Goodness and Mercy Follow Me

I’m being followed. These two beings will not stop following me. They know the schedule I keep and the path I travel. This is an intentional pursuit from daybreak to nightfall and around the clock. After an investigation, I’ve identified them:
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever” Psalm 23:6, ESV.
Goodness described by, “the best part of anything.” Wow! God is the best part of any-thing…the best part of life…the best part of me.
Goodness is following me.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever” Psalm 23:6, ESV. Share on XGod’s Goodness
I don’t have to be good enough for God to love me. Out of His goodness, He loves. Since the beginning of time, God weaved goodness throughout the chapters of history—His-story.
The goodness story started with creation. Countless times in Scripture, God’s goodness rescues His people. Bethlehem’s stable revealed God’s goodness with the birth of a Savior. Goodness narrated Jesus’ ministry. Goodness showed up at the foot of a bloody cross. And goodness becomes victor in an empty tomb.
Throughout the ages the storyline echoes God’s heart. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16, ESV.
God’s Mercy
Mercy translated in other versions of Psalm 23:6 include “love” or “steadfast love.” Mercy’s the compassion, love, and kindness of God bringing His forgiveness to mankind.
“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved” Ephesians 2:4-5, ESV.

“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love Psalm 103:8, ESV.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” 1 Peter 1:3, ESV.
God sent Mercy from the throne room of heaven to take our place. Beaten, bruised, and pierced with nails, Mercy’s blood spilled on a cross. And Mercy bestowed forgiveness on us to cover our sins.
Mercy is following me.
Goodness and Mercy
“The Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want” Psalm 23:1 ESV. To ensure we will not want for the best part of life, the Great Shepherd has given an assignment: goodness and mercy will pursue His sheep—chase after and follow—relentlessly.
The assignees are implored not to let up, to stay on the heels of the sheep at all times and to watch their every move. The assignment duration? “All the days of my life.”
God IS a good, good Father and I am confident goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.
God IS a good, good Father and I am confident goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. Share on XGoodness and Mercy Follow Me
Goodness and mercy are following me. Their footsteps may not be heard, but I’m confident they are there.
Friend, if you belong to the Great Shepherd, Goodness and Mercy follow you today, tomorrow, and every tomorrow. They follow whether we are on the mountain or in the valley, no matter what we go through. Can you see their footprints from yesterday, last week, last year?
Goodness and Mercy follow you today, tomorrow, and every tomorrow. They follow whether we are on the mountain or in the valley. Can you see their footprints from yesterday, last week, last year? Share on XI will not post next Thursday on Thanksgiving Day, but wish you all a wonderful thankful day. I’ll be back the first Thursday in December.

Special prayer request: Your prayers are appreciated for my six-year old granddaughter who is having an evasive surgery on her inner ear to remove a growth she was born with and exploratory surgery to see if the bone is damaged, Wednesday, 11/27. Please pray asking the Lord to be with her, for the surgery to go well, and for her recovery. Thank you.
Last week we discussed, Keeping God in Thanksgiving.
Featured images courtesy of Friday’s Forever on YouTube.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups: Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).
© 2024 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Oh, yes, Karen! Goodness and mercy will, and do, follow us all the days of our life when we know the Lord as God and Savior. I will certainly be praying for your sweet granddaughter, too, that all will be well with her surgery and recovery. That’s so scary, especially for the little ones who can’t quite grasp what is going on. If you’d like to privately email me her first name, that would be a blessing:
Thank you, dear friend, and I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
Hey Martha, thanks so much. I already had your email and sent you a note. Goodness and Mercy are following Martha! Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for His love and mercy. He is a good, good Father. Amen. Happy Thanksgiving.
Goodness and Mercy are following Melissa.
What a beautiful reminder that Goodness and Mercy follow us always and that we should continually look for their footprints. I will be praying for your sweet granddaughter, that she may feel HIS presence and that both the surgery and recovery are successful. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Thanks so much, Elise. I appreciate the prayers over her. Goodness and Mercy are following Elise.
Karen, this post was so uplifting! Thank you for reminding us of God’s goodness and steadfast love. It never gets old! Goodness – “the best part of anything!” I love thinking of God this way! May God bless you and your family!
Goodness and Mercy are following Melissa.
[…] Goodness and Mercy Follow Me […]
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. May God bless you all and keep you safe.
Thank you! Goodness and Mercy are following James.
So much to thank Him for. God bless and happy Thanksgiving.
Yes, God alone is reason enough to give thanks.
What a beautiful portrait of God’ grace and mercy. I’m so thankful for them. Very inspiring message Karen.
Goodness and Mercy are following Yvonne.
What a comfort is to know that I don’t have to do anything but believe… and God sends such a gift of goodness and mercy to follow me wherever I go.
It really is, Jessica, so comforting. Goodness and mercy follow Jessica.
Dear Karen,
I am joining with you and all the saints to pray for little Laney.
Heavenly Father, you love Laney so much. You knit her together in her mother’s womb. Holy Spirit, go before her into surgery. Let your peace and Presence be with her. Lord Jesus, you are the great Physician. Guide the hands of doctors and medical staff. Bring total healing, in Jesus’ name. Father God, hold Laney and this whole family close to your heart. Wrap them in your arms of love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I will keep praying, dear Karen! God bless you and watch over you all. Much love, Melissa
Melissa, this was a very powerful and heartfelt prayer. It meant more to us than words can describe. God bless!
Hi, I have been watching y’all videos on YouTube and just found your website. I would love to subscribe to your newsletter, but for some reason it won’t let me. The subscribe button is greyed out.
Hi Linda, I replied to your contact message on my site about this and subscribed you myself. Wondering if it worked. We appreciate you watching our channel and would love to have you as a subscriber. God bless!
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