I found you.
Secret places lingered in my mind. Childhood memories of hide-and-seek in a park or neighborhood. The dynamic of playing the game outdoors was thrilling.
Hiders scattered with high hopes of the perfect spot. Stumbling upon a nook or refuge offering the ultimate in concealment were rare treasures. It brought a calm assurance. A certainty to be declared the hide-and-seek winner. To make it safely back to home base.
Frozen in Place
As the seeker came near, I made efforts to curtail my breathing, not moving a single muscle as if frozen in place.
Come out. You’ve been found. I see you. You can’t hide from me.
Frozen in place, my emotions and heart felt tender as the hard parts of life found me again and again. A lost job brought financial stress. Church ministry struggled through a difficult season. Loved ones wrestled with illness, suffering, heartbreaks, or tough times.
The good things in life failed to search for me—find me. Aspirations and dreams glittered for others. My spirit careened toward discouragement.
Hiding Place
I wanted to hide and never be found. But hardships swaggered upon each hiding place as unwelcome guests.
Frustration filled my mind as I questioned the Lord during the brokenness.
God, where are you? Must my heart be shattered again? I’m weary. Disappointment is surrounding me on every side with no where to run and no safe place to hide.
I’ve often wondered if frustration is allowed with God. Should I raise my hand in Spiritual school and question the administrator’s guidelines or perceived silence on a matter?
Humans aren’t puppets, or at best, robotic beings never to express real and raw emotions before God of the universe. I discovered He desires intimate relationship.
God wants me to come to Him. Find Him. To lay the tough questions before Him. I’m learning to listen. His Word has a lot to say about His hide-and-seek guidelines.
“You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7 ESV
“Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:6 ESV
“Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face continually.” Psalm 105:4 NASB
(Emphasis mine)
The Hope Place
Life smirks, “Ready or not, here I come.” Do you have a hiding place? (Click to Tweet)
I may not always understand the circumstances and sometimes life won’t make sense. But I have stumbled upon a refuge offering the ultimate concealment in the midst of life’s hurts.
It’s the perfect spot for hiders. The highest hope in this life. The Lord. He surrounds me with shouts of deliverance. The hope place.
I’m here. Your shelter and your strength. Seek me and find me.
A secret place bringing calm assurance of a rare treasure—”Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. O what a foretaste of glory divine.” (Blessed Assurance by Fanny J. Crosby.)
He will bring me back to home base as I seek His face and my heart cries out to Him, Lord, I found you.
“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 ESV
© 2016 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Beautiful article Karen. I can so easily forget that God wants me to seek Him with my whole heart. Half-heartedness leaves me in a place of longing, rather than fulfillment. I am continually reminded of how He must come first each and every day.
Thank you, Debbie. I agree. A place of whole-hearted seeking is where our intimacy with God is found. I’m thankful He’s our hiding place so we don’t have to be frozen in place. He is the Hope Place. Blessings! 🙂