Promises Even Though We Walk Through the Valley

Sometimes we travel on a journey we never chose. A valley experience. And the place I currently find myself.
But I never made reservations, packed my bags, or headed off in that direction.
Besides, my heart’s GPS is wired to stay on the mountain top. Isn’t that what we secretly or openly wish the Christian life promised?
Still, we often forget God’s glory and presence dwells wherever we are, and in whatever we go through. Further, the Bible says we will have trouble in this world, valleys to walk through. It’s not “if” but “when.”
Perhaps, you relate to valleys of emotional suffering, physical pain, heartbreak, tragedy, grief, spiritual warfare, or other.
Three years ago during another valley journey (no promises for how many life-valleys), the Lord revealed a comforting message of truth for any and all valleys.
And it comes from two phrases and two passages in the Bible.
(1.) Even though. Psalm 23.
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4, ESV).
David, a shepherd, led, rescued, and cared for sheep. In Psalm 23, he relates the job description to God’s care of us.
The provision of green pastures and still waters showcases the Lord’s goodness (verse 2). Restoring souls and leading in righteousness spotlight the Shepherd’s mercy (verse 3). So, we won’t lack anything on the spiritual journey, including in the valleys (verse 1).
But David mentions less-than-pleasant moments and hard days. The valley of the shadow of death, evil, and the presence of enemies. Since we live in a fallen world, there’s no guarantee of valley-free living.
Yet, the Lord guarantees He is with me “even though” I find myself in the valley (verse 4). And He’s with you.
Since we live in a fallen world, there’s no guarantee of valley-free living. Yet, the Lord guarantees He is with us 'even though' we find ourselves in the valley. #PROMISE #God Share on XMaybe you are walking in a present “even though.” Keep walking forward knowing green pastures and still waters await you on the other side.
Even though we walk through the valley, God’s with us and comforts us.
Although my path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow me with certainty.
Because verse 6 promises goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives, that means they follow us into the valley. Throughout the valley, we look behind us and see their footprints.
Although my path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow me with certainty. Throughout the valley, I look behind me and see their footprints. #PROMISE #God Share on X(2.) God Himself. 1 Peter 5.
“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you” (1 Peter 5:10, ESV).

So chapter 5 is talking to those who shepherd the flock of God; pastors, ministers, and elders (another shepherd theme).
Also, this passage reminds us the enemy prowls around looking for someone to devour, and all kinds of suffering experienced by Christians throughout the world (verses 8-9).
The “even though” situation I’m walking through, I constantly remind myself to take my eyes off the people involved and the situation. And to remember the enemy’s plan against me.
But when we’re in the middle of our “even though” (our valley, our suffering, our trial, and the enemy trying to devour us) look again at what 1 Peter 5:10 says.
God Himself does four things:
- Restore- “Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position” (Google).
- Confirm- “Establish the truth or correctness of something” (Google). “Strenthening of the mind, purpose, and conviction” (Blue Letter Bible).
- Strengthen- “Make to become stronger” (Google). “Give ability, power, might” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary).
- Establish- “To make firm or stable. To put into a favorable position” (Merriam-Webster). “Fixed, stayed upon” (Vine’s).
Even Though, God Himself.
And we need all those things in our even-though-valley.
Here’s my problem. Karen herself tries to fix it, not God Himself. I try to do each of these four things: fix it, bring out the truth/correct it, make myself stronger, or make myself stable. But I can’t do any of these things, not like God.
Think about it this way, if we could fix ourselves, restore ourselves, fix our “even though,” we wouldn’t ever need God! All those things only come from Him and through Him.
My next problem is timing (impatience), or God not fixing it my way (you didn’t realize I have so many problems).
Yet, I have a heart problem when I run to anything or anyone (myself included) besides the Lord, when I’m in the valley or on the mountain top.
The Valley
Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit.
Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit. #PROMISE #God Share on X
Are you currently in a valley, an “even though?”
*Read my blog article about a valley experience, Are You Being Followed?
*Yay! This week my blog is celebrating the 6th year of sharing hope and spreading the name of Jesus.
*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Welcome Heart/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Fresh Market Friday/Faith On Fire/Dance With Jesus and Faith and Friends.
© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

So sorry to hear of your valley experience. Look up child. His glory awaits! I’m here if you need to talk.
Thank you, Nan. I know you can relate to valley experiences (as can we all). Yes, I’m looking up because the mountain peaks are always visible from the valley. Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
Hang in there. I’m so much like you in your problem… for me, it’s JESSICA herself tries to fix it, not God Himself. I am constantly working at this. Valleys STINK. They are so hard! But there is joy waiting for you on the climb.
Amen, Jessica, valleys do stink. Still, we often forget God’s glory and presence dwells wherever we are, and in whatever we go through. Further, the Bible says we will have trouble in this world, valleys to walk through. It’s not “if” but “when.” Love your line, “…joy waiting for you on the climb.”
I am thankful for His promises. I am thankful that when I am sad and hurting, I can find refuge in Him. Praying for you.
Me too, Melissa. Thank you!
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4, ESV).
I love the line, ” there’s no guarantee of valley-free living.” It’s true, we are not islands. We need God and we need others to pray for and hold us. Some many truths in your post. Thank you for sharing!
Hey Stephanie, yes, as much as we don’t want there to be truth in that line, we know valley-free living is never promised in the Bible. Even though we walk through the valley, God’s with us and comforts us. We do need Him and others. Appreciate you adding your input to our conversation.
Praying for your valley, sweet friend. Thank you for pointing us to the Good Shepherd as you walk through it yourself. Trusting the timing of the “exit dance” into God’s hands for you and for those of us who are currently fellow valley dwellers. P.S. Congrats on your 6th year anniversary! 🙂
Thank you, Cathy. Praying for God’s perfect timing for your exit dance as well. Because Psalm 23:6 promises goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives, that means they follow us into the valley. Throughout the valley, we look behind us and see their footprints. So grateful!
If you ever need someone to listen and pray, call me. Yours IN CHRIST, Jerry D Hill 469-556-1776
Thanks, Jerry. God bless!
“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you” (1 Peter 5:10, ESV).
Very encouraging and so many truths!!
So glad this encouraged you, Andy. And that you took time to leave a comment. That blesses me. Praying for you!
Although our path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow us with certainty. Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit.
Hi Karen, thank you for these promise reminders. The journey with sons Crohns Disease has just begun
I trust the Lord is true to His Word. What a celebration! I join you in looking up and saying thank you for all the messages He has given you to share here for six years, dear Karen. May God continue to bless the work of your hands. Love in Christ, Julie
Hi Julie, I’ve seen your blog and social media post about your son’s diagnosis. Continued prayers for this journey that God will comfort and support each of you as only He can.
Remember and trust in this from 1 Peter 5:10, God Himself does four things:
Restore- “Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position” (Google).
Confirm- “Establish the truth or correctness of something” (Google). “Strenthening of the mind, purpose, and conviction” (Blue Letter Bible).
Strengthen- “Make to become stronger” (Google). “Give ability, power, might” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary).
Establish- “To make firm or stable. To put into a favorable position” (Merriam-Webster). “Fixed, stayed upon” (Vine’s).
Thanks for celebrating my blog anniversary with me. God bless, sister.
“Even though” and God Himself.”
Yes, I cling to these truths in my valleys.
And I haven’t a clue how people travel the valleys without this comfort.
Ava, I agree, how does one manage a valley without knowing the Good Shepherd is with them. Thank you for your comment.
Even though. God Himself.
I so hear you, Karen, as I’ve been going through one of those valleys recently. Reading your encouraging words here reminds me that I never walk alone, for God is with me every step of the way. Praying that your valley time will end sooner than later, my friend.
Martha, that’s the best part, knowing the Lord is with us in every step we take in the valley. And knowing valleys have both entry and exit points. Praying for your valley. Hoping we both dance out the exit in God’s perfect timing.
Oh, how this ministered to my grieving heart. I will reread it and pass along to my dad.
As you know, we lost my brother and sis in a car accident recently. So I guess you could call this the valley of the shadow of death. BUT… I will fear no evil for God is with me!
I’m praying for you, too.
Thank you💕
Beckie, I know your grief and heartbreak must totally feel like the valley of the shadow of death with such great loss. Still praying for you and your dad, and family. Glad this encouraged you and pray it does your dad as well.
Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
Love and hugs!
I am so thankful that he gives us these promises!
Me too, Julie. Thank you!
Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
I may have already said this somewhere else. But it’s something I heard on the radio recently and it really stuck.
“Even if I don’t bless you, I AM.”
So glad He is and hoping your even though is shortlived. God bless!
That’s a good word, Nancy. Thanks for sharing it. And for your prayers. Even though we walk through the valley, God’s with us and comforts us.
Your words are true and hope-filled. Thank you for sharing from your pain to ease someone else’s. Keep clinging to Jesus. I’m Praying for you today.
Thanks so much, Lori. Grateful for your prayers. Since we live in a fallen world, there’s no guarantee of valley-free living. Yet, the Lord guarantees He is with us ‘even though’ we find ourselves in the valley.
I’ve been in the valley so long, up and down to varying degrees of depth, since 1995 to be exact. The valley has had so many increasingly descending low points. And yet, this is entirely me during each one of those trials in one form or another: “(Melinda) herself tries to fix it, not God Himself. I try to do each of these four things: fix it, bring out the truth/correct it, make myself stronger, or make myself stable. But I can’t do any of these things, not like God.”
These trials teach us to eventually begin to let go, to trust God, to realize that he is in control, all the things you know so well. He gives us the lesson as many times as are necessary. I’m grateful that we get so many opportunities to learn, that God is so incredibly patient, that he gently gives us yet another lesson, that he tenderly guides us through each one, and that he doesn’t give up on us. Thank you for sharing this, Karen. This universally applicable, no matter our trial.
Yes, Melinda. I’m sure with your health issues, the valley feels as if it goes on forever. And I agree, valleys should teach us to let go and trust the Lord who is in control anyway and still on His throne. I’m thankful He doesn’t give up on us or what we need to learn. I like to say, Lord, show me what you want me to see and learn in this hard place, because I don’t want to repeat this same class. 🙂
Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us. Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit.
Dear Karen, I’m so sorry about your valley experience. I am walking in a valley, as well, and have been for several years. My desire is to remain close to the Lord Jesus, fervent in prayer and keeping my eyes on the Father. Messages like this are a point of refreshment for me along the way. Thank you for helping me lift my eyes again to remember that God will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish. Those are powerful words. And they are God’s Words! May we link hearts and arms and faith until we are dancing on the others side! God bless you, dear sister!
Melissa, sorry you are a current valley neighbor. But yes, I agree, and said that to a friend the other day: these experiences are meant to make us stay close to the Lord and His heart. Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit.
Ms. Karen,
I can’t begin to understand the “valley” you find yourself in my friend; and to be honest with you, I’ve been through so many they’ve all started looking pretty familiar to me. I suspect any one of us can make that statement. What I do know that there is a mountaintop moment that awaits us at the end of every valley we journey through in this life. I thank you for being brave enough to share your journey with us; and especially for your gentle reminders that even though we’re in a valley, we are not in there alone. Also for reminding me and others that we know the eternal promise of the mountain top that awaits us at the end of our life’s journey in this world. It’s not the end! 🙂 Praise God, it’s just the beginning!
Amen, J.D. It’s never the end, just the beginning. As we walk through the valley, the mountain peaks remain visible. When we look up, we remember God is with us both on the mountain and in the valley below. As we look back, we remember goodness and mercy are with us, too. Then we move forward knowing we can do this with the Lord’s help. Thank you for your encouraging comment.
This is such a great reminder to trust Him in the “even though” seasons. Thank you for writing it. It reminds me of one of my favorite Bible passages, Habakkuk 3:17-19:
THOUGH the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
THOUGH the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
THOUGH there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
YET I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.
My current “even though” is: Even though my five month old is waking me up every 2 hours to nurse, even though we are teasing out multiple food allergies that are causing horrible reflux, gas, and eczema for him, even though I am more sleep deprived than I have ever been in my life, YET will praise Him because these are the days I will miss in a few years when he is exploring the world and not wanting to cuddle or nurse like he does now for comfort.
Wow, Elena. I love that passage in Habakkuk. Thanks for reminding me of it. Yes, all young moms can relate to your “even though” but you have such a good perspective, because they don’t stay little long and the time seems to fly by. Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit.
Karen, praying for you as you walk through this valley. I have just come out of a long valley and they can be so challenging. But rather than look horizontally at the world around us or within to find the answers and strength, looking vertically towards the Lord is ultimately the way to get through the valleys. And to remember as we stumble through this hard seasons, that “Although my path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow me with certainty.”
Anne, so thankful you’ve already danced out the exit of your long valley. I’m just thankful valleys always end at some point. And, yes, keeping our eyes and gaze on Jesus, makes the journey endurable.
Faith is the firm ground where we stand, waiting for the Lord’s goodness and mercy to be fulfilled in our lives
I’m sorry that you’re in a valley. It is the valley that allows us to experience the very truths you’re proclaiming here, though. Praise God that He has given you the gift of such faith!
Thank you, Amy. And that is so true. The valleys bring us closer to the Lord and help us search for truth and light to get through the darkness like never before.
Thank you, Karen! This is so profound! I can identify with the valley experience. Mine just keeps getting deeper. Prayers for you!
Appreciate your encouragement and so thankful this spoke to you, Norma. So sorry you are in a deep valley. Grateful for your prayers and I’m praying for you as well. I’m learning to not only look for God’s fingerprints in my circumstances, but to also see His footprints. His goodness and mercy are following us, no matter what.
Congratulations on 6 years of blogging, dear Karen. And thank you for sharing comfort for us as we face valleys. I think it was Chuck Swindoll who said we’re either in a valley, on our way out of one, or on our way into one. It’s a troubled life here on earth. I’m grateful God holds our hands while we walk through it all. God is good no matter what we’re facing.
Blessings of His peace ~ Wendy Mac
Thank you, Wendy. I like that Swindoll quote…so true. Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
The Lord has used my suffering in many ways. I have dealt with addiction and child loss and blogged about it myself. But it always goes back to His word and His purpose for my life. The Lord has allowed me to help other women, and turn my mess into His message. Thanks for reminding us that we all have valleys.
Thanks for sharing your story, Maribeth. I’m thankful God never wastes our pain. And He absoluetly will turn a mess into a message…I hope to help others at the end of this valley. I know He will make beauty from these ashes.
This is a wonderful study! Psalm 23 is one I heard as an atheist at a friend’s funeral, one of the first things I searched for after meeting Jesus. It remains precious to me and I love the way you walked through it. I love the imagery of dancing out the exit!
Candice, Psalm 23 is so familiar to most Christians and even unbelievers as you experienced, because it is quoted so many times at funerals. Grateful you met Jesus and still hold the psalm close to your heart. While in this valley, I find myself quoting it several times daily.
Karen, such a beautiful reflection on Psalm 23. So helpful in so many ways. I loved this final thought, “Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit.”
Yes, He can and He will. God be with you in your current valley and give you peace. God bless you.
Appreciate your comment and prayers for my valley, Pam. Although my path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow me with certainty. (Psalm 23:6)
Like you, my first instinct is to fix, fix, fix!
God is much more interested in the refining process that takes place when I’m in the valley, and I’m slowly learning to trust him with that.
Yes, Michele, we are kindred spirits in that way. When the valley seems long and to last what feels like “forever,” it’s so easy to try to run past God instead of trusting His timing and making us more like Christ.
Congratulations on 6yrs of spreading God’s Light and Love on the internet!! This really spoke to my heart this morning, very needed! I found out yesterday that I am going to have to have 2 surgeries, one in lower spine/back and the other in my lower neck. This post brought me comfort and reminded me that I need to have faith, that once I’m on the other side of these surgeries/valley, I’ll be restored! He will absolutely be there with me, each step of this process.
Thank you for celebrating with me, April. I’m so sorry to hear about your upcoming surgeries, but so glad this spoke to your heart and encouraged you. It is comforting to know God is with us, no matter what. I’ll be praying over the surgeries and for your complete healing and recovery.