Top 10 List: What I Cherish About Summer

Top 10 List: What I Cherish About Summer

While every season offers holidays to celebrate, nature to enjoy, and highlights that mark the months, summer’s the time of year I cherish most.

Because there are many things to love about summer.

Since enjoying this wonderful season is under way, a top 10 list seems in order to share.

But we’ll start at number ten and countdown to the number one thing I cherish most.

(10.)  Reminiscing of childhood.

Reflecting on my childhood stirs a mix of memories, both good and difficult. Yet, when I think of summer, I remember fun and laughter and joy-filled moments. Memory lane reminds me of playing outside with my sisters and cousins. 

Preteen and teen years meant days spent at the local swimming pool and the first time I jumped off the high dive. So I cherish fond memories of summer.

(9.)  Catching lightning bugs.

Whether you call them lightning bugs or fireflies, these winged insects start appearing in June and are seen lighting up around dusk and nightfall.

Growing up, I loved seeing a countless number of them dotted throughout the yard. Cupping our hands, my siblings and I would catch them and place them in a jar. But we always let them go. And I recreated this experience with my kids.

Now, I cherish past and present summers catching lightning bugs.

(8.)  Connection and Community.

Summer naturally gets us out and about in our neighborhoods, our towns and cities, and attending outdoor events. Examples include: neighborhood yard sales or block parties, music and other festivals, county fairs, and community mission and outreach projects.

Because our communities are opening back up after Covid-19, we can find ways to really connect in a safe way. Let’s cherish how much summer lets us connect in community.

(7.)  A blooming flower garden. 

My front yard sports the cutest flower garden. Encircled with stones, a small tree sitting in the center, the garden showcases several types of flowers. Blooms of stargazers, oriental lilies, African daisies, purple irises, and yellow day lilies. I enjoy weeding, watering, and caring for them to display all their glory. 

I cherish the blooming stages of summer.

(6.)  Outdoor recreation.

No other season provides such great opportunities for outside play time: parks, sports, swimming, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, water games, biking, hiking, walking, picnics, and so much more.

Top 10 List: What I Cherish About Summer

Although there’s a pandemic, enjoying outdoor activites with our family is one of the safest ways to cherish summer.

(5.)  Slower rhythm of life. 

Sure, life happens in every season. Yet, for many of us, summer life is slower, more laid-back, and lazy—not ignore-your-responsibilities lazy. But like the “lazy river” at a water park…relaxing while gently floating along with a slower current.

And summer normally means a break from school. However, as God’s children, the good Lord teaches us worth-while lessons when the rhythm of life is slow.

Like resting our weary minds and souls in Him. Or, slowing down and not running through life at breakneck speed. 

I cherish a slower pace of life.

The good Lord teaches us worth-while lessons when the rhythm of life is slow. Like resting our weary minds and souls in Him and not running through life at breakneck speed. #summer #Top10 Share on X

(4.)  Warm temperatures. 

It’s true, I’m a warm-weather girl. Although sweltering temps and unbearable humidity is not desirable, I prefer warmer temperatures to the frosty digits in the dead of winter.

So think about it, have you ever heard anyone say, The dead of summer? Warmth of the season brings growth and life. Look around at all the green…at all the life!

(3.)  Camping.

My husband and I love to go camping. We’ve camped beside creeks, in state parks, at campgrounds in the Great Smoky Mountians, and in several states.

We cook our meals. We enjoy a campfire and roast marshmallows. And sometimes go to local attractions. Campers camp in the spring and fall. But summer is a busy and favorite camping season.

(2.)  Trips/vacations.

Our family loves to go on trips in the summer. And the beach is one of our favorite vacations. So we happen to be at the beach this week for a much needed getaway.

Of course we are taking precautions due to the virus. Like ordering food curbside and eating at a picnic table. Or, cooking breakfast and eating around the big table in our condo. We are having a blast. Just being together makes every trip special.

(Drumroll please.)

(1.)  Long summer days. 

The extended amount of daylight makes my number one spot on the list. I love the long summer days between sunrise and sunset. When light hangs around longer than usual, it’s amazing how many tasks, activities, and experiences are possible.

God created the heavens and earth. Then, the Lord created light. “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” (Genesis 1:3-5, NIV)

Furthermore, it reminds me how Jesus is the light of the world and in God is no darkness. 

“God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5b, NIV).

The long daylight hours of summer remind me how Jesus is the light of the world and in God is no darkness at all. #summer #Top10 Share on X

Your Summer Favorites

What about summer do you cherish?

Top 10 List: What I Cherish About Summer

Family fun in summer and other seasons, How to Laugh and Play More as a Family.

Featured images are my grandkids, Foster and Laney, at Myrtle Beach this week.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.

© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


June 11, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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I don’t care for the oppressive heat in summer, Karen, but I certainly enjoy the long bouts of daylight and the slowed-down feeling of the season. When I was teaching, I so looked forward to the summer break when I could spend more time with my children. This Covid time has made me so sad, though. We are at high risk, so we have no idea when we will feel safe enough to visit with my daughter and her family in SC. Praying God will give us a good sign!
Blessings, and thanks for this post, my friend!

Karen says:

Martha, I don’t really like it when the temps are sweltering and almost smothering either. But, overall, the warmer temps don’t really bother me. If I had to pick a “would you rather,” I certainly pick hot over cold. 🙂 I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to visit the girls and your daughter yet. So heartbreaking. We were very careful on our trip to Myrtle Beach. They have way more cases there than where we live, even recently. Praying you are able to safely see them soon!

Nancy E Head says:

Christmas is my favorite season. (Yes, I know it’s not one of the meteorological four) But I love summer too. I love the unstructured nature of most days and typically we get away for a time. We are approaching the longest day–the most light. Wonderful metaphor! God bless!

Karen says:

Christmas is my favorite thing about winter…and that’s about all. 🙂 I agree about the unstructured nature of summertime. Long daylight hours are just the best!

Yes, I love the longer days! Having daylight until 9 pm is wonderful. But, I love all of the childhood memories you listed as well. We had raspberry bushes on our property growing up on a big farm. So I loved to pick the berries and eat them like that. My mom’s homemade strawberry and black raspberry jams were amazing! Miss those homemade foods.

Karen says:

Stephanie, your childhood, farm, and those raspberry bushes sound so amazing. I can almost taste the fresh ones and the jams your mom made. Yummy!

I’m all for that! My mind, my body, and my soul are weary, and yet, our circumstances have had no break in the onslaught, no time without more trial and difficulty. We’re attempting to grab the moments, to let down and do nothing when we’re able. We pray for grace.

Karen says:

Melinda, I’m joining you in prayer that even though the world is steeped in chaos on every corner, especially America, and even the difficult circumstances many of us have in our personal lives, the Lord’s light will shine through the crevices and cracks of the darkness. And His rest will override the weakness and unrest in our bodies and souls. That He will exchange our tiredness for His rest, our weakness for His strength…renew us like the growth and blooming we see in summer.

I cherish things about each season. Summertime brings “get together” activities of picnics, parades, parties and more. I enjoy these activities. Also, the warmer temperatures and beautiful flowers blooming. God’s blessings are amazing.

Karen says:

I do like things about all seasons, too, Melissa. Yet, besides holidays, it does seem summer offers more of the get together opportunities you point out. Happy summer!

I remember reading about your summer greats before and I said I like the winter sports. But I like summer, too. I especially like your #5 where you mentioned God teaches us when we slow down. That’s a great thought and so true. And I also like #10. It’s nice to see a little more sunlight to close the day, and, yes, that means I can get more done outside. Thanks for the fun!

Karen says:

Stephen, I think when we aren’t running through life at the pace the world wants us to keep up with, we are freer to hear from God, more still and quiet from distractions to sit at His feet and take in His truth.

Joyce Smith says:

I agree with you on all counts! I would much rather be warm, even hot, than cold. Summer is my all-time favorite season of the year. I grew up on a Kansas farm. Wheat harvest was the highlight of the year. I truly miss the hectic family time surrounding harvest. I love gardening and spending more time outside. I also love the long days. It makes me sad when the days get shorter.

Karen says:

Joyce, sounds like we are kindred spirts and summer girls! 🙂 I don’t like it when the dark of night comes at 5:30 where we live in the winter months. But so thankful Jesus is the light of our life! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I like the beginning of summer best, before the heat and humidity get excessive. I like having more light in the day except right at summer’s height, when it’s hard to wind down at night because it’s light so late. But I enjoy many of these other factors, too. We don’t have plans to go anywhere, but we’re hoping our oldest son will be able to come for his annual August visit. Summer is also birthday season for us, with four birthdays between mid-July and mid-September.

Karen says:

Barbara, I think having birthdays in the summer is a good thing. There are so many more options of things to do. Our daughter’s birthday is in August (that was a long, hot summer being pregnant), and her husband’s is the first of September. Their daughter will be two in July and we are excited for that celebration. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Like a glass of summertime lemonade, this post was refreshing and made me smile.

There are many things about summertime (like ones you pointed out) that I love, but my favorite season is fall.
But no matter the season, our God the Creator is with us in them all!

Karen says:

Love that description, Beckie, “Like a glass of summertime lemonade, this post was refreshing and made me smile.” Clearly makes me think about summertime.

“Lord, thank you for the seasons of your beautiful creation and for the seasons in life. You are with us through them all! Amen.”

Jessica Brodie says:

I love this list! My family has never been camping, and I’d REALLY love to learn how. Thanks for the reminder of simple pleasures in the season.

Karen says:

Thanks, Jessica. We got out of camping until 3 years ago. But when our kids were younger, we went to many state parks and it’s the trips they both remember the most. It’s definitely a memory-making and keeping activity for the whole family!

Cathy Baker says:

Summer is my least favorite season of the four because of the heat BUT the one thing I LOVE about summer is watching our grandchildren play in the pool. I pray they’ll hold these days in their memory for a lifetime. I hope you had fun at Myrtle Beach!!!

Karen says:

Hey Cathy, you are one of many who does not prefer summmer. I’m so cold-natured, I really love it best. But I am thankful to live somewhere that experiences all 4 seasons instead of tropical with warm/hot most of the year. And I would be miserable living in frigid temps all year long. Yikes! Ha! I’m sure your grandchildren love the pool and summer for that very reason, you and your husband and the memories they will cherish forever!

Kristi Ann says:

I do not care for summer, I love Fall and Winter, maybe because I am Second Generation Norwegian-American in our Judeo-Christian Nation USA!!

( Romans 8:39 KJV ) “Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the LOVE of GOD, which is in Christ Jesus-Yeshua our LORD.”!!

Our ONE True GOD’S LOVE 💕is ETERNAL THROUGH HIS SON Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua for Today and Everyday Forevermore Everyone!!

I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! 💕 Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!

“Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only GOD keeps You Going.”!! Amen-Amein Praise Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Hallelujah!!

Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

Karen says:

Hi Kristi Ann, I’m sure it’s much cooler and less humid in Norway. Love Romans 8:39. Thanks for your comment! God bless!

Summers make me thankful I live in Colorado! I love visiting the Rocky Mountains and camping and hiking. This Sunday, I’m going to take my fiance to Trail Ridge to witness the “tunnel of ice” that never melts away near the continental divide. I love the quote about the longer days pointing toward the light of the world- Jesus!

Karen says:

Candice, my husband and I talk about how wonderful it would be to visit Colorado. My literary agent lives there and he keeps asking about going one day. We would love to see the Rocky Mountains (love camping and hiking).

I love all seasons, all for different reasons. Each has their own activities and rhythms to enjoy. But I think this year, summer will be a bit different with the social isolation. In some ways life has slowed down, but there is also an intensity about this time as well. So, resting in Jesus and enjoying the simple pleasures of life will bring joy during this unique summer season.

Karen says:

Anne, it does seem like even though life slowed down by force this year…starting in the spring, there is still an intensity looming over us with all the chaos and unrest in the world, and maybe in our personal lives. I pray we continue to find rest for our weary souls in Christ, no matter our circumstances.

Karen, this lifted my spirit just reading about these summer joys! Thank you for pointing us toward the blessings our Father showers upon us season after season. May we not miss His gentle love and sweet blessings this summer. Though the enemy of our souls would have us focus on the turmoil, God still sends His love. And the fireflies!

Karen says:

I agree, Melissa. I never want to miss one moment of what comes down from the Father of lights. His fire in my soul igniting a light for others to see as much or more than the fireflies! God bless!

Yvonne Morgan says:

I felt myself relax as I read your post today. Summer does feel like a slow, happy exhale and a dark season of winter. I am looking forward to long summer days. Thanks.

Karen says:

Yvonne, I like how you described summer as a “slow, happy exhale.” That sums it up nicely! Happy summer!

What a great list Ms. Karen. Wonderful reminders to slow down and enjoy the blessings God brings into our lives every day, with every season. Thank you for sharing this great reminder to enjoy this life ma’am. God’s blessings.

Karen says:

J.D. I still love catching lightning bugs. Last year, my grandson Foster wasn’t ready to catch them or touch a bug of any kind at 3. So he cheered me on, “Go, Mimi, go.” 🙂

Barb Ready says:

I’m a spring and fall girl. Mainly because I live in Hilton Head and summer is uber hot and there are way too many people!! 🤪 BUT…I love having Gigi camp with my grandson and the long evenings of sunlight for strolling and chatting with neighbors. I love all your reasons too 😊

Karen says:

Hey Barb, when this was published we were in Myrtle Beach. We’ve been to Hilton Head several times. Crazy however, it was hotter in our city in east Tennessee than at the beach last week. And it gets hot and humid. That’s one reason we prefer to vacation at the beach early in May or by early June before the stifling temps set in. I love your “Gigi camp.”

Lori Hatcher says:

I love your list, Karen, and I especially enjoyed seeing the pics of your grands. I grew up in New England, so I LOVE everything about warm weather. Although the summers can be oppressive in SC where I live, I’ll still take it happily over the dead, dark, cold of winter. Thanks for the welcome to summer post 🙂

Karen says:

Thank you, Lori. If it has to be either-or, 5 degrees or 90 degrees, I’d take 90 everytime. Happy summer!

Anita Ojeda says:

We love many of the same things 😁. I lived in the South for about four years as a kid and have fond memories of lightening bugs and Myrtle Beach (as well as backpacking and Slide Rock). I’m not a lover of hot temperatures, so I escape to see my grandson in Alaska for as much of the summer as possible—which means I also get really long summer days 😆.

Karen says:

That’s great you can escape to Alaska. I’ve never been, but I’ve been told it was the favorite trip by a co-worker and the best cruise by a friend.

Sharon Hazel says:

Hi I do enjoy the sunshine of summer, but normally, summer is a very busy time with a huge influx of holiday makers. So in a way I prefer the Autumn and Winter seasons, the peace and quiet of deserted coastline and beaches, walking wrapped up in coats and hats and looking forward to Christmas! I enjoy your summer – thanks for sharing.

Karen says:

That makes sense, Sharon. If you live in a resort area especially, to have the peace during the off-season. Thanks for your comment.

Stacey Pardoe says:

This made me smile today, Karen! Summer is such a delightful season, and this prompted me to give thanks for many of the same gifts you mentioned! I’m thankful for warm days, late-evening sunsets, camping trips, swimming in the creek with the kids, catching frogs, dinner on the deck, and so much more! God is so good – in every season!

Karen says:

Stacey, love your “swimming in the creek” and “dinner on the deck.” Those summer activities are the kinds of things I love about summer. Thanks for sharing!

Karen, I enjoyed your list. It brought back happy memories of childhood.

Karen says:

Debbie, glad this brought you some joy and brought back memories, too.

Lisa notes says:

Thanks for these reminders that there still are ways to participate in our cherished summer activities. I’ve had to write so many off, due to covid, but I don’t have to rule them out altogether. We were supposed to be at the beach this week in Florida with our whole family but we had to cancel it. I need to find something else to look forward to as a replacement.

Karen says:

I’m sorry about your vacation, Lisa. Our trip was supposed to be earlier in May and we kept trying to reschedule when things started opening back up if they were following safety guidelines. The pool at our condo place only opened the day before we got there and only 50% capacity allowed. But we spent most of our time at the beach and getting food to go except for one night we picked up curb side and ate at nearby picnic tables. We lysoled, clorox wiped, hand santized all week. 🙂 We also read one of the safest summer vacations is a beach house with your family so you can clean, but not have to be on elevators, etc. That’s one reason we chose this condo place.

I’m with you, with everything on this list. Longer days, warmer temps, but my flower garden is at the top. We put in a new raised bed this year and every morning I go out, walk around the yard and talk to my flowers. Because I am SURE they need the encouragement to grow.😊 Happy summer, Karen. Your grandkids are adorable.

Karen says:

Love that, Wendy. Yes, talking to flowers and our plants absolutely helps them in every way! Happy summer!

I love how my yard comes alive with different plants blooming from early spring into late summer. Right now I’m harvesting lavender and plan to make some homemade products using essential oil which I’ll make. Some of my favorite memories were catching lightening bugs on a warm summer’s evening. The other night we were walking our dog at dusk and heard a group of the neighborhood kids squealing with delight – yes they were chasing lightening bugs. A summer joy through the generations. Loved your top 10 list 🙂
Bev xx

Karen says:

Wow, Bev, wonderful you’re harvesting lavender for homemade products. Amazing. And I now catch ligtning bugs with the grandkids. Thanks for sharing your summer memories and favorit things!

Great list – I definitely have long, sun-drenched days as number one as well!! I love the slower rhythm…but the long days are the best part of summer! Hope you are enjoying these days of summer!!

Karen says:

Jennifer, aren’t those extended daylight hours the best?! To me, when the winter brings sunset at 5:30 PM, it seems so much later than it really is! Thanks for adding your thoughts!

[…] mentioned last week in Top 10 List: What I Cherish About Summer, many of us are running through life at breakneck speed instead of resting in the […]

Karen, I love the pictures of your grandkids. They are so adorable! We also are spending the week at beach and enjoying every minute of it. I agree with every aspect of your top ten lists especially the blooming flower gardens and the slower pace of life. Have fun this week!

Karen says:

Angela, thank you. I hope your trip to the beach was refreshing and relaxing as you spent quality time with family.

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