Smell Good and Stand Tall in Jesus’ Name
“You smell good. You’re tall. That’s a pretty name.”
Is it just me or do you sometimes feel compliments ring of empty flattery? Maybe we receive or even give insincere comments meant to gain favor or win someone’s approval.
But this time the words came from a sincere place. You see, a special young man, Jason, spoke the words to me during a ministry event—authentic and from his heart.
And by the end of the night, the Lord not only nudged my soul about the deeper spiritual meaning, but He also asked me to write about it…how to smell good and stand tall and be known by name.
Flattery and Smooth Talkers
The Bible warns of flattery and smooth talkers who dazzle with flowery verbiage. (Psalm 5:9, Psalm 12:2) Yet as believers, Scripture encourages words spoken in truth and speech full of grace. (Ephesians 4:15, Colossians 4:6)
A few years ago, I spoke at a women’s event where I met Jason. Jason’s mom brought him along to help tear down and clean up at the conclusion.
When the program ended, I mingled and chatted with the ladies.
But then I noticed a young man in his mid-twenties blowing out the autumn candles decorating each table. Smiling, he approached me and the pastor’s wife. He possessed an endearing charm and a fun persona.
And Jason has a unique view of the world. He overcame tremendous disadvantages and obstacles in life. A childhood full of abuse and heartbreaking circumstances.
Still, Jason loves to tell his story and the good life he has now. God used this man to teach me a few lessons.
That is so like God. To use those dear to His heart to show us the way. So…
Do I Smell Good? 
Jason followed me around the room and listened to conversations about God. He politely waited for a break to interject a comment.
“You smell good.”
Yet, due to allergy-like symptoms, I do not wear perfume. Smelling good for me may only be attributed to hair products or lotion (and maybe food residue on my clothes).
Here’s the thing, we can carry a sweet smelling fragrance of God.
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him” 2 Corinthians 2:14, AMP.
Do I carry the sweet fragrance of #Christ, spreading it wherever I go? #blog Share on XDo I Stand Tall?
I made my way over to a table containing my ministry business cards and email sign-up sheets. Here Jason paid me another sincere compliment. “You’re tall.” At nearly five feet eight inches, I am fairly tall.
My son, Caleb, is well over six feet. But our family’s not sure where he inherited this trait to stand so tall.
Whatever our physical stature, we can stand tall spiritually. In chapter 2, the gospel of Luke describes the birth of Jesus through childhood.
“And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” Luke 2:52 NASB.
So notice the order of favor in Luke 2, grow first in favor with God, then with men. Like Christ, we inherit the standing tall trait from our heavenly Father.
While we all grow up physically, God's #children never cease to grow spiritually. #blog Share on X
Am I Known by Name?
With my things packed, I said my good-byes to head home. But Jason heard someone say my name.
“Your name is Karen? That’s a pretty name.”
So Jason didn’t know my name or know me well. But he gave me honest compliments before he even knew my name.
God knows my name and your name. He knows Jason. The Lord’s familiar with everything about us. How we smell. How tall we are.
And the Lord calls us by name. A calling to minister to others in truth and sincerity as we proclaim the name of Jesus.
God speaks to us through the Jason’s of the world. Truths that are simple, yet profound.
Smell good, stand tall, and be known by name. In Jesus’ name.
Images courtesy of Adobe Spark.
© 2015 by Karen Friday, All Rights Reserved
Post part of these link ups: Salt & Light, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement, Meg Gemelli/GRITupAndGo, Suzanne Eller/Living Free.

Love your analogies here! I love the way you told the story about Jason and his compliments. It’s lovely when people are sincere and can encourage you with their words. May we all smell good and stand tall for Christ!
Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #HeartEncouragement.
Gayl, thanks for stopping by and commenting. It’s amazing how God takes the simple, yet profound things to teach us spiritual lessons. Glad He knows my name and yours! Blessings!
Carry the fragrance of Christ with you wherever you go! Amen!
Yes, Liz! Oh, how I pray people see Jesus in me and I’m a fragrant aroma leading others to Christ. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
HI Karen! Just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate this post.
Marcie 🙂
Thank you, Marcie! Grateful the Lord calls us by name and wants us to know Him more and make His name known. I pray we keep increasing in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man. 🙂 Blessings!
This is so sweet! And such good analogies! Thank you, Karen, for a fresh way of thinking about some compliments and God’s work in us!
Thank you, Bethany! Jason’s mom saw the post and sent me a note that he is doing well. I love that it’s so like God to use those dear to His heart to show the rest of us the way. Blessings!
Great post Karen. True compliments can be so refreshing when spoken genuinely.
Thanks, Lureta. Yes, none of us honestly appreciate empty flattery. And I love how God speaks to us through the Jason’s of the world. Blessings!
I agree, a powerful post indeed.
Marijon, thank you. I so appreciate you stopping by and commenting. Blessings!
Ah, what a sweet man God used to speak to you Karen. Such small acts can magnify the holiness woven into every relationship. As I packed my eight-year-old’s backpack with a snack this morning, I noticed that he had filled a tiny side pocket with a bunch of lumpy things. When I opened it, there was my face looking back at me. Along with his special rocks, his favorite bracelet, and an eraser, he’d stowed one of my business cards. My eyes tear up just typing about it. What a humble reminder after a chaotic morning trying to get my family out the door on time. I hope I smell good to him more times than not…
Awe, Meg, what a sweet story and reminder from your son this morning. I love how God uses the simple, yet profound truths to remind us of Him. Hugs!