Something New or Same Old Song and Dance for 2018?
A new calendar year began just days ago. Hello, 2018. Welcome! But will it be new or the same old song and dance?
Birthed in the music industry, “Same Old Song and Dance” is an actual song. And the phrase became known to portray how music lovers want to hear fresh songs. Yes, we may love our oldies, but everyone needs new.
My grandson, Foster, loves to sing and dance. Mind you, his singing only includes words here and there, and mostly consists of sounds mimicking the tune.
When the year begins, I have friends who pick one word to focus on for the entire year. Also, I know others who choose a Bible verse as a focal Scripture from January to December. I do neither.
However, on Monday this week, I repeatedly used the phrase, “Happy New Year!” Then the Lord spoke to me about that second word. So I’m choosing to let the go of the old along with 2017, and usher in its opposite.
Choosing New
We may set wonderful goals and resolutions. And those are fine. But, we often try to control the real success or benchmarks of our intentions.
Still further, we strive to manipulate the outcome of our circumstances and perhaps the people in our lives. Even our Christian walk and full obedience to God may become things to control.
You see, in the midst of not meeting our goals or not keeping our resolutions, we revert to old habits.
It’s seen in our overall behavior and how we deal with life. Broken relationships, a rough patch in marriage, or intended healthy lifestyle choices default back to our former ways.
The same song is stuck on repeat. Or, like a scratch on the CD, the old habits play over and over.
And it happens on our spiritual journey. Old rears its ugly head in the form of bitterness, anger, pride, fear, unforgiveness, or lack of kindness. All the things we promised to give up and work on.
More and More New
Still, not only am I made new at my rebirth (2 Corinthians 5:17). But I decide whether or not to let the old continue to go away and the new to spring forth.
The bottom line? There’s always more and more of it. And it’s ours for the taking.
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19, NLT)
Oh, how God specializes in beginnings.
Just as #2018 has begun, #God has also begun to make pathways in our wilderness & rivers in our wasteland. Share on XDo we see it? Are we even looking? Will we open our hearts to our heavenly Father’s “something new?”
#God desires to show us the fresh things He’s doing—better than anything we muster up on our own or #resolve to do. Share on XOld and New Years
I’m thankful for all God’s new somethings and blessings in my life last year and with this blog. So I thought it would be fun to share my blog statistics for 2017.
- 5,421 visitors from 64 countries
All these make me say, “Whoa! Thank you, Jesus!”
The 3 most popular blog posts for 2017:
My Top 6 Confessions About Being a Pastor’s Wife
Do Picture-Perfect Couples Exist in Real Life?
What if God Never Meant for Love to be Fair?
There’s so many things to be grateful for from the previous year.
But don’t miss this. I plan to daily ask God to help me stay fired up about the work He’s already begun in my year and in me.
And I pray the Lord helps me see the pathways for my blog, family, writing, speaking, ministry, and for my journey with Jesus.
All things to make me say, “Whoa! Thank you, Jesus!”
So, happy beginning of 2018! And remember, God is about to do something brand spanking new!
Images courtesy of Adobe Spark.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups: Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday & Crystal Storms/ Heart Encouragement.
© 2018 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Amen! Thank you for this wonderful, encouraging and thought-provoking post!
I love this: “Just as #2018 has begun, #God has also begun to make pathways in our wilderness & rivers in our wasteland.”
And this: ” #God desires to show us the fresh things He’s doing—better than anything we muster up on our own or #resolve to do.”
Open our ears to hear Him and our eyes to see Him!!
Thanks so much, Becky. Oh, that we would be intentional to look for God’s “new somethings” this year. He WILL make pathways in our wilderness and create rivers in our wasteland. Blessings!
Amen, Karen! Isaiah 43:18-19 spoke to my heart just the other day in an answer to prayer. What a mighty God we serve! May we focus on the new things He is bringing into our lives in the coming year.
Thanks, Martha. And I love verse 18 also…to forget the former things. I want to “see” what the Lord is doing and look for new things from our heavenly Father. And to keep the melodies and dance in my life fresh and new so they aren’t stuck on repeat. 🙂
Thank you Karen for such an upbeat post. I’m praying that 2018 will be a better year for me. I don’t think it could get much worse but no matter what happens, I know God is with me and with never leave me. That will always get me through.
Jean, thank you and appreciate you reading and commenting. So sorry your 2017 was tough. Although each year is different, it also seems each brings a mix of celebrations and heartaches. And, yes, the key is to “look” for what new things God wants to do in our lives. Things that will make us say, “Whoa! Thank you, Jesus! That’s how I’ll be praying for your 2018 too. 🙂
Amen Karen let the New begin. New joy that springs in our hearts from the Lord. New every morning! A fresh perspective straight from the heart of God. Healing words. Thank you.💖🌄
Yes, Marla! I want that new joy and fresh perspective every day! God IS about to do something brand spanking new! I’m looking and ready! Blessings!
Karen, I love this post! You are bold, brave, and humble to share your stats here. I am blessed by my own numbers too. I keep an Excel spreadsheet and enter my stats every Tuesday. Sometimes it’s hard to see growth week-to-week, but when I look at it month-to-month or year-to-year, I am awed by God’s powerful hand! I’m praying blessings on your ministry in 2018, and I hope we get to meet this year!
Awe, thanks, Sarah. What a great idea to log your stats. I am grateful my stats grow every year. Although I sometimes forget, I often pray the prayer of Jabez over all my ministries and especially my blog. For God to expand my borders of influence and grow my audience to His glory and for His purposes…not mine. Also praying blessings and favor AND growth over your blog and ministry. And get ready, God is about to do something brand spanking new! Hallelujah!
Karen, this is so true. We choose whether to let God work the new in us or to hold on to the old. May this be a great NEW year for both of us. Congratulations on your pageviews and all those visitors! You’re having a great impact! Blessings!
Thank you, Donna. Yes, we definitely have a choice in continuing with our “old” agenda or a God-centered perspective on the new. I’m looking for God to do something brand spanking new! Blessings over your blog ministry and praying for your new pathways in 2018!
Karen, your points resonate with me. So much of my “resolving” and “planning” relies on my having control (and not my relying on God!) Thanks for the conviction- and the exciting encouragement to look what He is doing NEW this year!
Thanks, Bethany, for reading and commenting. Yes, giving up the control is hard for me. But, oh, what fresh things the Lord has in mind for us and wants to do for us…if we let Him. “New” that’s so much better than what we muster up on our own or resolve to do in our own strength. Blessings!
What a wonderful article. I didn’t adopt a word this year either, but I have a phrase I keep repeating. This year I will get out of the boat and walk on the water. I am believing God for all that seemed impossible in the past. Nothing will hold me back any longer. Great word!!!
Wanda, thank you and I simply love your phrase! That’s powerful! Praying and believing with you for all of God’s “new somethings” in your life this year. And know your report will include God’s power working mightily in you and many stories of walking on water. Getting out of the boat is the first “new” step. 🙂
Praise God! I love your first tweet line. I am drawn to anything about nature, it is where I feel closest to God. I appreciate you linking up each week, Karen. It is so fun to get to know other Christian writers!
Thanks, Meg. Yes, I love the descriptions about God’s creation in Scripture and how it relates to our lives. Just the image of the Lord making those pathways and rivers on our journey is exciting and comforting. I’m enjoying the link-up, appreciate you doing it.