The Prayer I Prayed Over 5000 Times

Wow! and Praise Jesus! resounded in my soul. And I rejoiced. I cried happy tears over a long-awaited answer to a prayer I prayed over 5,000 times. Yes, you read that right—no typos or extra zeros.
You see, when my twin sister and I were little, our father disappeared from our life. My mom and stepfather took us to church, but we didn’t understand much about God or prayer.
Along about fourth grade, my dad reappeared and wanted to be a part of my life again. I’ll never forget what he told me at nine-years-old, “People think there’s a God, but there’s not.”
Not understanding it at the time, I knew later my dad was an atheist. This confused my young heart, wondering, Is God real and does He love me? Yet, I was in church and Sunday school each week hearing about the God of the Bible.
Praying When Faith Wanes
Then something wonderful happened. At sixteen, both me and my sister prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Savior at a church revival. Sixteen turned out to be sweet after all.
That night as I crawled into bed, I decided to pray daily for my father to believe in God and accept Christ. Even though I was a young Christian, I missed very few days praying for my dad.
Soon I went off to college and continued to pray and asked others to pray. My husband and I met on campus and were both called into ministry. My dad knew what we believed and how our lives centered around the Lord.
But, I admit my faith waned many times. My dad seemed hard-hearted and unreachable. So when I was a young woman a mentor encouraged me to insert my father’s name into Scripture about salvation and pray it out loud.
John 3:16, For God so loved Gene, that he gave his only Son, that if Gene believes in him, he will not perish but have eternal life.
Romans 10:13, If Gene calls on the name of the Lord, he will be saved.
Power When Scripture’s Prayed
And there were other Bible verses; I looked up as many as I could find and faithfully prayed them over my father.
I still practice this idea by inserting my loved ones names in Bible verses for specific needs, salvation and others.
Scriptures with my name inserted in them about God’s love or His faithfulness appear on the wall behind my computer and desk.
Praying the same prayer over 5000 times in sixteen long and often impatient years grew my faith in God and my firm belief in prayer. #Prayer #PrayerWarriors Share on X
Fast forward a few years. We were having a birthday party for my paternal grandmother at her nursing home. Dad approached me teary-eyed, “Karen, did you hear the news? I accepted Christ as my Savior.”
My heart hardly believed it! I was thirty-two. A sixteen-year prayer finally answered. Sixteen long and often impatient years grew my faith in God and my firm belief in prayer.
When We Underestimate Prayer
Because many times we underestimate the power of prayer to change situations and people…to change us.
We move the spiritual world when we praise the Lord, recognize who God is, petition the Almighty, intercede for others, and speak God’s Word in prayer.
We move the spiritual world when we praise the Lord, recognize who God is, petition the Almighty, intercede for others, and speak God’s Word in prayer. #Prayer #PrayerWarriors Share on XBut sometimes our own thoughts, the enemy or other people trick our heart into thinking God is holding out on us. Maybe a prayer went unanswered in how we wanted the situation to turn out. Perhaps we feel God didn’t come through for us in what we wanted to happen. Or, we’ve prayed for something so long, it seems impossible.
Yet, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing. And the power of prayer and what it accomplishes is seen in James 5:14-16, pray for the sick and for each other, “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (verse 16, ESV).
This passage is one of my favorites:
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV, emphasis added).
Never Giving Up on Prayers Prayed
What are you praying for? Maybe you’ve prayed hundreds or thousands of prayers for someone’s salvation, healing, to forgive an abuser, to have children and other steadfast prayers.
Maybe you've prayed hundreds or thousands of prayers for someone's salvation, healing, to have children and other steadfast prayers. Never give up, I'm a testament to faithful prayer. #Prayer Share on XRemember, we pray to a God who is able to do immeasurably and abundantly more than we ever imagine in our human minds and limitations. Like a daughter’s prayer for her atheist dad’s salvation, prayed for sixteen years, and over 5,000 times.
I’m a testament to faithful prayer. Never, ever give up on prayer.

Share a prayer you’ve prayed many times or an answer to a long-awaited prayer.
This post first appeared in a revised version on Growing Together in Grace and Knowledge.
Read one of my top five most popular blog posts, 12 Scriptures to Personalize with Names and Pray.
Featured images were taken on the Foothills Parkway in the Great Smoky Mountians National Park.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.
© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

What a powerful testimony to prayer you’ve shared here, Karen! I must confess, there are times when I’ve wanted to give up praying for someone, but you’ve convinced me more than ever why it is crucial to persevere. I will do just that!
Martha, I surmise we’ve all wanted to give up on certain prayers at some point. I know I have. I love how you said, “it is crucial to persevere.” Yes!
Yes, yes, yes!
I prayed for 35+ years for my husband’s salvation before it happened in God’s perfect timing!
Praise the Lord, Ava. A wonderful testimony!
I’m claiming Ephesians 3:20-21 right now. I had a twenty-five-year-old prayer that God answered so I should know that He does answer prayer, but I’ve been struggling with patience and perseverance in praying to be reconciled with my daughter (we’ve been estranged for 4-5 years). I keep reaching out and nothing. Also, I pray for my son to let go of his earthly ways and claim Christ as his Savior. I pray all the time for both of them and I know God is working behind the scenes. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. What a praise that your father came to know Christ. This gives my heart encouragement today!
Blessings friend,
Bev xx
Bev, I read about these long-standing prayers you continue to pray on your blog posts. I just added your prayers to my prayer journal where I will see them daily and join you before the throne in bold intercession. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)
Karen, I wish I could spill out prayers continually for some family members that have passed and I am afraid are probably not in heaven today. Family dynamics were horrible including virtually no contact with aunts or uncles, except very rare times. I left home at 17 and accepted the Lord in college my freshmen year. Perhaps it was the distance many states away and still little to no contact with specific members(parents refused gatherings) but even though I grew to Love the Lord more I never did pray that earnest prayer to continually bring some lost family to the Lord. Looking back it shames me some knowing that 3 aunts and an uncle today may have sealed their fate eternally. Was it apathy on my part…ignorance of the severity of hell?!? Perhaps a combination and though I can’t fix the past I only share transparently because we all can learn from such and determine not to make the same mistake. If others read this and if distance separates you from loved ones know that the prayer Karen mentions really makes a difference. That whether we are connected or astranged from family members we still can intercede. I don’t shoulder all the blame but I do not let any more apathy engulf my heart for anyone that I know that do not kniw the Lord. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us and I am reminded that the prayers is a righteous man availeth much. I know today many will cling to your words Karen and posture themselves in prayer, even if it appears that nothing changes over the years. Never do we know how vital planting seeds of prayer can be and that in unusual hours how God can begin to work on hearts. Perfectly forgiven I am but walk in new shoes of awareness today that lives hang in the balance.
Oh, Valerie, my heart was so moved reading your soul-stirring comment. Sister, while it is important for us to intercede for others and stand in the gap for the salvation of lost loved ones, we are not ultimately responsible for their salvation. Only Jesus saves. I have had family and friends (and still have unsaved siblings), who mocked my attempts to share the gospel or discuss eternal life. In the end, prayer and living for Christ in the midst of their estrangement is all we can do. Even though you have regrets, don’t let that hamper your testimony and prayers TODAY. For those family members who have already moved on, the ones you’re unsure of their fate, I have some of those too, I hope with every fiber of my being they accepted Christ from what they knew or had heard at some point in their life during those last seconds on earth. Just like the thief on the cross.
Surely your words here have touched many with the importance to pray when we can’t do anything else. Bless you sweet friend, for the courage to be vulnerable with us, because we can all relate to the need to earnestly and steadfastly pray more.
What a testimony to God’s faithfulness and yours.
God is certainly a faithful God, Lauren. Even when our faith wanes. There are many times I have to see with spiritual vision.
Oh, Karen! Goosebumps!
God is truly worthy of all our praise!
Yes, Michele! Never, ever give up on prayer.
Yes! Scripture is so powerful when it’s prayed! I know that was the what saved my addicted son who is now a pastor – exceedingly abundantly above all I asked or thought!! That’s why it’s so important to know scripture. So happy for your dad and you, Karen! Blessings!
Penny, thanks for your powerful testimony about prayer with your son! Amazing! We move the spiritual world when we praise the Lord, recognize who God is, petition the Almighty, intercede for others, and speak God’s Word in prayer.
I had several friends in high school that didn’t know Christ. I prayed for some by name through my adult years. Now 40 years later, it’s exciting to see that several have made that decision. And some even have shared that i was part of the reason they came to know him.
Never stop praying.
Wonderful story, Mandy! Thanks for sharing! We pray to a God who is able to do immeasurably and abundantly more than we ever imagine in our human minds and limitations.
Such an important message Ms. Karen. I love how your friend suggested adding your father’s name to God’s word to personalize it. I don’t think that is adding to or taking from God’s word, but personalizing it in your prayers to God. It puts more skin in the game so to speak. I too have prayed many prayers for years. It can be self-defeating when Satan starts to whisper that “God’s not listening” or “God doesn’t care.” We know those thoughts are not true, but they can cause us to falter in our faith can’t they? I remind myself often that some ground takes much more tilling and preparation. Sometimes we have to let ground fallow before it can be tilled further and made productive again. God’s delays are not because He doesn’t hear our prayers, but it’s a matter of how much tilling He has to do on the other end.
I agree, J.D., some ground takes a great amount of tilling and preparation before seeds are even planted. Long-awaited answers to prayer remind me of others in the Bible, Abraham and Sarah to have a child in their old age, and Joseph waiting years for his dreams to come to pass.
What an incredible witness to the power of prayer. Thanks Karen. I remember praying for my youngest to get pregnant for many years. She finally did but then lost the baby. I felt confused but kept on praying and trusting God. Our newest grand baby is due next month. God is faithful and our prayers do move mountains.
Yvonne, I prayed the same prayer for friends and family members to have children. Even if God answers with adoption or fostering, we trust His plan and purposes.
I find comfort in praying and sharing conversation with God. In every moment, He hears my prayers and He brings comfort.
That truly is praying without ceasing, Melissa. Having a spirit of prayer in our heart and mind throughout the day.
Amazing answer to prayer, Karen! I am so thankful the Lord hears and answers our prayers–even if it is a “No.” I guess the thing I have prayed a lot about for the last three years is my Bible study. He has answered those prayers with a publisher who is willing to take a chance on me.
Stephanie, I continue to rejoice with you over this awesome answer to prayer with your Bible study being published. I’ve come to learn God’s timing is always for our good and His glory.
I love when you write about this. You’re always able to draw yet another thing learned from this incredible answer to prayer. When the ones we’ve prayed over for years, finally accept Christ the answer to our prayers has eternal impact, both in their life and in ours. We’ve felt the incredible blessing of that when loved ones have yielded to Christ in their final days on this earth. You raised some points about prayer today that were particularly encouraging to me as we pray for so many family hardships that all occurred just as the virus took off in March. We’ve been praying without ceasing, and the reminder that God’s power is at work within us and that he is moved by our prayers is an encouragement today.
Thank you, Melinda. I’m still praying over the hardships I know about, your health and chronic illness and the family situation you shared with me about one of your children. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing. And the power of prayer and what it accomplishes is seen in James 5:14-16, pray for the sick and for each other, “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (verse 16, ESV).
What a wonderful answer to prayer! I was saved at age 17, and my father not until around 17 years later. I’m still holding out hope for others in the family.
Barbara, you have a similar story, plus one year…17 instead of 16. 🙂 Just added this to my prayer journal under salvation, “Barbara H. loved ones to come to Christ.”
Karen, this post made my heart smile! God is so good and prayer is powerful.
I prayed for over 20 years for my mentally ill mother-in-law who was raised in a cult. She finally came to know Jesus in the last few years of her life. Praise the Lord!
Wow, Beckie. I don’t think I knew that about your mother-in-law. Praise Jesus for the power of persistent prayer! No one is beyond His reach.
We all need this leading and encouragement, Karen. What a wonderful testimony and example. Thanks and God bless!
Nancy, we often underestimate the power of prayer to change situations and people…to change us.
Your testimony encouraged me so much today, Karen! Pinned and tweeted.
Glad it encouraged you, Sarah. Thanks so much for sharing.
Karen, this testimony is so powerful! Thank you for walking us through the details, including the confusion when your dad first told you God was not real. I can’t imagine hearing those words as a child and then coming to Christ at age 16. The LORD really had his hand upon you! Your persistence in prayer is amazing and gives me great encouragement. My husband and I are praying for the salvation of loved ones. I do pray scriptures over each one, but I love your idea of adding in each person’s name. Powerful encouragement here. Much needed. Thank you, dear sister for your faith and faithfulness. You are such an inspiration!
Melissa, I know Psalm 139 tells us God knew us in the womb (even before our days were formed). So, I love how you said the Lord had His hand upon me. So thankful “love broke through” to both me and my father. Will add your loved ones to my prayer journal and “salvation” list. I don’t need to know their names, I just wrote, “Melissa M.’s loved ones who need to come to Christ.”
This is such a beautiful story and a wonderful testament to the power of prayer. Thank you for sharing this and for linking up with Grace and Truth!
Thank you, Valerie. I never tire of sharing and revisiting this part of my story.
That is a beautiful encouragement, Karen! Praise God that your father found the Lord. You are so right: prayer DOES work. Sometimes it takes 16 years (sometimes shorter, sometimes longer), but God always listens. And we draw closer to Him when we pray.
My longtime prayer has been for God to send the right publisher my way for my fiction. I’ve been published for many, many years as a journalist, a freelancer, and even a couple of nonfiction devotional books, but my passion (fiction) hasn’t happened yet. But I know God will make that happen, and it will be worth the while. Besides, I’m a far better writer than I was when I started. 🙂 There is a reason things take time, sometimes.
Jessica, I have a similar prayer in my writing for my first solo book, nonfiction. I’ve been in anthologies and authored devotionals with others, but my own books haven’t found publishing homes yet. I will join you in praying over your fiction writing dear friend.
This is such an amazing answer of God’s grace and such encouragement to us all to never give up praying. Thanks Karen for this uplifting post!
Ava, I, too, find encouragement in sharing this story. It reminds me there’s power in prayer. Thanks for commenting!
Thank you for the encouragement of your testimony – we keep on praying for salvation for those that we love and persevere in hope that we will see the outcome!
amen, karen!
we need to share our stories of God’s faithfulness, His ‘beyond all we can ask or imagine’ answers, His steady presence in the waiting room …
Karen, your story always makes me tear up. And it reminds me that prayer is always powerful because of the One who answers. I have been praying for an unsaved family member for many years. I love the verses you shared in this post today. I’m planning to use them in my praying.
What a testimony. God doesn’t give up on us, and we need to not give up on him.
What a testimony to NOT give up, ever! Thank you for sharing this testimony because I have things I have prayed for a long time and it’s tempting to stop.
This is an amazing story of prayer and God’s mercy, Karen. I’m so glad for you, your sister, and your dad. God is good. I’m not a great prayer warrior and I need to spend more time on my knees. This post is encouraging. I’ve always liked your suggestion to pray the Scripture inserting the names of our loved ones. And what a great verse: Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21).
[…] Another thing that brings me comfort is prayer. So if you missed it, read last week’s post, The Prayer I Prayed Over 5000 Times. […]
[…] I shared The Prayer I Prayed Over 5000 Times. It’s my story of when I met Christ at sixteen and started praying for my dad, an […]
[…] The Prayer I Prayed Over 5000 Times, Karen Girl Friday […]
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