Making Jesus Known to Leaders of this Retail Giant
“Karen, we want our people to hear the gospel.”
Tears pooled and released like water freed from a dam. My mouth hung open as I re-read the message.
Speak at Walmart Women’s Leadership Conference? And boldly talk about Jesus?
Lord, you answered my prayer. Why my surprise? You gave me this heart for the lost.
Knowing Jesus
A personal mission of my speaking and writing ministry is to know Jesus more and make Him known.
What a privilege to not only introduce others to Christ, but to also help believers know Him more.
And I never want to assume that every attendee at church events knows Christ. Because my heart is drawn to the lost…to those who need Jesus.
So I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in sharing the gospel message of Calvary’s cross and an empty tomb every time I step on stage.
“I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13 ESV, emphasis mine)
Making Jesus Known
You see, a few months ago I prayed for God to expand my borders of influence for Him. Further still, I specifically asked the Lord to broaden my speaking opportunities for venues outside Christian circles.
And within a few weeks, God answered my prayer. A local Walmart store manager heard me speak at her church early this year. So Diane contacted me to pray about speaking at their women’s leadership conference (and to a few men who come).
Managers and supervisors from eight stores, an entire market sector, and maybe the regional VP, gather as leaders every fall—this was the fifth year.

Me and Diane
The day includes meals, inspirational keynotes from various speakers, awards for women leaders making a difference in Walmart stores and in the community through giving back and charity work.
On a side note, I wished more people knew how much Walmart gives back. Walmart pours thousands of dollars into their local communities every year and around the world.
At the conference, they highlighted Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child, Children’s Miracle Network, veteran programs, dozens of local non-profits, bottled water and volunteers for recent hurricane relief and more.
Diane relayed this year’s theme of Sowing the Harvest. And how the conference brings together the aspects of leadership, community, business, giving back, and how they added faith.
When she said the powerful words “We want our people to hear the gospel.”—I was all in.
Walmart Leaders and Jesus
On the day of the conference, I walked into a room packed with smiling faces, mostly ladies, and 5-6 men. After the welcome, Diane’s pastor provided an awesome opening devotion. Wow, I sat amazed at how the Lord worked for His glory.
Then, Diane introduced me. I stated the theme and asked reflective questions. How does sowing the harvest apply to leadership? How do we find the right conditions for growth as leaders? And how do we sow to reap the greatest harvest?
And I spoke about sowing as leaders in our professions, families, and communities. How strong leaders grow deep roots by increasing in wisdom and character, both professionally and personally.
I spoke of the greatest leader who ever lived. #Jesus. #Leadership Share on XChrist modeled authentic leadership. Of course, He didn’t work in retail—no Walmart on street corners in Jesus’ day. But…
Jesus gave #leadership to the most important #business…His Father’s business. Share on XThe message concluded with sharing my personal testimony of knowing Christ and the gospel message. Here’s how I wrapped up:

Walmart Conference
God sowed a spiritual harvest for us over 2000 years ago. When we accept Jesus Christ as Savior, we reap a harvest of peace, love, grace, goodness, mercy, hope, and more.
You and Jesus
A handful of ladies told me their redemption story during lunch. But lost and hungry souls heard about a spiritual harvest. I pray they come to know Jesus.
Friend, I’m asking you the final question I posed to Walmart leaders that day.
Do you know the Savior? In Jesus alone is eternal life. He loves you. And He came to rescue you by shedding His blood on a cross.
Image design and layout courtesy of Adobe Spark.
© 2017 by Karen Friday, All Rights Reserved
Post part of these link ups:
Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire, Salt & Light, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement, Meg Gemelli/GRITupAndGo, Suzanne Eller/Living Free.

What an awesome opportunity Karen! I’ve been praying to expand my speaking ministry as my writing opportunities are expanding. What an encouragement to see how God is using you.
Thanks, Kim. As I typed this, I prayed for your ministry opportunities. The amazing thing is this; I always take a few days to pray over speaking events, making sure to ask the Lord if I’m the right speaker and not someone else. But in this case, I didn’t need to pray. God had answered a prayer and placed it before me. I stand in awe of Jesus.
Awesome Karen. It’s going to be a great harvest!💕
Yes, Marla. When we sow in Jesus’ name, we know much spiritual fruit will come forth for the seeds took root in God’s Word (Luke 8). Hugs!
What a blessed and wonderful opportunity, Karen! So amazing what can happen when we stop to ASK Him!
I know, Deborah. Simply asking for something we know God desires as well. Oh, how He wants the name of Jesus boldly proclaimed! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Blessings!
This is fantastic Karen! I love how God answered your hearts cry and gave you this opportunity. What an exciting testimony to the Lord. 🙂
It was absolutely wonderful, Marcie. I pray for more and more opportunities. Thank you! Let’s continue to know Jesus more and make Him known! Hugs!
What a wonderful open door, I have a feeling there are many more opportunities like this in your future. God is doing a good work through you. God Bless! visiting from Salt and Light Link up. Pinned a few and shared on Google+ Many Thanks! 8)
Thank you, Debra. Appreciate your kind words, encouragement, and for sharing. Yes, hoping for many divine appointments about Christ! Blessings!
This is excellent. What an opportunity to be the voice and ambassador for Christ in thr market place. Keep shining for Jesus, my friend!
Thanks, Shira. God sowed a spiritual harvest over 2000 years ago when Jesus died on the cross. Now, we reap eternal life and abundant life when we accept Jesus as Lord. Continue to spread the gospel message everywhere I go. Hugs!
How exciting, Karen!! Thank you for being true to His Word and sharing Christ crucified in this way. Big smile reading this this morning. I pray people will know Christ as their Savior as a result!
Thanks so much, Bethany. And I think we were leaving comments on each other’s blog post at the same time. 😉 I do want to continue to reach people for Jesus. I pray we both keep our eyes on Him as we walk in obedience to the calling and to the ministry He’s set aside for us to do…the Father’s business. Blessings!
Amazing opportunity, Karen! I’m so glad God chose you for a special assignment. Love your daisy dress too!
Hey, Sarah. Agree, amazing opportunity. I prayed for it, the Lord answered. And thanks about the dress…there’s a story behind the dress and daisies that I’ll have to share with you sometime. 🙂 Blessings!
Awesome, Karen! God is on the move. xo
Thanks, Lyli. Glad God is moving because our culture, country and world needs it…I need revival. 🙂
What a wonderful testimony of God’s faithfulness to answer your prayer. That has been my prayer too–that God would expand my territory to speak of His help, hope, and healing to a world so in need of it. Because of Him, #HopePrevails!
Hey Michelle, glad it’s a prayer of your heart as well. We’re called to make Christ known. The world does desperately need Jesus…there’s hope in none other. Keep sowing the spiritual harvest. Blessings friend!
I praise God that He answered your prayers! Many more doors shall be open to you and many will hear the gospel through you. International engagements will also be open to you as well. A great time of expansion is underway and I get Isaiah 54 for you – your tents have been extended to the left and right… abundance! God bless you
Amen, Deborah. I accept that word and pray for borders to continue to be extended. Last year I was able to share the gospel by Skype to women in Pakistan. Three ladies accepted Jesus as Lord. Hallelujah! Our God reigns. Blessings!
God never fails to answer a prayer to make Him known! What a beautiful testimony to obedience Karen!
Yes, Crystal! Obedience to God is always for His glory. Thanks for commenting. Let’s make Jesus known!
Hi Karen, what a wonderful opportunity God gave you to speak at a “non-Christian” event. Praise the Lord. And you got to share your testimony. Even better! Stopping over from the Ra-Ra linkup! Have a blessed day.
Hey, Tiffiney. Appreciate you visiting and commenting. It was a wonderful, powerful opportunity and moment to share Jesus with these leaders. Hope and pray for more of them to come my way. It definitely confirms my calling. Blessings!
Wow Karen! What an awesome opportunity to share the Gospel message. I wasn’t in the room but I could sense the power of the moment through your post. May God continue to use the ministry He’s entrusted to you to reach the masses. Blessings to you!
Thanks, Joy. It was awesome and we serve a God of awe and wonder. So grateful for this answered prayer and to boldly proclaim Jesus. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
What an amazing opportunity!!
God is so awesome!! I’m believing God to continue opening these doors of opportunities for you to share the gospel and his love. Blessings!!
Hey Lureta, thanks and yes! And praying God continues to give us all a heart for the lost…those who need to be rescued by the Savior! Blessings!
Wow, what an awesome opportunity!!!!! You just never know…. Many seeds planted that day, I’m sure.
True, Meg. We’re called to sow seeds for a spiritual harvest. Trusting seeds fell on good soil that day, the Word of God (Luke 8). And praying I’m a faithful laborer in fields of glory for His name sake. Thanks.