Priceless Treasures to Make Your House a Home

Priceless Treasures to Make Your House a Home

What makes a home…a home?

Within the first eight years of my life, I moved multiple times.

I went from living with both my parents, to living with my mom, then living with my mom and grandparents in a new state, and living with a new stepfather and a new last name. 

No matter where I called home, something always felt missing. Like an emptiness went along inside heavy boxes and heavy hearts.

As a kid, I never knew how to define home. Then I watched The Wizard of Oz and heard Dorothy’s famous line, “There’s no place like home.” 

The Security of Home

It’s also said, Home is where your heart is.

I learned it’s more than brick and mortar with a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in. Instead, it’s where you go to escape the uncertainty of the world. And where you find security and certainty. 

But what if your home is uncertain and lacks the attention you need? Your body might be sheltered and protected from outside harm, while your heart isn’t. Exposed hearts are vulnerable to inside harm. 

So when I married and started a family, I was determined to make every dwelling place a place filled with the most important things in life. Not a perfect place, but a place where our hearts are fully alive.

Since we were in full-time ministry for over thirty years, we lived in many different dwellings and towns.

But you can have a house filled with beautiful and expensive treasures but be missing what your family needs most.

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV)

You can have a house filled with beautiful and expensive treasures but be missing what your family needs most. Share on X

Priceless Treasures of Home

Let’s look at four priceless treasures that help us make a H.O.M.E.

H – Harmony

A home built with harmony doesn’t mean everyone agrees on everything. The basis of harmony in relationships means understanding each other and living in peace. “Live in harmony with one another…live peaceably with all.” Romans 12:16a, 18b (ESV) 

Harmony applies to more than these directives for believers to dwell with each other and with others who may be different. It also paints a picture to intentionally gain understanding within the relationships living under the same roof. 

Priceless Treasures to Make Your House a Home

Consider: Do I ask my spouse questions during a discussion or disagreement to really understand their viewpoint? Are you intentional to listen to your child explain an issue with a friend, school or sibling?

O – Opportunity 

Maybe we desire to make every opportunity count in life. Whether it’s our career, aspirations, dreams, ministry and so on, we want to seize the day lest the opportunity at hand passes us by. 

The Lord will open our heart with desire and our eyes to see, so we do not miss opportunities with family members. Like the opportunity to connect, help make a child’s dream a reality, support the career move of a spouse, share biblical truths and pray a much needed prayer.

Home gives us the opportunity to connect, help make a child’s dream a reality, support the career move of a spouse, share biblical truths and pray a much needed prayer. Share on X

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything…But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.” Hebrews 3:2 & 6 (NIV)

Making Our Home a Home

M – Moments

There’s at least one thing we will never find in a lost and found—a moment in time. Once a moment is gone, we never get it back. 

My friend has collected Precious Moments’ figurines her entire life. She displays them in a beautiful wood and glass cabinet in her house. 

Consider: What if you made it a point to collect precious moments that take place in your home? These are keepsakes to hold in your heart forever. Family moments such as laughing together, tears over the loss of a pet, celebrating victories, creating traditions, conversations around the table and dancing silly to a favorite song.

E – Encouragement

Encouragement gives support, confidence or hope to someone. (Google)


  • Where encouragement shows up on your doorstep.
  • Where encouragement waits to be welcomed in.
  • And where encouragement thrives and finds a permanent residence.

For there to be no place like home, encouragement needs to be a vital part of the family. 

For there to be no place like home, encouragement needs to be a vital part of the family.  Share on X

Consider: Find ways to encourage each family member. Give your spouse words and actions of support. Help your children with confidence and hope in areas of life. 

Reflections and Next Step

Priceless Treasures to Make Your House a Home

Reflect on how you can practically incorporate each of these treasures. Is there anything you would add?

Last week’s post: 15 of My Favorite Things About Spiritual Freedom.

Featured images taken filming for our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth) and Faith On Fire.

© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


July 7, 2022 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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You are absolutely right, Karen. Home is so much more than brick and mortar. It is a place where hearts can grow and thrive in healthy ways, and find encouragement around every corner. Home is where we always feel welcomed and loved.

Karen says:

Martha, enjoyed how you stated this, “a place where hearts can grow and thrive in healthy ways.” And “healthy ways” is the key phrase here. God bless!

This is especially relevant to me as I prepare to downsize into a smaller residence. The large house filled with “stuff” has morphed into a burden instead of being a joy. The older we get, and the more people we love who have gone on ahead of us, the more we realize what really matters!

Karen says:

Ava, my husband and I are in the process of downsizing as empty nesters and recently sold a home way to large for just us two.

Karen, what an excellent post. This is one we strive for all our lives, trying to work things out, allowing for disagreement, and yet having healthy boundaries that welcome in peace and tranquility where chaos might have ventured, but for the grace of God. This verse says it all: “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything…But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.” Hebrews 3:2 & 6 (NIV) We want to be HIS house, and we seek that every day.

Karen says:

Thank you, Melinda. Those verses in Hebrews 3 are powerful when it comes to letting God build our home and remain the head construction manager. Then we are closer to “Live in harmony with one another…live peaceably with all.” Romans 12:16a, 18b (ESV)

I love the thought that harmony isn’t unison—we don’t all think or act or get motivated by the same things. But we can blend together in harmony and unity, like a choir or orchestra. All of these traits you’ve mentioned are so essential for a family.

Karen says:

Such a good way to look at harmony, Barbara. You analogies are great.

I love the H.O.M.E acronym! We could all use more of this in our life!!

Karen says:

Thank you, Barb. “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything…But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.” Hebrews 3:2 & 6 (NIV)

Yvonne Morgan says:

Great post Karen. Home is so much more than just a building. And like the church, Christ must be at the center.

Karen says:

Couldn’t agree more, Yvonne. With Christ at the core, home is much sweeter.

J.D. Wininger says:

As we’ve mentioned to each other several times, we share many common threads in our lives Ms. Karen. Perhaps this is why your writing always strikes such a chord in my life ma’am. In any case, I suspect you knew this post would become one of my favorites from you. As I was reading, I had to pause to thank God for the gift of family He gave me in answer to my prayers as a young boy. I had to thank and praise Him for adopting me into the family of God and giving me a forever home where I could be as loved, nurtured, encouraged, and admonished as I allowed Him to do. I thanked God for the loving adopted family He gave me here on earth; giving me a glimpse of what to come in our heavenly home when we’ll be together for eternity. God’s blessings ma’am. I’m sure glad we’re family sweet sister.

Karen says:

Yes, we share many similar areas of family dysfunction and thankfully, the same hope in what family was always meant to be in God’s eyes here on earth. Your story makes me sad everytime I’m reminded of the broken heart you carried for so many years. Grateful the good Lord brought a good family into your life and His goodness is still seen in your present life.

Home can be anywhere. Family can come in various sizes and ways. I am thankful for each person in my family and for each place God has given us to live. I look forward to my eternal home with Him. 🙂 Great message Karen.

Karen says:

Melissa, your comments are always full of gratitude and hope in the Lord. It’s refreshing.

Karen, I love how you used the acronym HOME. I was blessed to grow up in a fairly stable home environment, and I believe it’s because my parents sought to give us each of these qualities as my sisters and I grew up. The older I grow and the older my sons grow, the more I thank God for all the ways He’s provided home for my family. Thank you for the reminder that our eternal home will be the perfect Home.

Karen says:

Thanks, Jeanne. How wonderful for the blessings of stability with your home as a child. I too am thankful for the encouragement of HOME the Lord has allowed with my own family.

Jessica Brodie says:

Home is not always perfect here on earth… in fact, it’s usually not, but thank God we have a perfect home waiting for us in heaven with our heavenly Father.

Karen says:

Yes, Jessica, I find comfort in the home waiting for us in God’s house.

Aritha says:

My husband grew up in an unsafe home. I tried to make us a cozy house. But even then there are times when it is not pleasant. But I still try to give the grown children a nice home to come back for. Thanks for your beautiful blog. Good tips, nice approach.

Karen says:

Thanks for sharing your experience, Aritha. No home is perfect, but when we let the Lord build it, that makes the difference.

There truly is no place like home–if home is a haven of acceptance and truth. Thanks, Karen. God bless!

Karen says:

Like this thought, Nancy, “home is a haven of acceptance and truth.”

Stopping by for a second time. This time from IMM.

It’s the people in our lives that make a house a home. I can get more stuff but the people are irreplaceable.

Karen says:

Well said, Barb.Thanks for sharing.

This was such a great post. I shared a link to it with my cousin, who is a new bride.

Karen says:

That’s great, thank you for sharing. “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV)

Beautiful! I did not move much as a child, but have lived in ten different places since my divorce 11 years ago. I love this acronym, as HOME is much more than an address. Beautiful blog, as always.

Karen says:

Candice, thanks so much! Grateful for the qualities of HOME the Lord allows our family to experience.

Joanne Viola says:

Such a great antonym! I was blessed to have each of these qualities growing up. When I married, I wanted the same and hope I have provided that for my children and now my granddaughters. With the Lord’s help and as we all worked together, home has been a place for us all to love and encourage one another.

Karen says:

Thanks, Joanne. Your comment is so beautifully said. I’m thankful you had these blessings in your childhood and now with your own family.

[…] Last week’s article, Priceless Treasures to Make Your House a Home. […]

Lisa Jordan says:

Karen, I love your H.O.M.E. acronym. I longed for a secure home growing up, and when I got married, I was determined our boys were going to have that. This wonderful post is the perfect reminder of how we need to build our homes.

Karen says:

Lisa, sounds like your story is similiar to mine. “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything…But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.” Hebrews 3:2 & 6 (NIV)

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