3 Reasons Why the Sky is Not the Limit
“Oh, Mommy look! What a boot-ful sky.”
Mesmerized and Hypnotized
I’ve been dazzled by the sky since I was a little girl. My mother conveys how I noticed beauty as a child—when I looked up. An enchantment that started long before I could enunciate the word beautiful.
And my adoration of the sky has never wavered. But, if anything, it has grown. Sunsets and sunrises captivate my eye’s attention.
A painter’s pallet of vivid orange and pink dazzles me. Throw blues and purples in the mix and it’s hypnotizing.
William Shakespeare said, “The eyes are the window to your soul.”
So, sky-moments make this true for me.
And I often snap pictures of sky-moments and share them online. When I posted a sunset, I received this note from my friend, Debbie. I think it’s neat how you have always loved the sky. That is sweet. God was calling you to notice Him. I pray regularly for you to glorify Him with your writing. (Emphasis mine.)
3 Reasons the Sky is not the limit:
Reason #1: The Sky Helps us Notice God
Scripture confirms God wants us to notice Him in creation and in the skies.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” Psalm 19:1 NIV.
A declaration there is a God. The heavens display the Lord. The sky and all of creation demonstrate a creator and master artist.
Still further, The Living Bible describes Psalm 19:1-3 this way.
“The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship. Day and night they keep on telling about God. Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world.”
Reason #2: The Sky Displays God’s Glory
The Lord assigns the heavens and skies as storytellers. They testify about the glory of God. I, too, am a passionate storyteller and my life beams a testimony of God’s glory.
But while I use words, the skies make silent proclamations. Day and night their message tells the world about God. He created them to display His glory continuously.
Skies at dawn or dusk speak without words. Yet, their message is loud and clear, “We are the glorious handiwork of a magnificent being. We have a story to tell. Do you see it? We are telling you about God. He made us. He painted His glory on our canvas.”
And I have a story to tell. Do you see it? I’m telling you about God. He made me. He painted His glory on the canvas of my life.
We were created to display God’s glory and tell His story. A message reaching out to the world.
In people-terms, The sky’s the limit refers to limitless possibilities. But eventually, humans reach a limit.
In God-terms, the sky’s not the limit. The heavenly Father has no limit. God’s love is infinite. His wisdom is immense. The Lord’s power is immeasurable. His grace is inexhaustible. God’s goodness is interminable. And His mercy is immeasurable. God. Is. Limitless.
Reason #3: Sky-Moments Prompt Jesus-Moments
Jesus captivates me when I have no words to express His beauty. I’m enchanted by His glory, hypnotized by His majesty.
Friend, God’s calling you to notice Him. Your story reveals God’s bigger story. Do you see it? He painted His glory on you. He created you to display His glory continuously.
“Oh, Lord what a beautiful sky. What a beautiful You.”
Prayer: Lord, I pray my adoration for you never wavers but, if anything, grows. Mesmerized by Jesus as the window to my soul. I want daily Jesus-moments. Help me notice beauty as a child of God—when I look up. Day and night to keep on telling the world about You. Amen.
© 2015 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved
Photography by me. Image text and design by Adobe Spark.
We were created to display God's glory and tell His story. #God #blog Share on X

This was a beautiful post, it is nice to notice those things God has created in awe. My “thing” would have to be flowers, I cannot pass by them without a little bit of wonder at how they bloom and grow. I’m the weirdo who talks to her plants, so I completely understand your fascination with the sky! LOL. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it!
Thank you, Emily. And your thing with flowers is a neat analogy as well. Oh, that our heart’s desire would be to bloom and grow in Jesus. Always. Blessings! Thanks again for commenting.