God’s Truth: The Answer to the World’s Chaos

So much of the chaos surrounding America and the world stems from the absence of truth. God is Truth and His Word is Truth.
When it comes to what the world says versus God’s Word, I’m going with God every time.
Why? Because truth is not up for debate. God’s holy Word wins hands down.
Let’s look at 4 things that make God’s Word the truth we need. Especially in the current state of our world.
(1.) God-breathed and Useful: God’s Truth
God’s Word comes from Him, the Creator, and sets the standards for how to live the Christian life.
The Bible is alive, the living Word of God.
But how do we go about living God’s Word? And how does the Bible show through in our lives?
Living Scripture in our daily lives equates to a life of no compromise. Because our goals, desires, values, morals, and decisions are affected by Scripture. Also, our relationships, lifestyle, worldview, heart, mind, and so on, stay bent toward scriptural truths.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV, emphasis added)
Notice this verse doesn’t say some Scripture is good for you to live a pleasing life to the Lord. No, “all” Scripture, the whole counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation. And it’s breathed out (living), and profitable in living the Christian faith. Because it trains us in righteousness.
So much of the chaos surrounding America and the world stems from the absence of truth. Share on X(2.) Nourishing and Sustaining
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November 9, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized
15 Scriptures to Pray Over Family and Ourselves

Try this at home. Here’s one feat I encourage every believer to try; insert the names of loved ones and your name into Scriptures.
Then, pray the Bible verses and see what happens.
Oh, I get excited thinking about what God’s up to; how He’s working behind the scenes.
But there’s working power we unleash in prayer when we speak truth and life from God’s Word.
Recently, I shared The Prayer I Prayed Over 5000 Times. It’s my story of when I met Christ at sixteen and started praying for my dad, an atheist.
Prayers for him to believe in the heavenly Father. And God answered my prayers sixteen years later when my dad gave his life to the Lord.
The Power of Praying Scriptures
Still, I struggled to believe my dad would ever become a Christ-follower.
Needing help with my own unbelief, I inserted my dad’s name into salvation Scriptures I prayed back to God. And loud enough for the enemy to know I was serious.
I believe it played a part in my dad’s salvation.
Also, praying the Bible acquaints us with the Scriptures, hides it in our hearts and reminds us of God’s promises.
I’m sharing 15 Scriptures I’ve personalized and prayed for family members or for myself. However, keep in mind the wealth of Bible topics available at our disposal.
Examples include: salvation, freedom from something, addictions, fear, healing, spiritual growth, strength, faith, trust, love, forgiveness, bondage, sin, wisdom, wayward souls, children and depression.
Simply research Bible verses that address your needs or those of family members.
There's working power we unleash in prayer when we speak truth and life from God's Word. #prayer #Scripture Share on XInserting Names into Scriptures
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July 30, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized
How to Find Comfort in an Uncomfortable World

Maybe comfort’s not overrated.
Or blown out of proportion…at least in the spiritual sense.
But most of us find ourselves in an uncomfortable state.
Because we live in a world turned topsy-turvy. And we all took a crash course we never signed up for on how to manage current life.
Life as we know it is now uncertain and unstable.
For many of us, the uncertainty robs our joy, while fear and worry creep in. Sometimes even supercharged panic pays us a visit.
There are ways to find comfort in uncertain times and uncomfortable places.
1. Limit the media we consume.
Staying intentional about what I’m feeding my mind helps me cope with stressful circumstances.
So I limit my intake of news media and social media in what and how much. Although we sometimes hear or read heroic and positive stories, media often focuses on the negative, debates political or social issues, and leaves us in a worse mental perspective than before.
While I am not advocating to pretend real facts don’t exist, I am saying to pay close attention to the source. Since the source—articles, videos, social media posts and people—may not be credible and often present conflicting or false statements.
And evaluate the amount of media we consume. Consuming too much media and the wrong kind of media fuels worry, fear and “what-ifs.”
Instead, I focus on reading God’s Word—the source of truth, comfort, peace and real hope.
“This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me.” (Psalm 119:50 NASB)
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July 23, 2020 at 8:35 am | Uncategorized
4 Reasons to Take God at His Word

You have my word.
Whether or not we keep our word defines our character and showcases our integrity or its lack.
Yet, birthed in a flesh suit, we often fail to follow through. Or, we bail. And people break promises to us—even repeat offenders.
While humans struggle in this department, not the Lord. God keeps His word and never contradicts His character.
We gain valuable insight about God’s word-keeping ability in Numbers 22-24.
Take God at His Word
A little of the storyline. Balaam and Balak serve as the key players (I know, not names in our current book of baby names). Balaam, a diviner of oracles, spoke God’s words to others. Balak, the son of Moab’s king, who also reigned as king, sent for Balaam’s “services” with an intriguing offer.
Because here’s the situation. On the way to Canaan, the Israelites camped (had a lay over) in the land of Moab. Troubled that the Israelites outnumbered his people, and how God helped them defeat other nations, the king devised a plan.
Balak offered Balaam a nice reward if he spoke a curse over the children of Israel. “…for I know that he whom you bless is blessed and he whom you curse is cursed” (Numbers 22:6b).
But, Balak soon realized a sobering truth. Balaam responded, “…I will bring back word to you, as the Lord speaks to me” (Numbers 22:8b).
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February 28, 2019 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized
3 Truths Google Autofill Showed Me About Marriage
You may be asking, what in the world do marriage and autofill have to do with each other?
No matter what web browser we use, Google Chrome, Safari, or other, most have developed computer programs to enable autofill.
Also known as autocomplete.
The Ease of Autofill
First of all, it’s especially helpful when completing forms on the internet.
And it automatically populates fields like our name, email, mailing address, etc.
Even mobile Safari lets you scan credit cards. Autocomplete is a great time saver.
Yet when I searched for what autofill provides, I came across many different articles:
- How do I enable autofill on my computer?
- Need help getting autofill?
- How can I update autofill information?
Seems like autofill is popular. Because we want easy and comfort and fast when it comes to doing anything these days. And when we find ourselves on the internet ordering items and signing up for freebies, we desire simple and little work on our part.
Due to autofill, web browsers store this data and repopulate it for our use later. What’s not to love? In addition, there’s less typing and quicker results.
But should we approach marriage the same way?
God created us and the union between husband and wife.
November 9, 2017 at 9:50 am | Uncategorized
Here’s Some Good Advice About Good Advice
© 2014 by Karen Friday
As a matter of fact: spiritual matters, matters of the heart, and getting to the heart of the matter…really matter!
Recommendations. Suggestions. Opinions. What we need is good solid advice. Where and how we find advice is a good thing to be advised about.
Words of wisdom should come from a knowledgable and reputable source. You wouldn’t dream of asking a lawyer about dental issues or a restaurant owner for advice on remedies for the common cold. Would you?
Mr. Google is not always correct—not always. To believe everything online is to be naive. I have dived into a deeper anxious state over a simple Google search. Google a few health symptoms, you could have anywhere from an allergy to a dreadful disease.
October 16, 2014 at 8:43 am | Uncategorized