Not Separating God’s Goodness From His Holiness

Do you hear people separating how God is good from His holiness?
During college, I worked at a jewelry store in a local mall. So I learned the cuts and facets of diamonds and other gems. The multi-faceted parts of these stones make each one brilliant and stunning.
In the same way, God bears many characteristics as God. But we often only focus on the feel-good parts of God’s character. Like how God is good and loving, but not how He is also holy and just.
Yet, all the attributes of God working together are what make Him God. Each fascinating facet of the Almighty makes His glory brilliant and stunning.
When we practice separating His goodness from His holiness or His love from His justice, we lose the full nature God.
In essence, we detach who He is from what He does. But the two are one and the same.
Good and loving and holy and just are not only who the Lord is, but also what He does!
Do you hear people separating God's goodness from His holiness? Even believers may focus on the feel-good parts of God's character, how He is good and loving. But God is also holy and just. Share on XNot Separating God’s goodness
Since the beginning of time, God’s goodness is weaved throughout the chapters of His-story. It started with creation when He saw everything He made was good.
Goodness is seen when God rescued His people. It’s revealed in Bethlehem’s stable and narrated in Jesus’ ministry. It’s told at the foot of a bloody cross and reported as a victor in an empty tomb.
Now, we see His goodness in our lives through every blessing and promise of Scripture. We are living testimonies to God’s goodness.
“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!” Psalm 27:13 (ESV)
God is good and does good. (Psalm 119:68)
God’s Love
1 John 4:8 tells us God is love. John 3:16 states how God so loved the world, He gave His only Son. And “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (NIV)
Since the heavenly Father lavished His great love on us, we are called the children of God. (1 John 3:1)
Finally, Psalm 136:26 reminds us how God’s love endures forever! Maybe people stop loving us or fail to fully love us. But not God.
The Lord is love and loving is what He does.

Not Separating God’s Holiness
“God is holy means there is no trace of evil in his character. Only God is holy.” (The Blue Letter Bible)
Exodus 15:11 reiterates it, “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?” (ESV)
Since evil’s prevalent on this earth because of sin and ungodliness, the Lord’s holiness plays an integral role in who He is and what He does.
Because God is good and also holy, He saves us from our sin, sanctifies us and calls us to become a holy people. “But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” 1 Peter 1:15 (ESV)
Because God is good and holy, He saves us from our sin, sanctifies us and calls us to become a holy people. “But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” 1 Peter 1:15 (ESV) Share on XGod’s Justice
We hope for justice when innocent people are affected by tragedies. Yes, we hope justice is carried out on earth by the court system. Yet, God’s court is the highest in the land.
God is not only good and loving and holy, He is also just. Justice is what God does.
If the Lord never dispensed justice, to whom or where would we turn to make things right or punish deeds done in darkness?
Look at Isaiah 30:18 “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” (NIV)
The Lord loves justice. (Isaiah 61:8)
Deuteronomy 32:4 says, “The Rock! His work is perfect! For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.” (NASB)
Finally, Psalm 33:5 shows the Lord’s justice connected to His love. “The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” (NIV)
One day God will right every wrong and do away with evil because He is just and dispenses justice.
We hope for justice when innocent people are affected by tragedies. One day God will right every wrong and do away with evil because He is just and dispenses justice. Share on XNot Separating God’s Attributes

We do ourselves a disservice when we fail to understand all the aspects of the heavenly Father. Because a god who’s not equally holy and just, doesn’t meet the requirements for a higher power.
Instead, this god falls on the same level with false gods and mere humans.
But our God encompasses these characteristics and more. So let’s be thankful for the muti-faceted God we serve who is not only good but also holy.
Last week’s post, Letting God Heal Your Wounded Heart.
Featured photos filming for our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth) and Faith On Fire.
© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

I love how you used diamonds to describe the facets of God’s nature. They are each distinct but part of His Wholeness.
Exactly, Barb. Distint yet each together makes the whole. God bless!
Oh, Karen, this is a topic that touches my heart and my passion. It’s why I wrote the devotional, Reflections on the Names of God: 180 Devotions to Know God More Fully. And I also described His attributes and names using the diamond analogy.
Hope it’s not rude to leave this link for those who are interested in a helpful resource on this topic (if it is, feel free to delete!):
Ava, it’s a perfect place to share your devotion and I hope my readers check it out. Such a powerful topic we all need reminders about. Thanks!
Amen. God loves us.
Yes, as Scripture proclaims, “The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” (NIV)
We need to realize that God is multi-faceted, and we should worship every aspect of His being. He can’t be anything less than good, and His justice will be done.
Blessings, Karen!
Love this Martha, “He can’t be anything less than good, and His justice will be done.” Oh, yes! Thanks for sharing! God bless!
I love your point on God will right every wrong (and everything else too). You are a blessing. Thanks Karen
Yvonne, that’s such a comforting thought to me, especially with so much evil prevalent in this world.
Another stellar post Ms. Karen. Far too often, we want to “put God in a box” and assign attributes that we think we have the right to choose for Him. It is in the remembering that “God is God” that I believe we find the humbleness needed to approach His throne through Christ’s intercession.
God is God and we are not, J.D.! God help us not place Him in a box and point the world to the full character of the Almighty in all His glory and splendor.
All I can say is Praise God!!! You’ve said the rest! 😉
Thank you, Ed. A thousand Hallelujahs!
This is so good, Karen! He truly is multi-faceted. We cannot compartmentalize or define and God’s holiness and power and vast love and might. God is GOOD ALWAYS and perfect.
Jessica, I like how you said, “compartmentalize.” That’s what we do when we pick and choose facets of God like a buffet. May we see His fullness and wholeness.
All of God’s attributes are always His character. None can be taken away, and neither does God cease to be and to do these traits. He is equally just, loving, holy, and good.
“Equally” is a great way to express each attribute of God’s character. There is none like Him, no one like our God. May we fully embrace who He is and what He does.
Such wisdom here, Karen. For too many generations, we’ve been striving to embrace God’s love and ignore His justice and holiness. He is indivisible: loving, just, and holy. Wonderful message! God bless!
Nancy, it’s troubling to see and hear this incomplete picture of God in culture and sometimes in the church. Lord, help us really know you in an intimate way and all your characteristics.
So true, Karen, it is easy to embrace the feel good attributes of God, but His holiness, righteousness and justice are equally a part of who He is. It is well for us to sit with Him in all His ways!
“It is well for us to sit with Him in all His ways!” Beautiful way to express it, Donna. It should not just be about knowing and acknowleging all that God is, but also letting it affect every part of our being.
I just shared this one FB and twitter. Everyone should read it!
Thanks for sharing this, Lauren. I pray it reaches believers and unbelievers alike so God can reveal himself to all of us in the most truthful way.
Beautiful thoughts, Karen. God is made of many facets and when we nitpick each part to suit our needs in the moment, we do Him a disservice.
Thank you, Mary. I’m grateful for every attribute of God’s character and how each brings good to our lives and glory to Him.
Karen, I so appreciate how you bring the full context of who God is into this conversation. We must embrace the fulness of who God is, not just the parts of Him that are easy to love and accept.
Jeanne, all the facets of God are what make Him the one true God. Pray the Lord reminds our heart of this over and over.
“Good and loving and holy and just are not only who the Lord is, but also what He does!” Karen, it is so important for us to remember who God is aligns with His actions and deeds.
It is important, Joanne. God’s attributes are always seen in His actions.
[…] already shared Karen Girl Friday’s post Not Separating God’s Goodness from His Holiness on Facebook and Twitter, and now I share it here. Dig into the important […]
Thanks so much, Lauren!