I Don’t Need to Be Enough: Jesus is Enough

I Don't Need to Be Enough: Jesus is Enough

Have you ever felt like you’re not enough? My hand’s raised. 

Maybe the less-than feeling stems from a relationship, job, competition, role, life dream, comparison, our own inner critic, perfectionism, or other.

And the enemy of our soul is often behind our negative self-talk and the world’s expectations that lead to I’m-not-enough thoughts.

The enemy will even use other people to drive the point home in our hearts.

But—and this “but” may surprise you—the phrase You are enough circulating on social media and in articles and podcasts and so on, gives us the idea that we are enough in and of ourselves. 

While I really do understand the sentiments behind the popular statement; friends, it’s simply not true. I am not enough in myself. Jesus is enough. 

The phrase "You are enough" gives us the idea that we are enough in and of ourselves. Friends, it’s simply not true. I am not enough in myself. Jesus is enough.  Share on X

Because Jesus is enough, it gives us a complete identity in Him. We no longer need to concern ourselves with what the world or people say is enough. 

Also, we quit comparing ourselves to anyone else. It’s so freeing to know who I am in Christ and letting go of comparison. I’m thankful God doesn’t create cookie-cutter people.

So let’s look at how Jesus is E.N.O.U.G.H. and how it helps us see ourselves in the correct light.

Jesus Is Enough

E – Endured the Cross. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV)

Jesus endured the cross so we didn’t have to.

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May 4, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


Stop Carrying Regret Like a Ball and Chain

Stop Carrying Regret Like a Ball and Chain

Either we run free to God with open arms, dropping any baggage from the past. Or, we drag along regret like a ball and chain.

Regret. Such a small word that packs a big punch. Often, it’s a supersized punch straight to the gut. And it leaves us gasping for air and reeling in pain deep in our soul.

Why? Because we feel like we are carrying the weight of a ball and chain.

Regret is displayed in these ways: sorrow/sadness, repentance, disappointment or remorse for a missed opportunity. (Google)

In order to unpack some of these specifics about regret, let’s look at examples and Scriptures.

Regret in Sorrow Like a Ball and Chain

We regret in sorrow or sadness. Perhpas a close relationship ended and we regret why it happened.

Or, a loved one dies when our relationship’s still strained or severed. This regret is sometimes unbearable. I’ve seen this fleshed out at funerals: sons and daughters or fathers and mothers or brothers and sisters skip the services because of a hurt or grievance. 

Also, regret over a broken relationship that robs us of precious time with someone we love. Years go by and we lose time that we never recover. How sad when this hits close to home. God never intended this kind of sorrow for unreconcilation.

Let’s pray to stay humble and attempt to live at peace in all relationships. Then, regret is not our companion now or when it’s too late.

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 (NIV)

Repentance and Regret

Mistakes and sin keep us chained to regret. 

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April 27, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


God is Still Good Even When Life is Not

God is Still Good Even When Life is Not

We hear it spoken. We see it on clothing, bags, hats, and as a framed quote.

Life is good.

The phrase rolls off our tongues and scatters across our devices.

It takes the spotlight when our online friend or family member has a new boyfriend, a new pet, a new car or a new “something.”

Perhaps the words are in order when we land the ideal job, get a promotion, win a contest or an award, receive good news on medical tests, or anything that makes us feel on top of the world.

But what about when life’s not good? What then?

Good and Pleasant Things

Because if we put our hope in the ever-changing nature of real life, at the first hint of things going south, we won’t be on top of the world. No, we find ourselves in life’s pit of despair.

You see, I’ve never been a fan of the phrase. And here’s why; look at Merriam-Webster’s definition of good. “The pleasant things that happen to people.”

Oh, I want pleasant things to happen to me. I’m betting so do you.

Sure, some days the pleasant things come. And I’m on cloud nine. But on other days, life’s pleasant things stay far away. Maybe they go on vacation or visit my neighbor.

Or, the good things in life happen to all those friends on social media. You know, the friends sharing the wonderful news and picture to prove that it really happened. And the friends type the words in all caps and add an exclamation point, LIFE IS GOOD!

Yet as Christians, our hope lies in God, not in life. He’s a good, good Father with a never-changing nature. The Lord overflows with love, goodness, mercy, hope, peace, joy, compassion, patience, and kindness. The things that matter. And no matter what happens, God’s still good.

Our hope lies in God, not in life. He’s a good, good Father with a never-changing nature. The Lord overflows with love, goodness, mercy, hope, peace, joy, compassion, patience, and kindness. The things that matter. #GodisGood Share on X Read More…Facebooktwitterlinkedininstagram

April 20, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


3 Ways Redeemed People Share Their Story

3 Ways Redeemed People Share Their Story

Tell us a story, Mama.

My kids often requested to hear a story when they were little. Sometimes from a storybook just waiting for us to get lost in the pages of a narrative. They enjoyed everything from classic tales of fictional characters to Bible stories about real people and Jesus. 

But some of my son and daughter’s favorite stories came from my own childhood.

True accounts of my favorite activities, my dog, and things my twin sister and I did when we were little that got us into trouble—double trouble.

As a lover of both the written and spoken word, I’ve always seemed to realize the power of story.

Yet, it took me a bit longer to realize that I have a unique voice and story to share with others, especially my God story.

And so do you, friend.

Look at Psalm 107:2 in the NIV, “Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe” (emphasis added).

Here are three things to consider as you find your voice to share your story.

Redeemed People: Reflect on your life up to this point.

When we look over the chapters of our lives, there are highlights and lowlights and things we’d rather not remember. But we can see it all as something God uses to grow us into His image, help others, and for His glory.

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April 13, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


Never Get Over Jesus and the Resurrection

Never Get Over Jesus and the Resurrection

I never, ever want to get over Jesus Christ and that He rose from the dead.

Do these phrases sound familiar? “Just get over it!” Or, “I’m so over it!” Maybe we tell others to “Get over it!” if they don’t agree with us on a matter. And we personalize the phrase when we walk through taxing circumstances or mundane daily routines, “I’m over it!”

But I’m not minimizing deep hurt and trauma. Telling each other to just get over significant loss or illness, for example, identifies us as insensitve and cruel.

Yet, in the same way, we often minimize the power of the resurrection and Jesus Himself in our lives.

We Get Over Salvation

Sometimes we get over Jesus saving us.

How? We grow complacent in our Christian walk and celebrating God’s redemption story. Still not convinced?

On December 26, are we already over the true meaning of Christmas and why Jesus came to earth? Further, whether one day, one week, or one month passes after celebrating the resurrection, are we over the epic and supernatural power of the Easter story?

Let’s remind our hearts of these truths:

  • Jesus’ blood canceled our sin debt. The resurrection gave us grace.
  • God canceled our former life. The resurrection gave us new life.
  • Our Father canceled the enemy’s bondage. The resurrection gave us freedom.
  • The triune God canceled our eternal punishment and death. The resurrection gave us everlasting life.
Jesus’ blood canceled our sin debt. The resurrection gave us grace. #Easter #Resurrection Share on X

Never Get Over Jesus Christ

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April 6, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


How to Worship God in Our Daily Life

How to Worship God in Our Daily Life

What does worshiping God look like in our daily life? How can we worship God with our life?

Because we often limit worship to church services. 

We went to worship this morning. Join us Sunday for worship.

Or worship becomes about music intended to lead us into God’s presence. These are both good, good things.

Gathering with the family of God for corporate worship is biblical and powerful. And anointed music that speaks directly to our hearts, carrying us before God’s throne room in awe? It helps our soul and points us to the Holy One.

But do we realize the Almighty is worthy of our daily worship

Are we faithful to give Him praise and thanksgiving every day, not just on Sundays and special holidays?  

Do we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice, an act of spiritual worship? (Romans 12:1).

Because it’s easy to allow the world and the enemy to distract us from worship in our daily lives. Instead, our hearts worship our desires and ways, and what the world has to offer. 

We may give our life as worship to people, things, self-worship, fame or fortune.

So let’s look at some ways to worship God in daily life.

Worship God the Creator 

All of creation shows us how to worship the Creator. It’s simply recognizing the beauty surrounding us.

Every time we gaze at a sunset, see a glimmer of light shining through the window, stand in awe at the twinkling of stars or the ebb and flow of the ocean, and admire the autumn foliage, let it remind us, all of creation worships our glorious God.

Worship the Creator, not His created beings.

Worship the Lord Through Holiness

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March 30, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


4 Ways God Provides in Our Wilderness

4 Ways God Provides in Our Wilderness

Wilderness experiences are no respector of persons. And this includes God’s people as long as we live on the earth. But God provides in every way, in every wilderness we travel through.

Perhaps great loss transported us smack dab in the middle of a wilderness. Maybe a job and income loss. A loved one passed away or a natural disaster took everything from us. Or the loss of a lifelong dream.

Further, we catapult into a desolate wasteland during prolonged illness of ourselves or a family member, depression, traumatic circumstances, difficult relationships, and more.

So let’s look at these four specific ways God provides in our wilderness.

(1.) God Provides: Guides Our Steps

We often stumble and wander with no certain direction of how to navigate our wilderness. So, we need help from on High—from our compassionate God.  

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 (ESV)

Like God provided a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to guide the Israelites in the desert (Exodus 13), His Word will always guide our feet and path. We pray for wisdom and direction and we seek God’s face and the Scriptures.

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21 (ESV)

(2.) Makes a Way.

Our heavenly Father makes a way, carving out a path before us, even when there seems to be no way. God can do anything such as moving an obstacle or mountain blocking our way to our own promised land.

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March 23, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


Key Prayers: Calling on God’s People to Pray

Key Prayers: Calling on God's People to Pray

What if we knew key prayers to pray for ourselves, others, and the world at large?

Because we need reminding how God’s supernatural power and ability far outweighs human efforts. 

And we only tap into His ability through prayer. 

The world needs prayer more than ever for political and racial unrest, repentance, to draw our hearts back to God as a people, and for unbelievers to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

P – Praise a living and powerful God: Key Prayers

Heavenly Father, I praise You. You alone are God and worthy of all glory. Splendor and majesty surround Your throne. I magnify Your holy and matchless name. I worship Your beauty. Because there is no god like my God. 

All of creation declares praise to the Almighty God of heaven and earth! Holy is Your name! Since You are alive and well, it is well with my soul! 

R – Repent of sin in actions, words, and thoughts

Lord, forgive me of my sins. Sometimes I say, think, or do things unpleasing to You. I ask You to give me a desire to repent often and quickly. And help me repent of any missteps against You and others. 

Forgive me for going my own way and help me walk in obedience to You and Your Word.

In this present godless world, I pray for humility to own my sins and make things right with You and others. I repent of any acts of injustice, dissension, discord, division, envy, jealousy, impurity, anger, rivalry, racism, or strife. 

Empower me to live godly in an ungodly culture. And strengthen me to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with You (Micah 6:8).

A – Acknowledge the Lord is in control: Key Prayers

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March 16, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


3 Ways We Love Like Jesus

3 Ways We Love Like Jesus

How did Jesus love others? How can we love like Jesus?

God calls us to imitate His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ set the example of how to love others in the most godly and practical ways. 

And we are called to love. Because the Bible never commands us to like others. But God’s Word commands us to love people.

So we look to the Scriptures to see how Jesus loved well in the midst of His biggest critics, the religious leaders. 

These religious men falsely believed a holy life meant keeping every letter of the law and adding to the law their own interpretations and rules, instead of showing compassion to others.

Even today, ministry may focus on programs over people, rules over compassion and love. 

Since Jesus led the way of loving unconditionally and practically, He is our example.

(1.) We love like Jesus with kindness.

I like the adage, “Kindness goes a long way.” And this definition for a person who’s kind: Sympathetic, friendly, gentle, tenderhearted, generous. (YourDictionary)

When others see a kind smile, kindness in word or action, or they notice generosity and compassion in us, they see kindness in us. They see Jesus in us. 

Jesus exemplified kindness when He desired the children to come to Him, when He stopped to comfort and heal people with great needs, and when He looked at people with a compassionate heart. 

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March 9, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


Back to the Basics: Christianity and the Gospel

Back to the Basics: Christianity and the Gospel

What if we set our hearts on getting back to the basics of Christianity and not letting anyone soften the gospel message?

Google defines basics, “the essential facts or principles of a subject.” Synonyms include: fundamentals, foundations, and groundwork.

So, what are the fundamentals of Christianity?

According to the Bible, the gospel message is the foundation with these main essentials:

Jesus, the Savior who loves and takes away the sins of the world.

Salvation, eternal life provided through the bloodshed of Jesus.

Eternity, spiritual life after this physical life in either heaven or hell.

Jesus never preached a feel-good message about eternity. Christ taught God’s truth in relation to eternal life and death. And when we know the truth, we also know that no one would want to go to Hell—a place void of God’s lovely, powerful, and holy presence.

God’s people, let’s stop letting culture sugarcoat Christianity. And let’s get back to the basics of our faith.

Everyone’s born broken and a sinner. 

We need a Savior. 

JESUS saves. 

Accepting Christ as Lord gives us eternal life and abundant life NOW.

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March 2, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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