Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known

Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known

During my early years of being a Christ-follower, I missed an important aspect of the Christian life. Christ not only desired that I know Him as Savior and Lord, but also that I continued to grow in knowing Jesus more intimately on a daily basis. 

Because this is the only way to let Christ live in and through my life, and for others to see Jesus in me.

Eventually, this became my mission statement for my speaking, writing, and blogging ministry: 

Know Jesus more and make Him known.

To really know someone, we spend time with that person. And we grow to know them more through two-way communication and interaction.

Knowing Jesus

These same simple principles hold true to K.N.O.W. Jesus.

K – Keep our relationship alive and well. Cultivate our love relationship with Jesus as if our life depends on it. Because most of the time, dear friend, we will find this to be the case. A growing and vibrant friendship with Jesus makes a world of difference in the ups and downs of life.

N – Never stop investing time. My adult son recently moved halfway across the country. It drove home the point to continue to connect with him. We frequently text, call and FaceTime. We also started a family group on Marco Polo so all of us can send and receive videos.

Make it a habit to spend time with Christ. Connect with who Jesus is by reading the Bible and getting to know the words Christ spoke, the way He prayed, and the words spoken about Him. Never move away from Jesus emotionally or spiritually.

Spend time with Christ. Connect with who Jesus is by reading the Bible and getting to know the words Christ spoke, the way He prayed, and the words spoken about Him. Never move away from Jesus emotionally or spiritually. Share on X

Knowing Jesus More

O – Open our heart fully. Maybe our heart has endured heartbreak from a spouse, kids, parents or friends. So we closed off part of our heart to protect it. But if we over guard our heart, we risk closing it off to Jesus.

To know Jesus fully is to open our heart fully to Him. Be still in His presence. Bask in the light of His glory. Tell Jesus how lovely He is and how much we love Him. Express our dreams, fears, hopes and heartbreak to the heart of Jesus.

W – Walk daily with Jesus. I’d much rather go on a walk with my husband or a friend than to walk alone. But when I walk alone, I love to talk to Jesus and imagine I invited Him along. Jesus longs to walk with us every step along life’s path. This is a great way to grow in our knowledge of Christ.

As we walk with Jesus, He’s there during decisions, celebrations, tragedy and the everyday grind. He’s there for it all. Every morning invite Jesus to come along with you throughout the day.

Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known

In Peter’s second letter to believers, he encouraged them not to be carried away from their firm beliefs in Scripture and knowing Christ, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18a (NIV)

Making Jesus Known

Years ago, I asked the Lord to make me an influencer for Him. I not only wanted to make an impact on others in my ministry, but also on my family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and even online. I used to underestimate my online reach for Christ, not any more. 

I’m intentional to share these blog articles and about Christ and what He has done in my life across all social media venues. Also, I’m not ashamed to talk to others in person about Jesus, to share the gospel. 

“For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.‘ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” Romans 10:13-14 (ESV, emphasis added)

How can knowing Jesus help us make Christ known to others?

As we know Jesus intimately in all the ways mentioned above, something happens, people see Jesus in us. When we nurture our relationship with Jesus, we nurture the impact we make on others for Christ.

When we nurture our relationship with Jesus, we nurture the impact we make on others for Christ. Share on X

K – Keep our relationship alive and well.

N – Never stop investing time.

O – Open our heart fully.

W – Walk daily with Jesus.

N – Nurture our impact on others.

Nurture our Impact

A close-knit relationship with Jesus changes us from the inside out. And it spills over into our other relationships in communities in person and online.

A close-knit relationship with Jesus changes us from the inside out. And it spills over into our other relationships in communities in person and online. Share on X
Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known

How important is it for you to know Jesus more intimately and make Him known?

Featured images courtesy of Friday’s Forever on YouTube.

Last week’s post, 5 Epic Things About Amazing Grace.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups: Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2024 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


September 12, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Know Him. Make Him known to others. Yes. I pray that I don’t ignore any opportunities to draw closer to God and to show others His love and glory. Thank you for this beautiful message. Have a blessed day! 🙂

Karen says:

Melissa, I don’t want to stifle these know Jesus more opportunities either. God bless!

When we spend time with Jesus intentionally, He will make Himself known to us in full. We simply can’t contain such love and grace, because it overflows to everyone around us and those we meet. You’ve illustrated that so well here, Karen. Blessings!

Karen says:

Jesus does spill over onto others around us. Especially when Jesus becomes our all in all. We know Jesus and make Him known. God bless.

Thanks for these insights, Karen. We must know Him and show Him to others. God bless!

Karen says:

A growing and vibrant friendship with Jesus makes a world of difference in the ups and downs of life. Blessings, Nancy.

I love this message, Karen! It is so important to KEEP growing closer to Christ. He is not just a get-out-of-hell ticket. He is a sacrificial Savior who gave His all for us. May we love Him with our whole hearts. More and more. And may the overflow of that relationship draw others to Him. God bless your heart and ministry!

Karen says:

Melissa, I like the description in your comment. Even the Bible tells us, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18a (NIV)

Jessica Brodie says:

Great message! Lately I’ve been walking in the mornings alone and praying as I walk. I don’t listen to music, so I’m “forced” to have time with the Lord, and it’s brought me so much closer to him.

Karen says:

That’s neat, Jessica. It’d be much easier to listen to music. Wonderful! I started inviting Jesus to come along with me throughout my day each morning.

James Millary says:

Karan I am blessed to read your spiritual article above. May God bless you and keep you safe.

Karen says:

God bless you, James. “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 ESV

Keep walking the walk, my friend.

Karen says:

Thank you. A close-knit relationship with Jesus changes us from the inside out. And it spills over into our other relationships in communities in person and online.

Joanne Viola says:

Know Him & make Him known. Wonderful acronym and article!

Karen says:

Thank you, Joanne. I pray to know Him and make Him known stays a desire in my heart. God bless!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Such an important message Karen. Know God and make Him known. Thank you for sharing and reminding me.

Karen says:

Yvonne, When we nurture our relationship with Jesus, we nurture the impact we make on others for Christ. Blessings!

Yes, Karen. It is absolutely essential to know and nurture our relationship with Jesus if we want to have impact for Him..if we want to influence others. I’ve seen from my own experience that when I’m not as close to Jesus, I lose my influence for Him and my desire to even share about Him. Thank you for this encouragement.

Karen says:

I relate to your comment, Stephen. And this, “when I’m not as close to Jesus, I lose my influence for Him and my desire to even share about Him.” That’s true. Knowing Jesus more and making Him known go hand in hand. God bless!

[…] Last week we discussed, Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known. […]

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