I Need to Borrow Superman’s Cape
By Karen Friday
Shoulders back. Head and chin up. I trust it will fit nicely. Superman’s cape.
A few heroines sport capes too. Those won’t do. There’s a need to stand tall—to fly—to take on something bigger than my wildest dreams and shoot for the moon. (I’ve never hit the moon.)
I admit, a daily selection of wrinkle-free capes already hang in my wardrobe.
Independent cape: Want-ads aren’t placed in the local newspaper. I work alone, not part of a superhero team. No sidekicks or aspiring heroes necessary. I can save myself, save you, and save the day!
Comic book cape: My life is captured and illustrated on colorful pages. Children and collectors everywhere marvel at my cape-wearing-stories. Performing heroic feats, villain knock-outs, then receiving the adoration. Hero worship.
Dual role cape: Meshing my real life with my heroine life is tricky. Wife, mom, employee, friend, disciple of Christ, writer, speaker, and dreamer. Rescues and cooking dinner all in a day’s work. It’s attainable. A friend and former employer assured, “You’re a machine!”
Archenemy fighting cape: An archenemy threatens to destroy my world as I know it. Girl Friday to the rescue! “Pow!”
Backstory cape: I have a story. There are days I must remember my roots. Where I came from. When did I discover kryptonite or that I had special power?
Disguise cape: This cape goes well with my mask-wearing-mood. Fearful if I remove the mask, others will see the real me. Less than the heroine they expect me to be. It stays freshly laundered and ironed. I cannot jeopardize people knowing who I am.
Research on superheroes and their costumes uncovered the cape holds no super power. None. When Superman flies, his cape is seen as flowing in the wind, but contributes nothing to flight ability. It doesn’t double as a plane wing, merely part of the complete costume theme.
Many costume pieces play a vital role in powers and enhanced capabilities, except the cape. Scratch any messages already sent Superman’s way. I don’t need a cape. Hero-ness and heroine qualities are found elsewhere.
I have read stories about un-sung heroes. A military veteran, a valiant member of society—those who had great courage—yet for the most part went unnoticed. Achievements buried underneath an idealized view that others did shoot for the moon and hit it. Better. With sharper aim and greater pizzazz.
More often than not, heroes (sung about) are moonstruck stories with little depth of sizable hero qualities that matter. Superficial capes hanging on the shoulders of superficial accolades.
Supernatural powers and abilities are not always warranted to be a hero. Some acquire the title by means of fighting crime, standing up for the helpless, bringing others freedom, or setting out to change society for the better.
One man in history was both an unsung hero and divine rescuer. To this day, many fail to acknowledge, praise, and honor Him. An idealized view He is not acclaimed.
But He saves, performs heroic feats, knocks out villains, meshes real life with hero life, destroys the archenemy, and rescues. His backstory is rooted in supernatural power; He fights crime committed against His people: He stands up for the helpless: He brings freedom to captured lives.
Read this heroic excerpt about Him: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not flow over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The fire will not destroy you. Who is He? For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, Who saves you. Isaiah 43:2-3
The Lord has no need for a cape, disguise, mask, or costume. He is adorned…
Who is this in royal robes, marching in the greatness of his strength? “It is I, the Lord, announcing your salvation; I, the Lord, the one who is mighty to save!” Isaiah 63:1
Jesus. He alone has the power to save. He rescues me from sin, spiritual death, and from my cape-wearing-self. I sing words of praise and acclamation to Him. Savior worship.
© 2015 by Karen Friday

Guess I can scratch “heroine cape” off my shopping list. Thanks for reminding me I don’t need it!
Yes, Dianne! Agreed! Will try to remember not to add it back to my list in the future! Savior Worship!
Thanks Michele! Jesus rescues and saves!