Let Goodness Crown Your Year in 2017
I imagine the three kings of Orient in a Christmas play. My mind’s eye pictures inauguration ceremonies of royal monarchs.
I envision crowning moments of beauty pageants. Iconic Disney princesses displayed in crowns.
I even think of paper crowns from Burger King. And plastic versions adorned with jewels…the finishing touch to a little girl’s costume.
A Crown for the New Year
But tucked inside God’s Word we find a unique meaning for crown. The action verb used to describe a calendar year.
“You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance” (Psalm 65:11 NKJV).
What reaction occurred when you read the passage?
- Astonishing.
- Breathless.
- Flabbergasted.
- In awe.
- Hopeful.
- None of the above.
- All of the above.
So, I know this is not school or even a test. Yet, I want us to think through the power of this Scripture as it relates to God’s goodness.
The Coming of 2017
A new year is coming. And it begins in a matter of days.
Contemplating resolutions? Great!
Setting goals? Awesome!
Making plans? That’s smart!
Focusing on dreams? You go!
Sparks from New Year’s fireworks spark our intentions to make this year, the new year, better than ever. Still, what if we went into 2017 with God’s promise of goodness? Would our resolutions change? How about our dreams? Is it possible for our plans and goals to be laser focused?
We don’t always know what tomorrow holds even after we’ve planned. None of us knew what 2016 would bring. So there’s not a sure-fire way to know what will transpire in 2017.
A King of Goodness
But we can know this: God doesn’t change. He’s the real King, the only promise-keeper who always keep His promises.
He wants to be involved in our plans and goals. Our dreams? He put them in our hearts. And we’re confident the Lord of lords and the King of kings will walk with us every step of the way in 2017. Every step.
I want 2017 crowned with goodness. Not just any goodness. My version of goodness—the human kind—often fails. People aren’t good all the time. Even crowned people.
So, my heart longs for 2017, January through December, crowned with the goodness of God Himself. The Lord crowns me with steadfast love and mercy (Psalm 103:4). I imagine goals and dreams that are part of His path will “drip with abundance.”
The goodness of God tops inauguration ceremonies of presidents and kings. It trumps titles this world offers.
Crowning Moments
Iconic symbols of earthly crowning moments? Each wanes in comparison to the only One worthy to wear a royal crown. Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Yes, a new calendar year is coming. Yet a day is coming when I will wear a crown of gold (Psalm 21:3). The crown of life will be placed on my head (James 1:12) because Jesus wore a crown of thorns for me. And for you.
A New Year’s Prayer: Lord, I worship You seated on the throne, high and lifted up. I magnify Your majesty and splendor. You are worthy to be praised and exalted above all earthly kings, authority and crowns. Help make my plans, my goals, and my dreams as You would have them in 2017. Thank you that no matter what tomorrow holds, You are good all the time and Your goodness never changes. Never. I cling to the promise that You will crown my year with goodness for in You alone is spiritual abundance. Lord, I crown You with many crowns and lay my earthly crowns at Your feet. Amen.
A promise for 2017: The new year crowned with God's goodness for His paths drip with abundance. #blog Share on X© 2016 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved
*Images courtesy of Adobe Spark.

Karen, I love this verse from Psalms. The Bible is so amazing! I’ve read the Psalms many times and never saw this verse in the light that was illuminated through your post.
Thanks and may the Lord bless you and yours in 2017!
Thank you, Beckie. I know what you mean about Psalm 65:11 in the New King James Version. I don’t use that version often. But I found it back in the summer when doing research for my book about God’s goodness and mercy. I did word searches in Bible Gateway with various translations. I also love the Scripture and cherish such powerful words and promise for the new year and any year. Thanks again for commenting! May God’s goodness crown your year in 2017. 🙂
So so very good Karen! I am “In awe” of His Word and His promises! I love this verse and the promise it brings for the new year. May God’s goodness crown your year in 2017!! 🙂
Thank you so much, Eve. Yes, God’s the only true promise-keeper. And may your year also be crowned with His goodness for His paths drip with abundance. Grateful He crowns us with steadfast love and mercy. Happy New Year!
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