I’m A Mom Who Can’t Always Make It Better

Caleb Friday
“This will sting for a few seconds.” I blew my breath on the newly scraped flesh.
I ran toward my four year old as he limped nearer. The tears flowing down his cheeks multiplied with the sight of mom and blood oozing from his knee. A kiss, bandaid, tear-wiping, and mom-cuddles will “make it better.”
My kids had their share of boo-boos. Especially, Caleb, our son. A Ninja at heart. Bike wrecks, jumps off high things, roller skates would not cooperate with his feet, and many run-ins with the concrete at the swimming pool. Usually the lifeguard’s whistle was too late. Busted chin or bottom lip—corroboration that hard surfaces are not our friends—and adversaries of mothers.
Knees, elbows, and shins are tender places. The good Lord knew how to construct the human body, this I know. “The padding is sparse on certain parts, Lord.” (As if I have a case in point.)
Pads for the knees and elbows and helmets are safeguards becoming friends to moms. Mothers around the globe are thankful, yet secretly wish rolls of industrial-strength bubble wrap were also available. Caleb would have benefited from a mommy and mummy’s bubble wrap encasement.
They happen—little mishaps of a minor scrape, cut, or bruise. Minor first aid required. My children were right. Cleaning a fresh wound stings. Particularly alcohol. “Ouch, it’s stinging, it’s burning, it hurts.” Leaning in close, blowing my breath on the stinging. Hoping to override the pain until it subsides. That’s what moms do . . . we make it better.
I passed on the easy-to-bruise-trait to my children. Bruises in a variety of shape and size appear on our earth suits. At times, evidence of memory; yesterday, I bumped into the corner of the bookshelf. But often the aftermath of something not recollected, “how did that get there?”
In life’s stages; childhood, teen years, and young adult, my children often lacked padding on certain parts. The tender places; hearts, minds, feelings, and broken spirits. As Megan and Caleb’s mom, I desired nothing more than to make it better. I still do.
I run toward them as they limp nearer. But I can’t always make it better. I may not know or understand, “how did that get there?”
Yesterday, she must have bumped into the corner of life’s mishap shelf. Maybe, he had a run-in with the concrete in life. The whistle blew too late. The hard surfaces of life are not his friends.
They carry invisible boo-boos—inside “ouches.” Flesh and feelings freshly scraped needing cleaning and care. And we carry them. Children. Moms. Grown-ups. The boo-boos are there. Old and new.
The breath of heaven blows on newly scraped flesh and broken spirits until the pain subsides. A kissing-tear-wiping-make-it-better-kind-of-love. From God. For His children. For our children. For me and you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 (ESV)
Christ runs toward us as we limp nearer to Him.
“Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the Lord. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:11, 18 (NLT)

Mother’s Day 1992 and 2013
© 2015 by Karen Friday

Delightfully said!
Thank you. The mom’s heart in me rejoices for this truth: Christ runs toward us as we limp nearer to Him.
<3 excellent! so, so true!!
Thank you sweetie. My soul blesses the Lord for who He is and for His truths; The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18 One of the prayers I have prayed over you recently with your great loss.
There right now with my oldest child. After years in youth ministry, my husband took a senior pastor position a year and a half ago and satan has had our family in his crosshairs ever since. I knew the attacks would come, but thought they would be on my husband and me…which there have been. But the biggest and worst has been on my daughter. With God’s help and wisdom, I have directed her towards scripture and forgiveness, but as desperately as I want to, I just can’t make it better.
Jennie, also check out my marriage article. There is a section where I discuss the strong warfare that comes against us in full time ministry. http://karengirlfriday.com/2015/04/16/5-ways-to-never-give-up-on-marriage/
Jennie, I understand. I will stand in agreement with you in prayer that she will limp toward Christ in her brokenness as He is the only one who can make it better. He is near to the broken hearted. He can soothe the tender places and bring healing with His love and Word. While part of our jobs as moms is to cherish and nourish, we are limited in our resources as “humans.” Calling her name out now (along with yours) and will continue to lift your family up before our unfailing God. 🙂
Thank you. Very. Much!