Overflowing: Giving up Half-empty and Half-full

It paints a picture of filling and fullness spilling over in our lives.
Whether our current days of uncertainty rob our joy.
Or, we scramble for resources we fear are not available.
And even in times of abundance, when life seems good and our source secure.
The Lord wants us to remember, He is our true source.
Our battle cry in this world becomes: “Lord, fill me.”
But do we remember to go to the true source of everlasting joy and peace? Are we confident the Lord fills us with good and true things? Have we realized God’s fullness seeps into every corner and crevice of our empty places?
To answer these questions, let’s look at 3 points to keep us overflowing in God.
(1.) Remember our cup’s not half-empty or half-full but overflowing in God.
We no longer need to live with the perspective of the half-empty or half-full cup. And we no longer do just enough to get by until more is required to fill our own cup. Instead, we ask the Lord to give us the strength to run to Him for everything we need. Because these are promises found in His Word.
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5).
“For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9 NIV).
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:10).
We no longer need to live with the perspective of the half-empty or half-full cup. Our cup is overflowing in God. We look to Him to fill us. Share on X(2.) Remember to choose the best resource.
Being a twin, people always saw me as one of two. One of two babies, one of two girls, and one of two teens. And now, one of two women who are similar, more alike than most siblings, yet still unique.

But God is one of One. There has never been another god like our God. And there never will. So, what I’m about to say next makes perfect sense. God’s fullness and the way He fills us is one of One.
Maybe we think it’s appropriate to compare the filling we receive from others or our own efforts to God. We are comparing the incomparable. Every filling besides God is one of many, compared to one of One.
Do I want to keep grasping at all the many choices out there? Or, do I want to rest in the One who gets it right the first time and every time? The One who causes me to be overflowing in Him.
Because these are promises found in His Word.
“Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing” (Psalm 34:10b).
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13).
(3.) Remember to go to the right place for overflowing.
If we want the right stuff, we go to the right place, we go to God. When we keep going back to Him as source, then we are filled with every spiritual blessing. And we are filled with Him. Therefore, our lives are full of Almighty God. There’s no better filling!
Also, we think about the Almighty in light of this truth. God is not 99% holy, 99% love, 99% merciful, and so on. So God is not 99% God. He is never one percent under what we need. He is never not quite up to par as God. The Lord is never right below His own fill-line. And neither are we when we reclaim our rights as daughters and sons of the One who offers more than 100%.
God is not 99% holy, 99% love, 99% merciful, and so on. So God is not 99% God. He is never one percent under what we need. He is never not quite up to par as God. Share on XGod never does just enough in our lives for us to get by. It’s always more. Yet, it’s our job to go to God for our infinitely more…for our everything. That’s our only job. Because these are promises found in His Word.
“Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory” (1 Peter 1:8).
“Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them’” (Psalm 126:2).
Keep Going Back to the Source of Overflowing

Going back to the Source of overflowing brings us everlasting joy and peace and fills us with good and true things.
Which point do you need to remember most?
Scripture ESV unless noted.
Read: The Only Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth) and Faith On Fire.
Friday’s Forever podcast highlights recent YouTube adventures and this weekly article:
© 2021 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

This is timely and so needed right now. The pandemic worsens, and so many of our children and grandchildren have been fighting off COVID. Simultaneously, tragic circumstances are still being sorted out. These are times when we believe and rely upon the Lord taking care of all that we need, of providing and healing and upholding us. And He does!
It is an unsettling time we live in. I pray we remember to go to the true source of everlasting joy and peace. To stay confident the Lord fills us with good and true things. And realize God’s fullness seeps into every corner and crevice of our empty places, even in our present circumstances!
Have long called this “Satisfaction in God” Ms. Karen. I spent many years lamenting what I didn’t have, or hoarding what I have plenty of. But God! He showed me that it’s not what I do or don’t have, but what I do with it. A great lesson in stewardship here my friend. I’m learning that it’s not what I have or don’t have, it about being satisfied with what God gives me. Much like the parable of the 10 minas; when I steward what He gives me well, He is faithful to give me more. My prayer is that the moment God calls me home, my cup is emptied for the final time. 🙂 God’s blessings ma’am.
J.D., never thought about the stewardship point, but it’s true. And what I love about our God is how He provides 100% satisfaction guaranteed! And like how you note, “My prayer is that the moment God calls me home, my cup is emptied for the final time.” That’s a good word. May we not attempt to fill our own cups, on this earth, with things that leave us empty and leave no room for God.
God will fill us full of the abundant, overflowing life when we seek Him and His Word. Beautifully said here, Karen. Blessings!
Thank you, Martha! “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” (Psalm 23:5, ESV)
I love this thought from your blog, Our battle cry in this world becomes: “Lord, fill me.” I had never thought of saying it in this way but it is so appropriate. Thanks for sharing this wonderful message Karen. God bless
Yvonne, our battle is often between filling ourselves or letting the God of overflowing fill us. I pray to daily cry out to the Lord in this way.
Love this! I always thought of myself as a glass half-full girl, but now I’m going to identify as a glass-overflowing girl!
Thanks, Karen!
I always saw myself as that same girl, Jerralea! Replacing that mindset with the daughter of a God who always provides over 100%!
I need to remember to go to the right place for overflowing. Thank you for the reminder that God is the only one who can fill me with overflowing blessings and peace.
Appreciate you commenting, Stephanie! Going back to the Source of overflowing brings us everlasting joy and peace and fills us with good and true things.
I am thankful His love never ends. The cup filled with His love is overflowing and continues to bless us each moment.
I am, too, Melissa. So often we go to others or things in life holding a cup out asking for contributions, when the Lord is the true source that we need!
“Keep Going Back to the Source of Overflowing” – love this!
I find that I go back, but I need to get in the habit to KEEP going back!
Ava, it is about forming that daily habit of returning over and over again for overflowing!
What wonderful encouragement you offer! And we must keep going back. He is our source of love, peace, and direction.
Thanks for commenting, Nancy! “Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.” (1 Peter 1:8, ESV)
Such comfort here. You are right — God is everything we need. We find complete rest, complete satisfaction, completeness PERIOD in the Lord!
I like that, Jessica, we find completeness in the Lord!
Point 1. With God we are overflowing. Not half empty or full. Such a good point. He doesn’t just live us the bare minimum of love, but lives us abundantly. He doesn’t just give us enough grace, but more grace than we need.
Oh, yes, Theresa. Overflowing in love, grace upon grace, and so much more!
Love this….”Remember our cup’s not half-empty or half-full but overflowing in God”. It paints such a picture of hope!
Thank you, Barb. I see hope in an overflowing cup. Keep Going Back to the Source of Overflowing!
I guess I am just drawn to your work. While reading your piece for recharge wednesday today, I chose your post from the link up!
Aw, thank you, Lauren. So thankful our cups are overflowing in Christ!
You prepare a table before Lauren in the presence of her enemies; you anoint her head with oil; her cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5, ESV).
I love that our cup overflows with the Lord’s goodness and mercy! I heard an analogy just today that instead of seeing our glass as half full or half empty, we should see the glass; it is the Lord holding it all.
Oh, that’s a great perspective, Lisa. Never thought about it that way. “Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing” (Psalm 34:10b, ESV).
Karen, it is interesting to me to see how wrong we are in thinking of the glass being half full or half empty. In Christ, it is always full and overflowing for He supplies our every need. It is only as we remember this that we will find contentment with what we have.
Love how you said, “He supplies our every need. It is only as we remember this that we will find contentment with what we have.” Yes!
Such a timely post, Karen. Your writing always encourages me.