seems more desperate in times of trouble. Yet as you point out, looking back at His faithfulness builds it up stronger year after year.
That’s a great point, Jan. I desire to grow a strong trust in my heavenly Father in times of trouble and when seem fine. Blessings!
This is so true, Karen, “Our trust is without hesitation when we look back and see God’s faithfulness in the past. Then trust transfers over to our present and positions us for our future.” Recounting His Faithfulness and praising Him because He is worthy, can help lead us through current trials such as unemployment.
Looking back to remember the Lord’s faithfulness and provision in the past leads my heart to much deeper trust in who He is and what He does! God bless, Lisa!
“Our loving and caring heavenly Father knows best and is directing the details from His throne room of glory.” I think I may need to print and hang this in every room of my house right now. And I totally agree…remembering is a powerful avenue toward deeper trust. Thanks for another encouraging message.💕
Appreciate your kind words, Jessie. That thought brings so much comfort to my heart.
I can relate to this for sure!!! Thanks, Karen!
Trust doesn’t come naturally for us. Yet God is supernatural and helps us where we lack.
Karen, your words so resonate with me. This year has been unusually stressful. God’s shown me that . . . I’m a worrier. I never pegged myself for that in the past but this year has been the refining fire that is showing me how truly self-dependent I’ve been. I’m gradually re-learning how to trust God in His plans, His timing, and His ways. When life feels overwhelming, I’m learning to pause and pray and remember God is always trustworthy.
Great post!
Hey Jeanne, I sensed from your various posts this year that you have been through stressful times-things with the boys, one graduating, a death in the family (so sorry), and other issues I’m sure. Your words resonate with me:”When life feels overwhelming, I’m learning to pause and pray and remember God is always trustworthy.” Yes!
God seems to be constantly stretching our trust muscles–I guess because they won’t be perfected until we get to heaven. We’ll always need to grow in our trust. It’s easy to remind myself of the reasons to trust Him in His Word and from past experience–my biggest problem is not wanting to go through whatever the situation, even if it will increase my faith. I frequently have to repent and ask for grace to say not my will, but thine.
That is hard to do, Barbara. I’ve often told the Lord I don’t like having to go through a dark valley or hardship, but when I come out on the other side of it, my trust and faith have grown in ways sunny days could not have accomplished.
So easy to trust when all is well–hard when things are hard. But growth happens when we trust despite our circumstances. Very important in these times.
True spiritual growth happens in my faith when I trust no matter what is happening around me. Thanks, Nancy.
Loved…”from hustling to resting”-that’s what trust’ll do-so true
Jan, it even sounds comforting and paints a mental picture of true rest. Thanks for commenting.
Thank you so much for sharing,Karen!Trusting God and knowing that he is in complete contol, is so very important in our daily lives!Sometimes we tend to forget in times like these of chaos and confusion in our world today, but as Christians we just have to pray and keep our faith and trust in him!!🙌🙏❤
Thanks for adding your thoughts to the conversation, Jody. I agree. But so thankful to be learning how our job as a Christ-follower is to trust God’s power, ways and purposes.
And God’s job is everything else. He does the heavy-lifting.
“We trust without hesitation when we lay down our agenda for God’s agenda; we pray for His kingdom in our lives instead of our own kingdom.” Amen! I pray to be a Kingdom builder, yet I know I can push my own agenda. I am thankful for His grace and for His goodness! Have a wonderful weekend guided by God’s agenda, Karen!
Lynn, it’s natural in our flesh to lean toward our own agenda and build our own kingdom. After all, most of us learn to follow our dreams, set goals, establish ourselves in life, etc. The problem is we often work at building our own kingdom only for it to crumble in a moment. Lord, make us women who build your kingdom!