Speaking Events
As long as I remember, I’ve loved to speak. An adoration that started with oratorical contests in the fourth grade (yes, way back).
I thrive in moving an audience to experience laughter, tears, surprise, and deep reflection. And I not only carry an affection for words, but I also cherish God’s Word. Communicating His truth is a pleasure for me.
I speak often at my home church and at churches/events in the area and out of town. Over the last year, I ministered 1-2 times monthly to women of all ages, and for various venues including one-night events, weekend conferences, and retreats.
Contact me to reserve a spot on your events calendar for inspiring messages from scriptural truths. I craft talks for themed events or suggest one of my own.
Here’s a list with some of my topics:
- Jesus Unedited
- A Better Woman
- Under His Wings
- Loved & Followed: Inviting God’s Goodness and Mercy into Our Story
- 3D Christian Living
- Breaking Up is Hard to Do: 5 Things to Break Up With
- In God We Live, and Move, and have Our Being
- No More Pretending: Becoming Authentic Women of Christ
- The Face and Place of Hope
- Spiritual Arthritis: Discovering the Condition and Cure
- What not to Wear: Putting off the Old and Putting on the New
- The Titus 2 Woman
- Joy: There’s not a Filter for that
- Peace with Super Powers
- Loving Jesus: No Bells and Whistles
- Taking a Stand or Sitting in the Stands
- Even Though…God Himself
- Walking in Freedom Without Spiritual Arthritis
- When Pigs Fly
- Not Forgetting God, Never Getting Over Jesus
- 3 Things to Remember When’s Life’s not Good
- The Volume Button for a Noisy World
- Daisy Petal Hope
- When God Shows up at Prime Time
- Identity Thief: Taking Back What the Enemy Stole

May 30, 2014 at 3:37 pm |
Please add me to email list
Thank you, Lindsey. I added you. You’ll receive my blog posts every Thursday by Girl Friday. 🙂 And my newsletter every two months with updates about my speaking events, book project, ministry, and missions involvement like my Skype meetings in Pakistan. Blessings! Grateful for you.
My husband and I watch you and your husband all the time. We love your you tube videos. And yes God has been good to us too.
Yes, your name looks familiar to me, Mary Jane. Thanks so much for your kind and gracious words. Good is not only something God does. It’s also who He is. God bless!
Karen, August 21, 2023
Please add my name to your email. I would like to reach out I also love to speak. I am on the hard of hearing side, with one eye problem that is granted by the love of the family.
God has granted me the pleasure of meeting you by Youtube.
I am married and have a golden retriever. We love to travel up by Tennessee we live in North Carolina.
Just is nice to have someone who also shares the love of Jesus on the road. God bless you and Mike as you continue to travel. I love your smile and watch your videos.
Love in Jesus!
Andrea Layman
Hi Andrea, I enjoyed hearing from you and learning more about you. I sent you an email.