Thankful to God From Whom all Blessings Flow

Welcome to the second week of a thanksgiving series as we look at being thankful to God.
Lately, I’ve formed a word-habit in my online replies. I throw out the word over and over again.
Blessings! Thanks and blessings! I pray blessings over your ministry. Blessings to you and your family! God bless!
See what I mean? I quite overuse the word.
But do I realize what’s behind the well wishes? And do I give thanksgiving for my blessings?
Thankful to God: Vast Blessings
We’ve heard it said to count our blessings.
But if we look at the shocking amount of blessings God extends to us, they are hard to number.
When we consider the shocking amount of ways God blesses us, it's difficult to really count or name each one. #Godisgood Share on XOf course, we all count ourselves blessed with family and friends. Also, blessed in how God provides for our daily needs of food, shelter, the jobs we hold, and so on.
And who’s not giving thanks these days for health? I pray to never take a healthy body for granted. Or, the physical well-being of my spouse, children, and grandchildren.
But there are times we forget, even as Christ-followers. So we need reminding of the vast blessings from a gracious God, too numerous to even count.
Blessed is Our Generous God
For example, take the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Church at Ephesus. After he greets the saints who were faithful in Christ, he says this.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us IN Christ with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:3, emphasis mine).
First, Paul calls God “blessed.” We bless Him as our Father.
Yet, I find it interesting how we bless God, then go on to state the reason is none other than the fact He has blessed us. And not only blessed, but in Christ, we’re blessed with every spiritual blessing.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us IN Christ with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Ephesians 1:3 Share on XIf we draw out the forms of the word “bless” to summarize, here’s what it says in a nutshell.
Blessed be God, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.
What a blessing! Seems to me we receive the grand part of this truth—God’s favor, protection, provision, and more. A truth lending itself for thanksgiving to a good and generous God.
Thankful to God: Spiritual Blessings

The letter to the church at Ephesus goes on to remind us of the many spiritual blessings in chapter 1:
- Chosen by God
- Loved by God
- Adopted by the heavenly Father
- Riches of grace lavished on us
- Redeemed through Jesus’ blood
- Forgiven of trespasses
- Spiritual wisdom and revelation
- Insight to know God’s will
- Plan and purpose for our life
- Spiritual inheritance
- Hope in Christ
- Truth
- Peace
- Gospel of Salvation
- Sealed with the Holy Spirit
- Enlightened hearts
- Greatness of God’s power working in us
Thankful to God: All Blessings Flow From Him
But Paul’s writings here aren’t exhaustive. When I reflect on “every spiritual blessing,” it reminisces of more:
- Mercy
- Faith
- Steadfastness
- Prayer
- God’s long-suffering toward me
- God’s acts of providence in my life
- Comfort during troubled times
- The Lord’s voice leading me
- Second, third, fourth, and countless chances for messing up
- Spiritual discipline (not pleasant, but yields a great reward)
- Relationship with the Creator
- Strength for times of waiting
- Healing for physical ailments and a wounded heart
- The privilege to minister in Jesus’ name
- Ability to overcome the world
- God’s glory seen in me and my callings
There’s more, so much more! Oh, the indescribable thanks to God from whom all blessings flow—straight into our laps and lives.
Let’s truly be a people of God who calls Him, Blessed, meaning it and living it out in our daily lives.
Oh, the indescribable thanks to God from whom all blessings flow—straight into our laps and lives. Share on X
Two reflections that go hand-in-hand: Am I faithful in Christ and thankful to God?
All Scripture references taken from the ESV.
Featured images taken by my husband filming for our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever.
If you missed last week’s article: Growing Grateful and Generous Hearts
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth) and Faith On Fire.
© 2021 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Karen, my heart was overflowing with thanksgiving to the Lord as I read through this post! Thank you for these wonderful reminders of God’s blessings and favor which are poured out upon us in wave after wave, from His unending heart of love. I really do need reminders to pause and remember both the physical blessings – health, shelter, food, water, family AND the spiritual blessings which go on and on for all eternity. Thank you Lord Jesus, for your sacrificial love! Blessings to you and yours, dear sister!
Indeed, Melissa! The Lord is worthy of all praise and thanksgiving and glory and honor. Praise his matchless name! “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us IN Christ with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:3, emphasis mine).
I love this! It is true — once I start “counting” my blessings I realize they’re as vast as the stars in the sky. I can’t even begin to name them all once I truly start thinking about it. Thanks for the much-needed reminder, sweet Karen!
Jessica, I like how you related our blessings to the stars in the sky. Yes! A truth lending itself for thanksgiving to a good and generous God.
For years, I’ve signed the comments on my blog with “Love and Blessings.” I truly mean that for all who take the time, as you, do, Karen, to leave words of encouragement. Our blessings are too numerous to count when we stop and think about it. But I love the concept that we are blessed because God has blessed us first. Just like we are able to love Him and others because He first loved us.
Great reflection, my friend!
Thanks a great line at the end of your replies, Martha. I always enjoy it when you say it. It is something to reflect on how we are blessed because God blesses us with EVERY spiritual blessing. Nothing is left out at all. Love and hugs, sweet friend.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said that in ordinary life we receive a great deal more than we give. Thank you for reminding us how much God has given us.
What a great quote, Nancy. He is one of my favorite Christian writers. Thanks for sharing it.
Those bullet points in your post name all the Lord has supplied us with that will fill and support and carry us both now and for all eternity. Praise be to God for his abundant blessings!
He is deserving of all praise and thanksgiving! Blessed be God our Father.
Amen. I am thankful for the many blessings God gives. His love for us never stops.
Melissa, we surely are grateful, thankful, and blessed beyond measure.
Such a good – and convicting – post.
And I love this reminder: “Am I faithful in Christ and thankful to God?”
Ouch! I need to do better with both!
Me too, Ava. As Paul greeted the church at Ephesus to those faithful in Christ, I pray to remain faithful to Christ and thankful to God.
You’re right, once we get started counting all God has done for us…it’s hard to stop!
It truly is, Barbara. Oh, the indescribable thanks to God from whom all blessings flow—straight into our laps and lives.
I love all the bullet points! I read each aloud and thanked Jesus.
What a great idea, Beckie. It’s overwhelming in a good way to read all our blessings, but another thing to read them out loud and let them resonate deep in our spirit.
Not sure that I can ever say “Thank You” enough for all the blessings God has bestowed upon my life. In all honesty, I think many I will never know about until the day. Have you also ever thanked God for all the things that He didn’t allow to happen in your life (e.g. illness, accident, loss, etc.)? I try to praise Him for all He’s done, all He’s doing, and all He’s yet to do morning and night. We must make praise first in our lives, and make it last. 🙂 God’s blessings gentle lady.
Agree with your sentiments here, J.D. God’s unseen hand is always present in our lives and he works behind the scenes on our behalf. Praise him in the morning, praise him the afternoon and evening too!
I too understand how counting my blessings can totally change my mood and perspective. Wonderful post Karen and a great reminder for me to stop each day and thank God.
Thank you, Yvonne. There are times we forget, even as Christ-followers. So we need reminding of the vast blessings from a gracious God, too numerous to even count.
I tend to overuse certain words too. When I realize I’m doing it, I break out the thesaurus and change things up.
But sometimes we just have to use comfortable words to get our point across.
Be blessed as you continue to share your light in the blogiverse!
Hey Barb, thanks for your comment. I pray we remember from whom all blessings flow.
Thank you for sharing these encouraging words, friend!! All blessings surely do flow from Him. I love all your cute pics and will have to check out your youtube channel…fun!! 😉
Glad this encouraged you, Mandy. Sometimes, even as believers, we need reminding of God’s blessings, even the ones we can’t see, but know they are still our wonderful blessings from heavenly places.
I loved what you said, “The shocking amount of blessings God extends to us is hard to number.” Amen1
I was just thinking this morning of Ann Voskamp’s book 1,000 Gifts and the idea we should write them down up to 1,000. I was thinking it’s been a number of years since I did that, and I’m sure there are at least a 1,000 more to be written down. He is just SO good to us!
That’s been a while since I participated in that kind of journaling too, Jerralea. Listing our gifts from God is a real eye-opener.
All good gifts do come from God. And he blesses us so extravagantly. Thanks for this list. And we haven’t even gotten to the sunshine or the chair I am sitting on.
Right, Theresa! So many wonderful gifts and blessings heaped upon us by our faithful and loving heavenly Father.
Too numerous to count. What a God we serve that we could never count all our blessings.
Never, ever, Ashley. His blessings are so overflowing, they are overwhelming in a good way.
I started that practice a few years, replying with “Blessings!” or “Bountiful Blessings!”. I often wonder if the recipients realize what I am doing with that one or two words. I’m praying for them that they will experience God the way I have, walking daily in His blessings. I am approaching my 59th birthday so my list would be much longer than yours. All my life He has been faithful and I am truly basking in His blessings. Your post makes me think, how often do I stop to explain what that words means. What is a blessing? Who does it come from? etc……. Thanks dear. Blessings!!!!
I love your comment, Calvonia. That is such a great way to look at saying blessings over others and especially wanting them to experience God the way you know Him. He is truly a faithful Father who loves us like no other. So thankful for God’s…
[…] Last week’s article: Thankful to God From Whom All Blessings Flow […]
Amen Karen. Thank you for sharing this blessed lesson. I love your insights and encouragement within. Praise God from whom all blessings flow indeed. Blessings.
Paula, thankful that we are…
Chosen by God
Loved by God
Adopted by the heavenly Father
Riches of grace lavished on us
I love the great variety of blessings from God, too…from spiritual to emotional to physical and everything in between.
“Variety” is a good word to describe God’s blessings to us, Lisa.
“But if we look at the shocking amount of blessings God extends to us, they are hard to number.” It truly is shocking to think about. I will never be able to number them all as He continues to bless again and again, day after day!
Joanne, anyone who stops to really contemplate God’s overflowing blessings heaped upon us all, knows this to be true! Happy Thanksgiving!