#Throwback Thursday

By Karen Friday
Hashtag it’s Throwback Thursday! #TBT
Pictured is me (left) with my twin sister (Sharon) and mother (Joyce). We are about seven years old and celebrating Easter with dresses, gloves, and hairdos. My mom pin-curled our hair with bobby pins that we slept in overnight. I have memories of this procedure when my head hit the pillow. Oh, what a girl has to do. Pin-curling my daughter’s hair on Saturday nights for church and special occasions became a throwback recollection and tradition.
I imagine my mom’s hairdo was professionally styled. Either way the decorated netting and up-do had to be “in.” No one has ever been able to accuse my mom of not being in style.
Posting content pertaining to the past (usually photographs) is a popular social media trend. Throwback Thursday is a wistful look back—a blast from the past. Pictures of yesterday, yesteryear, or many moons ago.
Taking ourselves, friends, and family back to a nostalgic time worth documenting:
- How we looked.
- What was happening.
- When it happened.
Throwback to a time worth documenting many moons ago. A man is arrested. Innocent of the accusations against him. No fault or wrong found in him.
How he looked: A picture of kindness, gentleness, compassion, and justice. Justice for the weak, abused, and those led astray. But he is not “in” or in style with the religious leaders. Taken into custody, he is mocked and beaten while blindfolded; his face probably displaying the marks.
What was happening: Days and months before the arrest, he mentors a small group of men; giving them godly leadership as they follow him (in-person and zero likeness to following someone on social media). They travel together and visit people in nearby towns. He leads by example—this is how you do life with others, you love them. He speaks as one with authority. The supernatural happens when he is present. He offers himself—selflessly—spending time ministering to people. Helping others. Serving the communities of his day. Reaching out to wanderers, outcasts, and the wayward who are lost without hope.
When it happened: He is about thirty-three years old. While historical scholars and theologians differ, approximate dates of these events are between 29-33 A.D.
Right before his arrest, he is involved in an activity of interest. He is talking to his Father. Praying to God. Then soldiers come for him. Betrayed by one of his own. After his arrest, a close companion denies knowing him. A throwback picture of betrayal, denial, and false accusations. He appears before men in powerful positions with his earthly fate in their hands.
Nothing deserving prison or a criminal’s death is justified. Yet, his execution is desired by many. Only days before he was honored with a triumphal parade. The crowds shouting, “Hosanna in the Highest!” as he passed by.
Now another shout ensues, “crucify him!” Could this be the same crowd? What had drastically changed their sentiments? Were they influenced by peer pressure? Did they believe false witnesses? Why didn’t they take a look back? Is this not the man who spoke great words to their hearts and healed a family member? Did they not remember?
With an overwhelming majority vote, a known criminal is released to freedom in his place. Therefore, he is led away to be crucified among sentenced criminals deserving of punishment.
It’s a grim picture for his family and friends. Once again mocked, beaten and flogged virtually beyond recognition, and killed on a cross.
Flashback to that day. The darkest day in the history of the world is the day Jesus Christ, Son of God, breathed his last breath.
Three days later the light dispelled the darkness when Jesus conquered death and rose from the grave. He is alive! The redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ. He took my place and your place. We are released to freedom. His innocent blood cancels out the accusations brought against us.
And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone…. “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen, as he said.” Matthew 28: 2, 5, 6 ESV
It’s a throwback picture I can never share enough. The God of the Universe came to earth in the form of a man. The sacrificial lamb taking away the sins of the world.
#He is risen!
© 2015 by Karen Friday

can I just say “AWESOME”!!!
Thank you Tammy! It’s a throwback picture I can never share enough! Jesus is alive! 🙂