Why Moms can’t Always Make it Better
I ran toward my five-year-old, Caleb, as he limped nearer.
Tears flowing down his cheeks increased with the sight of blood oozing from his knee…and when he saw me.
“This will sting for a few seconds.” I blew my breath on the newly scraped flesh.
A kiss, bandaid, tear-wiping, and mom-cuddles will make it better.
It’s what moms do.
My children had their share of minor mishaps. My daughter, Megan, fractured her finger from a fall outside. But adventure and mischief joined forces when it came to Caleb.
Moms Want to Make it Better
“Mom, watch this.”
Bike wrecks and jumps from things oh-so-high. Roller skates would not cooperate with Caleb’s feet. Also, he experienced numerous run-ins with the concrete at the swimming pool. Usually, the lifeguard’s whistle came too late—busted lip or knee. A corroboration that hard surfaces are not our friends and adversaries of moms.
Knees, elbows, and shins are tender places. The good Lord knew how to construct the human body. This I know. But Lord, the padding is sparse on certain parts.
Pads for the knees and elbows, and helmets for heads are welcomed safeguards. Moms around the globe are thankful. Yet, they secretly wish for rolls of industrial-strength bubble wrap. My son would have benefited from a mommy and mummy’s bubble wrap encasement.
Still, they happen. Little mishaps of a cut or bruise. Minor first aid required. Cleaning a fresh wound stings. “Ouch! It’s burning! It hurts!”
Leaning in close, I’d blow my breath on the stinging. Hoping to override the pain until it subsides. Moms make it better.
I passed on the easy-to-bruise trait to my children. Bruises in a variety of shape and size appear on our earth suits. At times, evidence of memory, I bumped into the corner of the bookshelf. Often the aftermath of something not recollected, how did that get there?
Moms and Tender Places
From small children to teens and young adults, my kids lacked padding on certain parts. The tender places—hearts, minds, feelings, and broken spirits. As their mom, I desired nothing more than to make it better. I still do.
I run toward them as they limp nearer. But I can’t always make it better. Because I may not know or understand to ask, “how did that get there?”
Did she bump into the corner of life’s mishap shelf? Maybe he had a run-in with the concrete in life. The whistle came too late. The hard surfaces of life are not his friends.
Children carry invisible boo-boos—inside ouches. Feelings freshly scraped needing care. Moms and grown-ups carry them, too.
Gaping wounds oozing hurt. Old and new.
The breath of heaven blows on tender places and broken spirits. #mothers Share on XA kissing-tear-wiping-make-it-better kind of love. From God. For His children.
As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem. (Isaiah 66:13 NIV)
Come, my children, and listen to me…. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. (Psalm 34:11, 18 NLT)
Christ runs toward us as we limp nearer to Him.
Featured images are my children, Megan and Caleb.
Isaiah 66 picture is my grandson, Foster.
Image design courtesy of Adobe Spark.
© 2015 by Karen Friday, All Rights Reserved

I love the verses you put here, Karen. Thanks for sharing this over at Crystals!
Meghan, thank you! So grateful the breath of heaven blows on tender places and broken spirits. Blessings!
Such a beautiful picture of God’s love for each of us!
Crystal, thank you for reading and taking time to comment. So grateful for God’s undying love and that Christ runs toward us when we limp nearer to Him. 🙂 Blessings, friend!
I really like the parallel you draw here between how Moms want to make it all better and how God is our comforter. Psalm 34:11, 18 are beautiful scriptures and a beautiful reminder of how much God wants to be for us. Funny how many times, we try to do it alone. Blessings to you!
Thanks, Rosanna. Yes, grateful for the comfort of the Lord and how He heals my kids tender places and mine! Christ does run toward us as we limp nearer to Him. Blessings to you! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I never noticed that bets in the Bible before. What a wonderful comparison. As much as our moms love and want what’s best for us, imagine how much more so God wants, how He hates to see us in pain – inner or outer. Beautiful reminder.
Brittany, thank you. Yes, it’s a powerful love verse of how tenderly God cares for us. A kissing-tear-wiping-make-it-better kind of love. From God. For His children. Blessings!
*verse in the Bible
When I became a mom, God’s love became even more real for me. As much as we hurt, ache, and long to keep out children from any pain, God desires to do the same. And at the same time, we want to see them learn and grow into mature adults who follow hard after Him. Great post, Karen.
Tiffany, yes, Amen! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. As God’s children, may we listen to Him and draw near to Him as He applies the soothing balm of His love to our gaping wounds and broken hearts. As only He can do. A love that is never lost, only found. Blessings!
The fact that as a mom I can’t always make it better is the hardest part of parenting. God will comfort. Amen.
Maree, Yes, that’s so hard for us as moms. So thankful that God attends to our internal ouches. His tear-wiping and the way He wraps His loving arms of comfort around our souls will make it better. There’s nothing this earth or human can offer that compares. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings!