Identity Theft: Taking Back What the Enemy Stole
He exploited my good name with my personal resources at stake.
Robbed. Bamboozled. Deceived.
Stolen Identity
Information security failed, leaving me open to attack. So a crafty thief stole from me. Stripping me bare of belongings and draining me dry.
And he left me utterly bankrupt and exposed to the most common scam on the planet.
A victim of identity theft. No, not the kind you hear about in the media. My identity in association with bank accounts and financial credit remained undamaged.
Also, no one robbed me of “who I am” by posing as me online, running up a money debt at my expense. These areas remain secure and not breached.
But a vile enemy sabotaged my identity. The thief who intends to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). And he robbed me of “who I am” by strategic lies in my mind and labels imposed on me by others.
Who is this enemy? Satan. The chief of thieves. And the evil one.
The Enemy Versus God
A fallen heavenly being who first set his sights on stealing the identity of the greatest being in the universe. Cunningly, he went after God’s name and renown. Because he desired to rise higher than God.
But Satan is not very smart. What a idiotic thought and plot.
No created being or false god can take on God’s identity. The Great One. The Most High. The Lord cannot be matched in name or in who He is…for He is matchless!
Yet through the ages attempts have been made to steal God’s identity. Satan. Baal. Muhammad. Buddha. Zeus. Many others.
Except for Satan, these gods are dead or were never living beings. They may be worshiped. Still, they remain mute, deaf, motionless, and without life.
But my God is alive and well!
I bow to an ever-present God who speaks, hears, and moves in mighty ways. #God Share on XThe One True God will never be a victim of identity fraud.
The name of Jesus trumps all names!
The enemy’s day of doom and God’s-going-to-put-you-in-your-place destiny is set. Thrown down once—kicked out of heaven—he’ll be defeated forever (Revelation 20).
Claim, Proclaim, Recover
Until then, practice these preventive measures.
3 steps to safeguard against spiritual identity theft:
- Claim the power of Christ to overcome. Jesus thwarts the enemy’s efforts. In 2015 the first version of this article posted on my blog site. I received an unfriendly comment from a satanist. Because the light of Jesus aways upsets the dark world. Be aware that you have an enemy. But know this. “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 ESV.
- Proclaim truth from God’s Word. The Bible neutralizes untrue words from the enemy. “… and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:32 ESV. Because this is not a debate. God’s Holy Word wins hands down! The scriptures provide our information security plan—our image…our worth…our good name.
- Recover your secure identity in Jesus. Jesus’ death on the cross canceled our sin debt and recovered everything the enemy took from us. Don’t let him plunder your spiritual inheritance in Christ. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” Ephesians 1:3 ESV. Because the blood of Jesus completed a one time transfer of every spiritual blessing from heaven. Our Christian ID card contains endearing terms: beloved, child of God, saint, in Christ, chosen, forgiven, and set free.
God knows my name. And your name. Each written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. So no person, god, or the enemy can rob us of our spiritual inheritance.
Images courtesy of Pixabay and Adobe Spark.