The Nobody and Somebody Everybody Knows

The Band Perry wedding
By Karen Friday
Reposting this article in celebration of the famous couple’s event that took place a year ago this month, June 2014. Going to the chapel…
I leaned toward my husband with a revelation, “These people think we are somebody.”
A somebody event. The marriage ceremony of two somebodies of fame. My husband had the honor of officiating the wedding. As the pastor’s wife and a family friend, I was invited to attend.
Although they tried to maintain privacy, word leaked to the press and on social media.
We made our way down the street to the small chapel—dressed in a tux and long gown—where a crowd had gathered outside. Fans were being kept behind police barriers marking how close they could come to the area.
I noticed a lady snapping our picture with her cell phone, soon realizing many people were taking our picture with phones and cameras. The fandom wonder of, “Who are these guests arriving? Are they somebody?”
The event was featured as a short news clip by a local television station. I was captured on film outside the doors of the chapel as a possible—she might be—somebody. Cameras and the media were not allowed inside. The chapel was filled with a small crowd of 100 guests, many of whom were somebodies. Producers, managers, agents, or an equal in the same area of fame as the bride or groom.
There were family members. And friends. And me. As I waited for the ceremony to start, I knew I was a nobody in the midst of somebodies. During a rendition of the great hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy; I sensed the Lord whispering to me, “Karen, you are somebody. You know The Holy One.”
I know The Holy One, yet humanly speaking I wrestle with the ‘body’ trap. Everybody struggles with being a nobody or a somebody and most likely both bodies.
The Nobody Trap. The enemy whispers in your ear, “You are nobody. Who do you think you are? What are you trying to do? You can’t do that! You’re a nobody. Nobody cares about nobodies.” Trapped inside the thoughts of low self-importance, this ‘body’ turns inward. Inward focus is paralyzing in the work of Christ. If we do not know our significance in the body of Christ, we are trapped by the nobody mindset. This ‘body’ needs to know who they are in Christ.
The Somebody Trap. The enemy whispers in your ear, “You are somebody. Somebody important. People should listen to you. You are going to do great things. You will be somebody! You are destined for fame.” Trapped inside the thoughts of high self-importance, this ‘body’ also turns inward. A focus that is paralyzing in the work of Christ. If we do not know our proper place in Christ and His body, we are trapped by the somebody mindset. This ‘body’ needs to know who they are in Christ.
A somebody in Christ. The most important presence in the wedding chapel that day was the Holy of Holies. I am somebody. A daughter of The King. A child of the God of the universe.
We can be somebodies because of His body—sacrificed for all nobodies to become a somebody in Him. Christ.
“Listen somebodies, word has leaked out in the heavenly press, The Word, through a revelation by John. A vision of a somebody event much greater than an earthly chapel can contain. A heavenly scene:
…a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne. And he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald. From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder…before the throne there was as it were a sea of glass, like crystal.
Around the throne, on each side of the throne, are four living creatures…day and night they never cease to say,
“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty,
who was and is and is to come!” (Revelation 4:2-3, 6, 8 ESV)
Writer’s note: The famous couple is Kimberly Perry of country music group, The Band Perry, and J. P. Arencibia, a professional baseball player. Both are family friends and somebodies in Christ. Each knows the Holy One. The hymn was performed by Mac Powell of the Christian music group, Third Day. Mac also knows the Holy One. We will see everybody in Christ at the heavenly chapel!
Going to the chapel…
© 2014 by Karen Friday

Love this! Thank you. I needed that today. Blessings 😍
Thank you Lisa! You are somebody in Christ. You know the Holy One! 🙂
Gorgeous! Love Mac Powell, too. We joke that we are his cousins (my husband is married to his cousin, or something like that, and his cousins all grew up with Mac in tiny Clanton, AL), but he is blissfully unaware of our existence. Best concert EVER for me (and I’ve been to many) was Third Day at Tampa Theater somewhere around 1997. We were nobodies in a sea of everybody group-singing “Love Song”. I was just coming out of clinical depression and was so happy to smile again I thought I could fly.
You, girl, are loved.
Correction: My husband’s COUSIN is married to his cousin, or some such. Wow. Almost had a wildly interesting family dynamic there.
Thanks Lisa! Ha! The interesting family dynamic thing is hilarious! 🙂 I love Third Day and meeting Mac at the wedding was totally awesome! He is so personable, it seems we had known each other forever! My husband and I were seated next to Mac and his lovely wife for the reception. Such a blessing to converse with them. Met Carrie Underwood and her hubby as well. Sweet lady! And oh my word, when Mac was singing Holy, Holy, Holy in that small chapel, the acoustics were so overwhelming. He had the audience join in on the last chorus for a few lines and I thought the roof would fly off and we would be taken to heaven. It was a powerful moment bringing me to tears! Forever ingrained in my heart! So happy to know about your husband’s cousin thing. 🙂 Many blessings to you! From this somebody to another somebody in Christ-you know the Holy One! 🙂
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking when everyone was singing “Love Song” together in tiny Tampa Theater. I mean, it isn’t THAT small, but it’s small enough so that acoustics are just amazing. Have you ever been there? It’s simply gorgeous in its historically restored beauty. It’s lovely to “meet” you, as well, sister Somebody who knows the Holy One! 🙂
Have never been there Lisa, but seems like a wonderful experience. Love historical restored looks. “Sister Somebody” sounds like a great song idea. Maybe we should write it together with Mac. I think he might go with it. 🙂
Maybe we should. Hey, Cuz! We gots a great idea! 🙂