4 Reasons to Take God at His Word

You have my word.
Whether or not we keep our word defines our character and showcases our integrity or its lack.
Yet, birthed in a flesh suit, we often fail to follow through. Or, we bail. And people break promises to us—even repeat offenders.
While humans struggle in this department, not the Lord. God keeps His word and never contradicts His character.
We gain valuable insight about God’s word-keeping ability in Numbers 22-24.
Take God at His Word
A little of the storyline. Balaam and Balak serve as the key players (I know, not names in our current book of baby names). Balaam, a diviner of oracles, spoke God’s words to others. Balak, the son of Moab’s king, who also reigned as king, sent for Balaam’s “services” with an intriguing offer.
Because here’s the situation. On the way to Canaan, the Israelites camped (had a lay over) in the land of Moab. Troubled that the Israelites outnumbered his people, and how God helped them defeat other nations, the king devised a plan.
Balak offered Balaam a nice reward if he spoke a curse over the children of Israel. “…for I know that he whom you bless is blessed and he whom you curse is cursed” (Numbers 22:6b).
But, Balak soon realized a sobering truth. Balaam responded, “…I will bring back word to you, as the Lord speaks to me” (Numbers 22:8b).
You see, it was never about Balaam keeping his word, but about keeping God’s words. Though Balaam adheres to God’s instructions to bless and not curse, he later instigated a scheme that caused the Israelites to bring a curse on themselves.*
Still, Balak persisted and requested three times for Balaam to curse the children of Israel. Instead, Balaam blessed the people. “Must I not take care to speak what the Lord puts in my mouth?” (Numbers 23:12).
God Keeps His Word
So Balak asked what the Lord had spoken which brings us to this verse.
“God is not a man that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” (Numbers 23:19).
Take God at His word. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? Numbers 23:19 Share on X1.) Not a Man, God Never Lies
Although humans sometimes renege on their words, even lie; clothed in the supernatural, God never goes back on His words or lies—outside of His wheelhouse.

2.) Not the Son of Man to Change His Mind
Again, the problem stems from “flesh and bones.” We start one thing, then change our mind for another thing. Or, we neglect to make up our mind.
Even though the Bible recounts a few instances where God “relented,” it’s not comparable to people. For instance, we are sometimes careless in declarations, not considering our words. And we demand the prerogative to change our mind at every whim.
But God takes great care in considering His declarations and in the how and why any of His declarations are modified.
3.) What God Said, He Will Do
God always confirms His word by His works. Yet, we often act contrary to our words.
God always confirms His word by His works. Share on X4.) God Has Spoken, He Fulfills It
Perhaps we question whether a family member or a friend implements their part of an agreement. Listen, what God has spoken, He fulfills—without question.
You Have My Word
God not only promises to keep His word and act on our behalf, but He also reminds us we have His holy Word (Scripture). God kept His spoken and written Word in biblical stories. And He keeps them in the present…within our stories.
You have my word. ~ God Share on XWhich of the 4 reasons about taking God at His word brings you the most comfort?
*Even though Balaam never cursed the people, he devised a plan to gain his reward. Balaam advised the Moabites to entice God’s people with idols and prostitutes. Because the children of Israel committed fornication and worshipped Baal, they brought a curse on themselves—24,000 men died from a plague (Numbers 25).
All Scripture ESV.
First two images created in Adobe Spark. Last image is me speaking. Visit my Speaking Events page for more about booking me for your event.

*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Ronja Oksanen/ #AboundingGrace, Rachel Lee #DestinationInspiration, Debbie Kitterman/#Dare2Hear, Lori Schumaker/#momentsofhope, Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.
© 2019 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

We a record of His faithfulness, which encourages my heart today to trust for future grace!
Amen, Michele. His record of keeping His Word encourages our hearts.
Yes, thank goodness that God is always true to His Word. He will always come through for us.
Blessings, Karen!
Always and forever, Martha. So glad that while humans struggle in this department, not the Lord. God keeps His word and never contradicts His character.
Thank you for writing this specifically for me today, Karen. 🙂 The Lord used you to continue and enlarge this morning’s Bible time. God’s Word can be depended on. He keeps his promises. We’re so very flawed in our suits of flesh, forgetting what we said, not making up our minds, changing our minds, taking back our promises, etc., etc., ad nauseum. We often think the Lord is like us, especially if a specific prayer receives an answer of, “No.” But, he is entirely faithful, and his no’s are only done for our good. I’m trusting him today with big prayers for my work and with big long-time desires for “me and my house” to all serve the Lord all our days.
So glad this encouraged you. And, exactly, Melinda, God’s the one true Promise-keeper. He never reneges on us or changes with every shifting shadow or whim. God not only promises to keep His word and act on our behalf, but He also reminds us we have His holy Word (Scripture). God kept His spoken and written Word in biblical stories. And He keeps them in the present…within our stories.
So very grateful that God always keeps His word and never contradicts His character! Such a truth filled and encouraging post!
Thank you, Joanne. Me too! clothed in the supernatural, God never goes back on His words or lies—outside of His wheelhouse. Hallelujah!
Well, I love all of these reasons God keeps His word, Karen, but three and four are especially meaningful to me. The truths you’ve mined for us have encouraged me! I really needed this reminder today! I’ll be pinning and tweeting this, my friend!
Praise the Lord this spoke to you, Beth. And I also love 3 and 4. It’s so powerful and comforting to realize whatever God said, He WILL do. And whatever He has spoken, He WILL fulfill. Oh, that’s shout-worthy stuff right there. Thanks for commenting!
His Word is truth, light and forever. Amen 🙂
Yes! What God has spoken, He fulfills—without question.
You have my word God- I love this!!! I love God and His word is my source of living and staying on His plans.He is my truest Friend who Words brings life to me.Thank you Karen for this wonderful post and showing Gods Love for us all.He sees and hear us all.Amen! Blessings to you Karen
“…His word is my source of living and staying on His plans…brings life to me.” So good, Sydell. I always appreciate your kind and sweet words of encouragement…and that this post spoke to you. Thank you and thank God that what He speaks, He does! Hallelujah!
What a wonderful post. I love the four promises –
1- God doesn’t lie.
2- He won’t change His mind.
3- He honors His word.
4- He fulfills His promises.
Thanks for this — it came at the right time. Del
Thank you, Del. “God is not a man that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” (Numbers 23:19). Blessings!
Thanks for sharing these great reminders. The one that comforts me the most is that God spoke it, He will fulfill it! He has proven Himself faithful over and over! He is Faithful and True! This is so important to remember when your heart is doubting in the long wait for Him to come through in His perfect timing. Thank you for the encouragement!
“Faithful and true.” Amen! And love how you said it’s important to remember when we are waiting. God does come through at just the right time. Thank you, Cheryl.
Integrity is so important to me, and all of us really! There is so much comfort knowing that God keeps His word. People may fail us, and we will fail ourselves, but God will never fail us. Thank you for this gentle and important reminders of God’s character.
Hey Lynn, we humans just fail each other and go back on our words at one point or another. Not only does God’s character never change…the ultimate in integrity, but He also helps build integrity in our lives. We only need to ask Him to help us keep our word more and more often and to resemble Christ. Thanks for your thoughts!
Karen, I really enjoyed reading this. I love knowing that what God says, He will do. I find great comfort in knowing that. Thank you so much for sharing!
It is reassurance from God in a world where assurance of kept promises and words seems hard to find. Thanks, Angela.
Yes, He is not a man who can lie and will never deceive.
Thank goodness the Lord is not flesh and blood but operates solely in the supernatural…always doing what He says, always keeping His word.
The truth of God’s Word is something to which I anchor my whole life. Thank you for teasing out the nuances of why God and His Word are worthy of our trust. One thing that is pivotal for me is that God has already fulfilled His promises and prophecies, so I can rest assured He will do it again. Especially in today’s world where so many churches, preachers and teachers are departing from God’s Word as the final authority, we really need to hear this message again and again. Thank you and God bless!
What a way to anchor yourself in, Melissa! To God’s Word! And I like how you said God has ALREADY fulfilled promises and prophecies. He always confirms His spoken and written Word with His works. That’s “legit!” 🙂 Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts!
Hi Karen. I’m particularly fond of #3, that God confirms His word by His works. It is comforting to see His promises and care unfold as we go through life trusting Him. Brings a smile to my face and praise goes up. Thank you for this encouragement.
Hey Stephen, I also love find comfort and peace that what God says, He does…always. So, yes, keep smiling and praising!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately too about God keeping his word as I reflect on his promises. We are so blessed that he is such a faithful God! Thanks for this, Karen.
We are so blessed, Lisa. What God has spoken, He fulfills—without question. Thank you, Lord!
Karen, this story of Balaam and Balak always challenges me. The motives of each man…and the way they sought to get what they wanted is so very human. But God . . . He does always keep His word. This truth builds great confidence for me to put my trust in Him. I’m so thankful He never lies or goes back on something He’s promised. I’m so thankful He is such a good Father.
Jeanne, I know, right?! I like your insight that they both ended up with what was in it for them. So grateful along with you that our faithful and good Father never goes back on anything. Thanks for commenting.
Yes! This is why I love to read the Bible. It is God’s Word to us, and I know that it is true and He will fulfill it. He keeps His Word. If there’s nothing or no one else I can count on, the precious words in that Book still stand firm!
The Bible does stand firm, Jana! It’s a sure foundation and our solid rock for God can never be separated from His Word.
Powerful post Karen. Realizing that we may struggle with keeping our word to God, He ALWAYS keeps His word to us. Shared with our Living Our Priorities community..
Thanks for sharing, Timberley. “ALWAYS” is so fitting for our God!
I am so glad God is not like us!
The fact I can count on Him in this unstable world means everything to me.
Great post, today!
Appreciate your kindness, Jerralea. We can count on God, count on God, count on God. 🙂
Yes, God is the ultimate Truth Keeper, and His word never fails us even when we fail Him. I think about the times I haven’t kept my word to Him, yet, in His grace, mercy, and love He continues to shower me with His forgiveness. As I grow in Him, my prayer is my word and promises reflect His heart to those He places in my path. Thank You for this beautiful reminder!
Sheila, Amen. “…the ultimate Truth Keeper….” And what an awesome prayer to grow more to model this to others.
This is such a needed word of encouragement today! We are almost at the end of a long journey and I have often said I feel like the Israelites wandering through the dessert. Lately there is just so much opposition. It just further reminds me that the enemy will always try to crush what God is doing.
I love your blog, you are a beautiful lady w a beautiful heart <3
Blessings to you,
Awe, thanks so much for your sweet and kind words of encouragement to me, Sharon. That means so much! And glad today’s post encouraged you. I never have liked those desert experiences. Because the opposition is so real and that makes the struggles real also. Yet, they can’t really silence us if we don’t let them.
I refuse to be silent about my faith. I will not be quiet about Jesus. Praying you are close to the other side of your present desert.