2 Powerful Lessons God Taught Me at the Beach
From mountain peaks to beach waves.
Seaside Surroundings
Last week I shared 3 lessons from the mountains while attending a writers conference. But within forty-eight hours of arriving home, I emptied suitcases, repacked fun-in-the-sun clothes, and headed for a different landscape—the beach.
Not only is God’s beauty visible in the mountains, but it’s also breathtaking in the seashore.
So, this week my family calls Garden City beach in South Carolina our home. It’s a familiar area in the same ocean-front condominiums where we’ve stayed before.
Yet, a newness greeted me. You see, the Lord promises new adventures on the journey.
As I type these words, the sights, sounds, and aromas of the beach surround me. And while I get away to relax, the Lord reminds me of His faithful truths surrounding me on every side.
#1-Life’s Ebb and Flow
I enjoy sitting on the beach watching the waves. God spoke creation into existence. With His voice the Almighty gathered the waters in one place and named them Seas (Genesis 1:9-10). And He set the ocean’s pattern and movement. The tide brings seawater to the shore and then flows away, influenced by the attraction of the sun and moon. Rolling waves rise and fall with the surf.
Life often cycles like the tides—highs and lows. Gain and loss, love or lack of love in relationships, and castaway hopes. Inflows keep us rolling along, riding on top of life. But outflows drain our energy. They pull us under the current of rough waters causing us to drown in our emotions.
Life’s currents threaten to take me under, but the One who gathered the seas holds me up. #blog Share on X“When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown!” Isaiah 43:2 TLB.
Does the attraction of the Son influence my life? Do I gravitate toward Christ’s pull or let life toss me to and fro?
#2- Life’s Sunny and Rainy days
No one wants a rainy forecast at the beach…not me. So I check the weather app daily. But although four of our seven days predicted a chance of thunderstorms and rain, things change in a moment on the radar. Only a few cloud-covered days so far and no rain.
Life forecasts both sunny and rainy days. And things change in a moment. When we expected clear skies, dark clouds of discouragement overwhelm us. We fight battles with the forces of darkness and hopelessness catches us by surprise.
God uses life’s rainy days to make me more like Jesus. #blog Share on XNo one wants rainy days in life…not me. When I look to the true source of light, my path’s illuminated with God’s glory.
“And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it” Revelation 21:22-24 ESV.
Do I check God’s app daily—the Holy Scriptures? Does God’s Word light my path when life’s dark clouds set in? Is Jesus or the world my radar when life changes in a moment?
A Beach Prayer:
Lord, Your breathtaking majesty is evident at the beach. The sights, sounds, and aromas of Your wondrous creation surround me. When life’s tides rise and fall, help me trust Your goodness. You promise to never leave me and to sustain me with Your righteous right hand. Give my heart a desire to long for the attraction of Christ and let it pull me closer to You. Heavenly Father, You forecast in Your Word how to handle life’s sunny and rainy days. I’m grateful the Lamb’s glory shines through when dark clouds fill the skies. You’re my radar in battles with the enemy and during the world’s unexpected surprises. Make me more like Jesus. Amen.
Images are from Garden City, SC. Image text and design courtesy of Adobe Spark.
© 2017 by Karen Friday, All Rights Reserved

Karen, the beach is also my favorite place to go to see the wonder of God! I live on the west coast in Washington and we can also be at the mountains and the beach in one day. It’s wonderful. Thanks so much for the reminder of His awesomeness. Great post and God bless you, Steph
Thanks, Steph. That’s great for you to have the best of two worlds, the mountains and the beach. God’s breathtaking majesty is evident in both! Blessings! Thank you for stopping by and commenting!
Beautiful and amazing life lessons from the beach, Karen. Thank you for this inspiration!
Martha, thank you. When life’s tides rise and fall, I pray we trust in God’s goodness. Thanks for commenting. Glad your husband is doing so well. Answered prayer! 🙂
I love this beach prayer, Karen! Haven’t been to the beach for almost 20 years, but I do love it there. It’s a place with many spiritual metaphors, like the one you share about the tide. Visiting from #freshmarketfriday.
Thank you, Sarah. I love the beach and the mountains. God’s majestic wonders are seen in all of creation. Blessings!
Isaiah 43:2 has always been such a grounding verse for me. I live near the beach and don’t get there near enough but when I do, I am in awe of the perspective it gives on life. Great encouragement from nature!
Crystal, thanks and yes, God’s breathtaking majesty is seen in His creation at the seashore! I’m glad He promises to never leave us and to sustain us with His righteous right hand. Blessings!
I too learn so many of God’s lessons near the sea 🙂
Christa, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yes, the sights, sounds, and aromas of God’s wondrous creation surround us on every side. Blessings!
I love to discover God’s heart outdoors too. I grew up having a rustic family cottage on the beach in Nova Scotia, Canada. I can’t wait to get back there in a few weeks for my 33rd summer there! Thank you for sharing this.
That sounds wonderful, Elizabeth. How blessed you are. I’m glad that as life’s tides rise and fall and cycles as highs and lows in our lives, God remains stable. He holds us in His right hand and never lets us go. Have a great summer! Thanks for stopping by.