Positively Finding Your Joy by Yvette Walker

Welcome our guest writer, Yvette. I’m honored to have met this godly, beautiful lady online. We recently chatted when she invited me on her podcast, Positively Joy. And my episode goes live this morning. I know her words about joy will inspire you.
By Yvette Walker
During this unique season, I have been working from home instead of in my office at college. Every day I get up, make the bed, feed my four-footed kids (two cats, one dog) and come into the dining room.
And I don’t know why, but the dining table has been my makeshift desktop since March 16. Because I have a perfectly good study, but the dining room seems warmer, more inviting. I open my laptop, log on and begin the day. I’m a bit of a homebody, so I’m loving the arrangement, even though I’m an extrovert and miss the company of my coworkers and students.
Something had been on my mind for a while, and that was to start a podcast. I wanted it to be about beauty standards, how we dress and style ourselves and how sometimes America does not approve. It was to be called Hair Goddess, after a book I’d published a a few years ago.
Positively Talk About Joy
But God said, “No, you are to talk about JOY.”
Uh, OK, Lord, I’m listening.
And so, Positively Joy was born. In the middle of a pandemic, at home, in my dining room. I knew just enough audio editing software to be dangerous, and I knew enough people who would talk to me.
It has been a delight to my soul, and, I hope, a fun listening exercise to my followers.
To be honest, my first listeners were the birds, who visited the trees outside my dining room window. These busybodies love to talk, and it is a sound of … well, if I had to describe it … a sound of pure joy. I hear chirps and twitters, caws and beeps. It’s a majestic symphony outside my window.
To my ears, it’s such a joyful noise. But I wonder, are the birds really singing for joy, praising the heavens, even? The birdsong has made me reflect on joy—and the absence of it in the midst of Covid-19.
Joy lost
So many people around the world have had their lives turned upside down: jobs furloughed or lost, kids being schooled at home, new graduates losing internships and positions previously offered.
But there is joy to be found—even now—and it’s in Jesus.
If joy is, by definition, “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying,” then Jesus is a cause of our joy.
In fact, God gave us joy as a “fruit of the Spirit” after his resurrection. It is found through living life by the Spirit. We find this in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, chapter 5, verse 22-23.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
When I look back at those nine fruits of the spirit, I think how needed they are right now. I think so many of us go through life not receiving pure joy, but rather just getting by. It’s like we need a shock to the senses.
If joy is, by definition, “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying,” then Jesus is a cause of our joy. #JOY Share on XJoy Positively Coming

Have you ever noticed how pure joy sometimes comes after deep sadness?
- Doctors perform emergency heart surgery but the patient lives.
- A house burns but a family member survives.
- A son loses his way but finds God in prison.
In every instance, we start with heartbreak and overwhelming sadness, but as the situation resolves, we are filled with unbridled joy. Could our joy have peaked so high had we not walked through the valley?
Another example: A friend, teacher and master dies, but is risen.
After the crucifixion, Jesus’ followers were the lowest of the low. They had lost their Master! They spent three years witnessing and seeing Christ’s miracles, and now he’s dead? That’s about as low as one can get.
But unknown to them, joy was coming.
Joy Positively found
“The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him. Now I have told you.’
So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.” — Matthew 28:5-8 (emphasis added)
I don’t wish tragedies on anyone just so they can experience joy. But if we are allowing ourselves to lose an opportunity to know Christ, that is a tragedy.
Pure joy comes from a very personal place. Pure joy in Jesus comes from a personal experience with Him only after realizing that we must give all our hopes, dreams and fears—our very life—to him.
After the resurrection, it’s only when Jesus has a personal encounter with the disciples that they realize it’s him. He calls them by name. Thomas touches the risen Jesus’ wounds. Then they know it’s truly their Lord.
Jesus even appears to the disciples and at first, they don’t recognize him. But when they interact with him, he “opens their minds” and they experience pure joy at seeing him.
Pure joy comes from a very personal place. Pure joy in Jesus comes from a personal experience with Him only after realizing that we must give all our hopes, dreams and fears—our very life—to him. #JOY Share on XPositively Choosing joy
So, how can we have this personal experience? The very solution is probably sitting there on your desk or maybe on a bookshelf in your home. It’s the Bible.
God’s personal word is waiting for you, and His word is something I mention in every episode of Positively Joy.
So, how can we have this personal experience of joy? The very solution is probably sitting there on your desk or maybe on a bookshelf in your home. It’s the Bible. #JOY Share on XIn John, chapter 15, Jesus is talking to his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, trying to impart wisdom and knowledge that they needed to know. And he tells them that he is doing this for the sake of joy:
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” — John 15:11
Let Jesus open your mind. CHOOSE him. Choose joy. And remember the birds. If the jury is out on whether they truly know joy, YOU CAN. God gave you a sound mind, so choose joy!
About Yvette Walker

Yvette Walker is the host of positivelyjoy.com, a multicultural, multiethnic podcast that takes a Christian look at the search for joy and light in all seasons of life. She is the Assistant Dean at Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication in Oklahoma.
Find Yvette and her podcast on social media: LinkedIn/Facebook/Instagram.
Scripture NIV.
Be sure to check out Yvette’s podcast and listen to my episode.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.
© 2020 Karen Friday, All rights reserved

I believe God gives us joy, but we have to be willing to accept it each day. Accepting any gift is a decision we must make. I’m so glad you chose to accept it; and more I appreciate your willingness to share it with us. God’s blessings ladies.
Yes, J.D., we accept the gift of joy freely given and offered to us. Then, we experience real unshakable joy!
Amen. I’ve got His joy in my heart. 🙂 I love sharing the love and joy of Christ.
Melissa, when His joy is in our heart, no one can take it away from us. 🙂
Yes, I will choose joy! Thank you for your inspiration here at Karen’s place, Yvette.
Martha, I love how Yvette reminds us of Jesus appearing to the disciples after His resurrection: “Jesus even appears to the disciples and at first, they don’t recognize him. But when they interact with him, he “opens their minds” and they experience pure joy at seeing him.” I pray we interact with Him to experience pure joy!
Love this! Yes, choose Jesus – choose joy!
Thanks, Ava. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” — John 15:11
Thanks for sharing Yvette’s post, Karen. It was nice to “meet” her. Joy is a beautiful gift from God. I believe it is something we can choose as David did in Psalm 59. Real joy is not something based on any particular circumstance. Joy is the supernatural delight in God’s purpose for our lives. We can’t always explain it, and it doesn’t always make sense. But when we embrace God-infused joy, we have peace.
I look forward to listening to your podcast Yvette. May God continue to bless you both in all your endeavors.
Horace, this is beautiful, “Joy is the supernatural delight in God’s purpose for our lives.” Such a powerful way to define joy. Thanks for sharing! “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” — John 15:11
My favorite line in this article is “If joy is, by definition, “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying,” then Jesus is a cause of our joy.” For Jesus is my great delight and He is my happiness. He is exceptionally good and ever so satisfying. I cannot imagine going through a tragedy on earth without the joy of the Lord living inside me. His presence grants us joy and his joy gives us strength. 🙂 Wonderful post!
Marcie, I also love that! Jesus is our delight and the only thing or person who offers complete satisfaction…100% satisfaction guaranteed.
I too choose joy daily. Jesus fills my heart with His joy no matter my circumstances. Thanks for sharing
Choosing joy is key, Yvonne! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
One of my favorite fruits of the spirit is joy. It is the one thing that truly provides a great witness to those around us during times of trials. “For the joy of the Lord is our strength” in the midst of those times.
Agree, Lisa. Joy is a way to point others to the source of our joy…Jesus!
What a delight to meet Yvette Walker! Thank you for sharing your podcast journey. The joy we have in Christ is a much needed conversation at this time. I’m thanking God He put that on your heart and your program. I loved this Bible verse: “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” — John 15:11 Near the end of Jesus’ ministry, this is one of His teachings. May our complete joy rest in Him, then we will always have joy!
Amen, Melissa. I pray my COMPLETE joy rests in Him alone!
“…those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.”
Isaiah 35:10 NIV
It’s so nice meeting you, Yvette! I look forward to listening to the podcast. My favorite sentence: “Pure joy comes from a very personal place. Pure joy in Jesus comes from a personal experience with Him only after realizing that we must give all our hopes, dreams and fears—our very life—to him.” It sums everything up beautifully because it’s the bottom line. Thank you for sharing!
It is the bottom line, Cathy. The entire post really resonated with me. Thanks for commenting. I have told Cathy this so that my joy may be in her and that her joy may be complete. — John 15:11
Ah! Love it! This resonates especially: “I don’t wish tragedies on anyone just so they can experience joy. But if we are allowing ourselves to lose an opportunity to know Christ, that is a tragedy.” Amen!
I love that thought, too, Jessica. I always want to learn what the Lord is tring to show me during any adversity…I never want to take the same class again! I have told Jessica this so that my joy may be in her and that her joy may be complete. — John 15:11
Dear Yvette and Karen ~
If we ever needed focus on joy, to cultivate it, to proclaim it, to live it out … it’d be right about now.
Thank you for going there. May His joy always be ours … especially in this uncertain season.
So true, Linda. I love how you said, “focus on joy, to cultivate it, to proclaim it, to live it out….”
I just finished a Bible study called Defiant Joy. The writer talks about how Paul experienced joy everyday though he suffered in jail. His focus was upon the Lord and not his worldly situation. Thanks for this great post.
Hi June, I’ve heard of that book but never read it. Sounds encouraging. If Paul had joy through difficult circumstances, we certianly are able in Christ!
I enjoyed the podcast and getting to know both of you. Thanks.
Thanks so much, Suzette. Sharing our story of faith and how we find joy is always rewarding for the speaker and the listener. God bless!
Joy is a choice–but one we often have to battle to maintain. Love this message!
Agree, Nancy. Joy requires maintenance, it’s something the enemey wants to rob us of. How many times do we allow the enemy to steal our joy…or even other people?
“So, how can we have this personal experience? The very solution is probably sitting there on your desk or maybe on a bookshelf in your home. It’s the Bible.” Yes, it is! If only we’d open our Bibles, read and meditate on the words there, and allow the Holy Spirit to deepen and to enrich our understanding. Joy in Christ is our only hope for getting through this life. Joy is especially needed right now as we struggle in so many different ways simultaneously. Great post, Yvette. Thank you!
Ah, the Bible! We often forget how much an intimate relationship with Christ and meditating on God’s Word is tied to our joy! Love how you said, “Joy in Christ is our only hope for getting through this life.”
[…] See Yvette’s guest post, Positively Finding Your Joy. […]