21 Life Changing Quotes from She Speaks Conference

Do you enjoy soul-stirring quotes?
Recently, I attended my third Proverb’s 31 Ministries speaker and writer conference, She Speaks. I met women with kindred spirits, heard inspirational talks, and held compelling conversations about ministry, writing, speaking, and Jesus.
But quotes I gleaned from the conference changed my life.
And since so much of the content blessed me, I highlight 21 of my favorite quotes in this post. l pray the Lord uses the words to speak to you.
Quotes from Chris Hodges
(Keynote message. Chris is the founding and senior pastor at Church of the Highlands. His son is married to the daughter of Lysa Terkeurst. Lysa is founder and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries.)
(1.) “Lower your expectations of people, raise your expectations of God.”
(2.) “We carry the presence of God—even on social media.”
(3.) “I need to quiet my soul to operate in the anointing of God—sometimes it means unplugging from social media.”
(4.) “How much of the secular world am I going to let in my mind? If I want to be in ministry, be a good speaker and write a good book, I need to place the crown of holiness over my mind.”
“Lower your expectations of people, raise your expectations of God.” Pastor Chris Hodges #God #blog Share on XQuotes from Blythe Daniel

(Workshop: What’s In/What’s Out in Publishing. Blythe is a literary agent and publicist and my agent. After working in the publishing industry with Thomas Nelson, she founded her own agency in 2005.)
(5.) “As you write, think about one reader and changing her life—it’s not all about your life.”
(6.) “Thinking of the reader is key; not just your name on a book.”
Quotes from Lindsey Smith and Leah DiPascal
(Workshop: Creating Biblical Content to Engage Your Reader. Lindsey serves as the Theological Coordinator at Proverbs 31 Ministries where she oversees the First 5 app. Leah is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher who helps to create content for the First 5 mobile app.)
(7.) “When I’m studying and teaching the Bible, or mentoring others, is the focus on me or He?” Lindsey
(8.) “People need to leave a Bible study or come to the end of my book chapter or article remembering Jesus, not me.” Lindsey
(9.) “Don’t look for how you fit in Scripture, look for Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit.” Leah
(10.) “When studying Scripture, don’t rush it, delight in the details.” Leah

Quotes from Chrystal Evans Hurst
(Keynote message. Chrystal is a writer, speaker, and worship leader. She’s the co-author of, Kingdom Woman, with her father, Pastor Tony Evans.)
(11.) “Jesus knew the Samaritan woman at the well needed an introduction and an invitation from Him—and so do we.” (See John 4.)
(12.) “God interrupts our plans with God-ordained and God-allowed interruptions.”
Quotes from Kathleen Kerr
(Workshop: The Verses that Keep Me up at Night: The Risks and Responsibilities of the Christian Writer. Kathleen is the women’s acquisitions editor at Harvest House Publishers.)
(13.) “It’s not Christian unless it’s about Jesus: write about Jesus, read Scripture carefully and in context, do your research, and look sin in the eye—talk about sin.”
(14.) “I can go anywhere in culture to find out I’m capable, enough, and beautiful—Christian writing is about Christ.”
(See Matthew 18:6, John 2:14-16.)

Quotes from Whitney Capps
(Keynote message. Whitney is a national speaker for Proverbs 31 Ministries and writer for the First 5 Bible app.)
(15.) “If you want to change the kingdom, go home and love your church.”
(16.) “The church is still God’s chosen place to redeem the broken.”
(17.) “God never wastes your service to His bride—the local church.”
(18.) “The local church combats celebrity—being known for what you do whether than who you are.”
(19.) “The local church: hones our gifts, unleashes the power of the Holy Spirit, refines our calls, cultivates sanctification, and helps us be a disciple maker.”
“The church is still God’s chosen place to redeem the broken.” Whitney Capps #blog #church Share on XQuotes from Liz Curtis Higgs
(Keynote message. Liz is a speaker and the author of 36 books.)
(20.) “My heart is real estate that belongs to Jesus.”
(21.) “Listen to God’s voice, follow His lead, do not be afraid.”
Tell us in the comments which of these quotes resonates with you or share a favorite quote.

Featured image layout and text by Adobe Spark.
Photos of speakers Chrystal, Whitney, and Liz courtesy of Stephanie K. Adams and Real Women Ministries.
Post part of these link-ups: Suzanne Eller/Living Free, Crystal Twaddell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, and Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.
© 2017 by Karen Friday, All Rights Reserved

Ahhhh…this was such an amazing conference! And you pulled the best quotes out! It was my first time, and I was so very blessed:-) Visiting from #livingfree. I enjoyed this post:-)
Thank you, Shannon, for stopping by and commenting. So glad you were able to go to the conference. It’s such an amazing experience. And what a joy to be able to glean such powerful words from some of God’s people. Blessings!
Love this so much! It brings me back great memories from the conference. I’m bookmarking this for future reference, Karen. And I’m glad to know Blythe is your agent! I met with her, and she’s reviewing my proposal. She was lovely to meet. Blessings to you!
Thank you, Sarah. You’re so sweet. Glad you met with Blythe and praying for you. There’s several things I’ve learned on this journey over the last 3 years. But one is to pray for the “right” timing, project, agent, publishing house, and most of all…God’s glory in all! Blessings!
Thank you! I missed “She Speaks” this year and this was a nice treat in my inbox.
Great, Maree. Glad you enjoyed a summary of my top takeaways. So sorry you were not able to come. God moved in mighty ways. Wishing you blessings over your projects. 🙂
I attended She Speaks many years ago for the writer’s track and would love to go back someday to do the speaker’s track. Thanks for sharing these quotes!
You’re welcome, Edie. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. She Speaks is so powerful, hope you get to go back. 🙂
Thank you for sharing these quotes! Very challenging, and so good! My favorite quote from those you shared was, “People need to leave a Bible study or come to the end of my book chapter or article remembering Jesus, not me.” Lindsey
Yes, LeNae, I love that one too. We often make ministry about “me.” But it isn’t about me, it’s about the One who said “follow me.” Blessings!
I missed SheSpeaks again:( Sounds like refreshment and encouragement to your soul! Great quotes and speakers! Thanks for sharing!
Visiting from #BHG Facebook group
Julie, it was wonderful this year as always. Hope to see you there again sometime. Such powerful words spoken from God’s people. Thanks for visiting and commenting! Blessings!
Love all your quotes, Karen. I wrote many of those down too. It was so sweet to meet you at She Speaks. Will you be back next year? Graces to you sweet friend. ((xoxo))
Hi Brenda, thank you for stopping by and taking time to comment. I loved She Speaks this year and so enjoyed getting to meet you in person. You’re a lovely lady with a precious soul. I hope to go back next year and hope to see you there again. 🙂 Blessings!
I went to the SheSpeaks conference in 2009 and loved it. I sure would like to return soon!
Very inspiring quotes! I know the conference must have been a huge blessing!