Shushed No More About Jesus

Shh…please be quiet!
Shushed. It happened in elementary school. And at the library.
My mom insisted I was quiet in church—the right thing to do. So, apparently the preacher could yell. But me? No freedom of speech from the pew.
True, I didn’t have the floor or the stage.
As a child, I remember when grown-ups asked for a little peace and quiet. Perhaps for their sanity.
Oh if we rewound the tape, there’s more examples of attempts to silence me. Instead, let’s fast-forward to present day.
Shushed No More
Now, I’m a woman. Sure, certain scenarios in life call for silence and no talking—“zip it.”
Like when my husband’s watching one of his favorite TV shows or wishes to hear something on the news. I get it. I need to hush.
But other shushing hits too close to home and my heart. Because attempts are made to silence my faith. Sometimes in the form of audible requests, and other times unheard voices but nonetheless real messages to shush.
But…my name is Karen Friday and I refuse to be quiet about my Lord.
I refuse to be silent about my faith. I will not be quiet about Jesus. #faith Share on XFrederick Buechner said, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
Engaging an audience through speaking brings me deep gladness. You see, I entered my first oratorical contest in the fourth grade.
I’m called to speak. To share my story and God’s story. Shushed no more.
And I find joy in not only the spoken word, but also in the written word.
I’m called to write. To share my story and God’s story. Shushed no more.
So whether speaking, writing or blogging, my fondness for words and adoration for God’s Word runs deep.
I’m called to know Jesus more and make Him known. Shushed no more.
The world’s hungry for real hope. And real hope, my friend, is only found in Jesus. #hope Share on XWith a Loud Voice
Look at John’s vision of heaven.

“Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice,
‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!’” Revelation 5:11-12
Let’s consider two brief word studies.
Myriad: “A countless or extremely great number.” (Google)
And: Relays the idea of connecting words, phrases and thoughts together—continuing. Meanings, “then, also, at the same time, then again; repeatedly.”
So, re-read our passage with this mental picture including the power and force of our two words.
“Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice,
‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!’” (Emphasis mine)
Never Quiet About Jesus
Myriads and thousands worship Him. I worship Him.
No other name I desire to showcase in my heart and life. No other name I give all the glory and honor to in my speaking and writing.
As long as I have breath, I’ll tell my story and God's story. #story Share on XI continue to speak and write and blog and make Jesus known.
World, you can’t shush me…not about this…not about my faith. And not about Jesus.
Shushed no more.
Do you have memories of being shushed as a kid? As an adult? About your faith?
All Scripture ESV.
Images: Top photo by Andre Guerra on Unsplash/Middle photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash/Final photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash.
Visit my Speaking Events page for more about booking me for your event.

*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Ronja Oksanen/ #AboundingGrace, Rachel Lee #DestinationInspiration, Debbie Kitterman/#Dare2Hear, Lori Schumaker/#momentsofhope, Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.
© 2019 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Amen sister! I have memories of being shushed just by a “look” my mom would give me…that’s all it took for me.
Ha ha! Me too, Michelle. But NOW…it’s hard for people to shush me, especially when it comes to Jesus. Thanks for commenting!
Being bold with my faith has been a prayer of mine. Yes, I have been “shushed,” and sometimes it is just by a look of another. Thank you for these encouraging words.
It is part of our ever-growing culture, Cheryl. But as long as I have breath, I’ll tell my story and God’s story. 🙂
Thank you for this, sister. One of the most necessary posts to read for the day and age we live in! Everyone is trying to silence Christians, and bully us into submitting to the “spirit of the age.” The government can threaten to punish us, the moral revolutionaries can call us bigots and mock us, but God is with us…….and that makes us a MAJORITY! This article reminds us that we cannot be ‘shushed’ (I like the word choice, as it sounds so much more emphatic!) under any circumstances. We must not be silent in the face of adversity, but rather speak the truth in love. Wonderful read!
Thanks so much, Jamie. I like how your comment is worded…so powerful and true. Sad, it is a necessary thing right now to keep going forward, refusing to be shushed, and voicing with a loud and worshipful voice…
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!”
Shushed no more!
I won’t be hushed or shushed when it comes to speaking up, loud and clear, for Jesus! Yes, there are times when we need to be quiet and still, in prayer and reflection, but those times should renew our faith, and want to tell the world more and more about the Lord.
Beautifully done, Karen! Blessings!
Yes, Martha, let’s “speak up” telling the world about Jesus and His love. My voice is needed and so is yours…your writing voice sharing your story of redemption. Blessings!
Yes, I remember being “shushed”. Not by my parents but by other people. As I have grown older and grown in faith, I refuse to keep my love for the Lord quiet. Even at restaurants or in social gatherings, my husband and I will pause to offer thanks for the meal. Often, when no one offers to pray, one of us will say, “Shall we pray and give thanks?” Amazing at how many people will then say, “Yes, please.” 🙂
Giving thanks at meals is a great example, Melissa. No one can stop us from doing it or for following our faith in a good, good Father. Thanks for your thoughts!
And this post is exactly why I love you! I love your passion for God, I love your fierce determination to make him known, and I love the way you write! May the Lord bless your platform and extend your reach for his glory !
Awe…you bless me, Lisa. Thank you. I refuse to be silent about my faith or be quiet about Jesus. World, you can’t shush me.
No one, after all, lights a candle and hides it under a bushel! Thanks for this encouragement, Karen. Blessings to you!
What a great point! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful thought. Blessings to you!
Oh my, yes. I do, sister! Women of my age (60 this year) received lots of shushing. First, children often were shushed. As you noted, the adults needed to regain their sanity apparently. Second, women were shushed. There were theological issues with women speaking up in church, asking questions, teaching classes (except to children), writing books, writing the study material. So, so much shushing. It was hard to be told not to speak when gifted to communicate. Thank God for more in-depth study of God’s Word, for more awareness of the role of women in the early church, for the women who traveled with Jesus, for Mary commissioned by Jesus to bring to the men the news that our Lord had risen, for Phoebe commissioned by Paul to carry the letter to the Romans. Thank God for his Word, naming us co-heirs in Christ. And thank God for the pastors who asked me to begin writing for the church and who gave me a platform to speak. I could go on. BUT, in short, thank God for more awareness and respect for women as co-laborers in Christ, also able to proclaim the Good News. And thank you, Jesus, for a message we are compelled and blessed to proclaim to the world!
Hey Melinda, I love how you brought into the conversation not only your own experiences of being shushed, but also those of women in general. I hadn’t thought about it in this light. But, yes, I’ve encountered some of that over the years as well. But when we look at Scripture, as you so beautifully reminded us, women ministered with and for Jesus. May we proclaim the gospel unashamedly!
My gladness and the world’s deep need! I love that quote, Karen, and I find myself being quiet because I believe the lie that my words are not the right ones, not relevant, not needed.
I appreciate your encouragement today.
It is such a wonderful quote, Michele! I sometimes fall for that lie and trap too. But the Lord helps us remember the world’s greatest need is Him.
I love your blog Karen. They are always so spot on. So many people including friends and other church members want us to be quiet instead of shouting Jesus from the rooftops. Thanks
Awe, thank you, Yvonne. We are Jesus girls and we must tell what we have seen and heard…we must tell about Jesus! 🙂
Oh Karen, I am over here cheering as I read your words! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! Worthy is He! I feel that sense of our culture and the people around me trying to “shush” me. I even had a very close loved one say to me, “Don’t you think you’re taking this Jesus thing a little too far?” May we never stop singing His praises, shouting His name and sharing His truth, grace and love with anyone who will listen! When they don’t listen, we’ll join the chorus with all the rest of creation! God bless you and your heart for Him!
Melissa, I’ve had that same response from “well-meaning” family members saying I was a little overboard or overkill with Jesus. But, you know what? I’ve learned that being sold out for Christ is not really a Jesus freak thing after all…it’s the mark of a true disciple who will never and can never get over the Savior! Blessings!
Yes, Karen! I was cheering throughout this post, “Yes! Amen! Me too!” I will praise the Lord and tell of all He has done for me as long as there is breath in my lungs… and forevermore! I’m so pleased to stand with you, dear sister-in-Christ.
Blessings as you continue to be a light to this world <3
Beckie, cheering for you too, sister. We stand together, united in the same mind and purpose…”Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story!” Psalm 107:2
Love this. So thankful you are out there telling others about our Jesus! Preach on.
Thank you, Lauren! We lift up the name of Jesus Christ. Thanks for commenting.
Oh Karen! I love this post and the boldness of declaring you will not be silent. And what an encouragement it is to join you in not being silent, especially in “I’m called to write. To share my story and God’s story. Shushed no more.” I’ve been feeling discouraged and this reminds me of pressing on because the calling is the highest. To know Jesus and make Him known. Thank you!
The calling is the highest, Elaine…so we do press on toward the goal in Jesus Christ. We. Will. Not. Be. Silent.
Sometimes I hush myself with self doubt, fear, etc. But God has reminded me that He called me to speak. He literally formed me to do much the same as you, Karen. When I’m tempted to hush myself, I remember what God told Jeremiah:
“I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
Then the Lord said to me: Do not say, “I am only a youth,” for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you. Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. This is the Lord’s declaration.”
Jeremiah 1:5, 7-8 HCSB
God made us to proclaim Him. We must do as He planned. Loved this, Karen!
I used to deal with self-doubt too, Marcie. And liked how you said the Lord “reminded” you of the calling to speak. And the Scripture is so good and confirms this entire message!
Yes, we were created to display God’s glory and tell His story.
amen. a lovely, much-needed prompt to speak His name, to share the reason for the hope we hold that’s so precious to us.
karen, thanks …
Yes, Linda. Speak the name of Jesus. The Christ. The King of kings. The Lord of lords. 🙂
This is such a powerful post Karen!! It resonated with me as I too knew that I had a voice created for purpose, it was when I was older that I knew that purpose was for Jesus! It’s so true that we don’t need to let the world’s noise drown us out. Our voice needs to be louder than the world so that those seeking to fulfill that void can hear the message, that they may hear Jesus through our voice or writing. ❤️ visiting from #RechargeWednesday
Thanks, April. So thankful you found your voice to tell your story and the story of Jesus, too. 🙂 And, yes, may we never allow the world to drown our voice out or mute it altogether.
To keep this vision in mind: No other name I desire to showcase in my heart and life. No other name I give all the glory and honor to in my speaking and writing.
Woow Karen no more shush got my feet up again, as most of my friends think my own is getting too much about Jesus as He Christ is too part of me I can hardly say anything without drawing a reference to His word and this has almost make me hush not to contribute to social talks as I must talk about Him(Christ) but with this I pickup from where I stopped as I must contribute a piece of me in every matter which is CHRIST IN ME THE HOPE OF GLORY. Thanks Karen God will always uphold you to the end and heaven atlast in Jesus mighty name.
Amen! I couldn’t agree more. In the past, I’ve had family members or friends comment that maybe I’m a little overboard with the whole Jesus thing…with being a Christ-following and loving God with ALL. So I came to the conclusion that it’s not overboard, overkill or even a Jesus freak. But it’s the heart of a true disciple of Jesus Christ. It permeates every area of our life and we must talk about it…talk about Him. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your great thoughts.